7 posts
Location: Dubbo, NSW, Australia

If u want to add a bit more pizzazinto your fire routine just wrap a couple of those sparklers u can buy a party stores of super markets in the party sectionaround the wick. wire those on now light it up and if you have a poi it looks better on them. ------------------**~~~~**


Purple Dragonmember
23 posts
Location: Wellington

Just to appear stupid - how do you attach the sparlers to your poi. I tried this once and it looked good only I attached the sparler to the end of the chains on my poi and then tried to wrap them around the poi to keep them close to the poi(they were a little long) but when I bent them the coating or whatever it is that lights cracked a lot and some broke off so it was a little messy looking.

78 posts
Location: london, england

warm your poi up so they light up nice once you put the sparklers on. where the wick attaches to the chain, stick the handle end of skralprler through, bend back and wrap it over itself. use about a hundred sparklers per poi.hahahahajust kidding. don't wear nylons, those filings burn holes...o-o

Purple Dragonmember
23 posts
Location: Wellington

thanks - I'll have to try again

56 posts
Location: UK

The guy i do most of my poi with (ali) started using poi sparklers last year and we've got some real cool photos from them..(much better than the fire ones)....I also tried wrapping them around my staff ends at new years eve... grinI wrapped 4 sparklers together with florists wire per poi and bent the wire of the sparkler over to make a circle, clipped them onto the poi with split rings!Works a treat - and looks pretty dammned cooL!

dangerboyoriginal member
205 posts
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

Just an idea; if you pre-soaked your wick in something easily flammable (ie Coleman Fuel), and attached sparklers so the extended half their length past the wick, when the sparkler burned to the wick, would it then ignite it? Might look coo'------------------Earth my body, water my blood, air my breath, fire my spirit

Earth my body, water my blood, air my breath, fire my spirit

521 posts
Location: Bristol / London / Norwich / Chennai, India (UK) (...

I saw this thing on www.incendium.org and they had sparkling wicks. Also how do you get coloured flames. I don't want chemical mambo jambo confused just plain simple language. no cDyh8743@~(*&%$95438! just simple product names (if there are any) cause I have tried to get the chemical elements before from college and it didn't work.cheers guyspeace out garbo tongue

be excellent to each other: safe:

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