20 posts
Location: on the ceiling of my shoe....

been playing around with throwing the poi in the air .i read athread here about bringing the poi under the legs from behind,letting go of the handles and then catching it again from the front .it got me thinking ,you start with the poi doin regular circles on the 2 sides of your body left poi goes under left leg ,you let go of the handle and catch it again infront ,and at the same time right hand goes behind the back on your left side and you let go of the handle so the poi comes back to the front right side and catch it again .yikes ! i think i messed up the description again .enjoy ...waiting for your comments .

phunkyold hand
877 posts
Location: Edmonton, AB

There are so many possibilities with throws they would be way too many for me to explain. But if you could "juggle" the poi, throw it and catch it anywhere anytime that would open up a lot of doors. I've made tennis ball handles just so i could practice throws... theres a bunch of stuff you can do. Behind the back release under opposite armpit, 810 spin, catch it. From behind the back weave, release and try to catch it back into a behind the back butterfly. etc etc. I think throws are a lot like wraps because theres a lot of potential yet no one really practices them.------------------[]Dhuong-Vu Truong==== []Dhunky ====[This message has been edited by phunky (edited 20 October 2001).]

20 posts
Location: on the ceiling of my shoe....

yeah,was thinking also about (don't laugh)...throwing it in the air and catching it with your foot,i managed to throw it in the air and catch with the foot(between the tow and the finger next to it ),but i still have difficulties getting it to swing right ,or throw back up so i can catch it again.next on the list , 1 footed butterfly wink(would take quite awhile but we'll get there )hehe

95 posts
Location: Austin, TX, USA

I used to practice juggling 3 poi. I can do it, but it doesn't seem to look very interesting imo. There are a lot of cool releases that can be done with 2 poi though. Hopefully my video that I sent in will be in the compilation video. I you watch that I have a few very cool releases on that video.

337 posts
Location: London UK

Ooh... I like air poi... like air guitar, you know? grinI do it absent mindedly and people give me wierd looks.

x X x ß £ Å Ĉ К ß î я Ð x X x

HitokageSILVER Member
70 posts
Location: New York, NY, USA

I do it in the mirror all the time!------------------"Burning--the process of breaking things down into a simpler form." -Hitokage---FireStorm---(jimidawg@snet.net)

Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever -Mahatma Ghandi

Burning--the process of breaking things down into a simpler form. -Hitokage-

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