AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Hi yall, this is my first post and I am rather new to this, but heres my question: It took me a couple days to get down the three beat weave and I finally got it! in my exictement I decided to go and look up the four beat....well I did it in like 5 seconds, is it really just 2 swings on each side of the body and crossing back? i couldn't really tell from the description and after the work fro the three beat....i dont know

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Hi HappyG,Im pretty sure that the 5 beat is 2 and a half swings on either side with the hands locking then coaxing one final half swing out of the one coming up behind you (the other is following its normal path to the other side of you) which you then swing down to your ther side by moving your whole locked up twisted wrist type thing over to unlock it all on the other side and go into another two and a half there...Is that understandable??? If not, Im sorry but it really is two different worlds isnt it??? Explaining a movement and actually doing it I mean. Hope it helpsPeaceDizziness

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