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Posted: Just curious if you guys used something like tape players or cd players when you're outside, or when youre outside do you not use any music at all?
I've found my cd and tape players get shot really fast because they get hit and i try to move which sets off the anti-shock....just curious
The Dragon of The Poi
TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member Liquid Cow 2,629 posts Location: High Wycombe, England
Posted: On the rare occasions that I spin to music, I use my minidisk player - it's small enough to tuck into a pocket out of the way and it's got absurdly high amounts of anti-shock. The problem in my case is that it's hooked up to my stereo with 3 cables, so I generally can't be bothered
But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Paddyback from the dead...sort of 884 posts Location: 43°41'N 79°38'W
Posted: Mindisc rules! I have a minidisc player as well and they can't be beat. You can fit loads and loads of music on a little disc and it's never skipped on me once.
You might try a belt clip for a tape player and clip it right at your back. I find I get hit the least right there, though I don't know bout anyone else.
Also, mind to run the headphone wire up your shirt.
You might also try some softer poi that won't bash your player to pieces? What are you spinning with that is making you wreck all your players?
Whiffle Squeekaddict 416 posts Location: Hartford, CT USA
Posted: hell, i just haul out my big portable cd player/radio when i really feel the need to practice to music (which isnt often)
if its too late to have music or for some other reason you cant have it out loud, i just dont practice to it...
Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!
Posted: hmm.... do you need headphones? and if so, how much do you care? cause i can give you a way to get a fairly nice set-up for free, but it might involve some work.
personally, i just use my portable boom-box thingy too, cause it doesn't matter how loud i play my music
Keep your dream alive Dreamin is still how the strong survive
Shalom VeAhavah
New Hampshire has a point....
TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member Liquid Cow 2,629 posts Location: High Wycombe, England
quote:Originally posted by Kyrian: ...to get a fairly nice set-up for free...
Do go on, if it's free, I'm interested I'm not really bothered about having to do stuff to get it working, I need something thats not TV to take up my spare time
But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Posted: wellllll... i dunno if this will work for you bovril monkey, i just know it would have worked for poi dragon. but, by all means, if you can figure out a way to make it work for you, here's my thoughts:
How To Listen To Music Really Loud Without Pissing Off Old People or Breaking Your CD Plyer:
(ok, i need more sleep)
1. You want some kind of portable cd player/ tape deck/ etc that's free standing, or at least that's near enough to where u are practicing to run cable from it. It's my expierience that these things take quarter inch cable, (for headphones usually, but ur going to be getting actual quarter inch cable) but double check on the size. and i'm just going to say quarter inch from now on, so sub that.
2. Make friends with someone who does studio or theatre sound. I know that any big high school (and my understadning is that poi dragon's high school is a tad on the large size...) is probably going to have this equiptment, any place that does a lot of sound recording or microphone work is liekly to. I can't help you make connections, you haev to figure that out on your own. But those are the type of people to borrow thsi stuff from. (It doesn't haev to be official. I've borrowed a heck of a lot of stuff, as long as you return it when they need it they don't usually care... but that's assuming you know them usually.
3. Borrow some quarter inch cable, a headset, and a beltpac. the belt pacs are just about indestructable (unless you purposefully rewire them... *looks innocent*) but i wouldn't try running it over with a car or anything. and if you hit it hard enough enough times they start rattling, which we are almost sure is a bad sign, but never really affected them. Now, that's assuming you can get a belt pack that will take quarter inch cable. If not, just get XLR's and quarter inch cable and a little connector that makes it so you can attach the two. Fairly simple. You still have the possibility of tangling or tripping, but it does take a lot of work to tangle the cords as long as you arn't walking around objects. You will get used to not stepping on it, and if you don't you'll learn why you don't step on it, and get used to not stepping on it
sorry for the long winded ramble, but if you need music and need to wear headphones for whatever reason, and break pocket items such as cd players... that's the best mess i can think of
Keep your dream alive Dreamin is still how the strong survive
Shalom VeAhavah
New Hampshire has a point....
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