Forums > Beginner Poi Moves > Come here to post you phantom moves!!

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33 posts

For those of you that don't know what a phantom move is.. it's basically a move that you nail by yourself but if there's anyone around you you can never nail it... or anything around there.

Mine is where you do the forward weave and jump (360 degrees) and land back at forward weave

The Dragon of The Poi

phunkyold hand
877 posts
Location: Edmonton, AB

mines a 22 beat weave. I can do it consistantly when no one's around but for some reason i can only do 7 beats when someone is around...

368 posts
Location: panama

ROFL phunky!!!!!!!! hahaha

Dance like if noone were watching you

vaperloc...the mightylook @my member
466 posts
Location: Ft worth Texas

I'm still rather new to poi mines a 5 beat.Also I do it blindfolded,so sometimes I do things and dont get to see it to know how I did it.

There are no obstacles only challenges.
Very funny scotty now beam down my pants.
[colour."green"}What would willie do?

AHH theres too many wee leprechauns i cannae squash them all

Kinudin (Soul Fyre)veteran
1,325 posts
Location: San Diego, California, USA

Umm... i'd have to say the forward btb weave.

368 posts
Location: panama

fwrd butterfly turn back rev butterfly-->BTB butterfly Wrap BTB weave 360s btb weaves Wrap and butterfly again

[ 12 August 2002, 13:29: Message edited by: NightShade1 ]

Dance like if noone were watching you

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