Forums > Beginner Poi Moves > Cleaning up my 5 beat weave...

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9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

[Bows to the Poi Masters upon entry into the Sacred Temple...]

So I've been doing a 5 beat weave for a while. I do the kind where the backs of my palms are together in front of me on the most twisted beats. The problem is, my poi catch up to eachother so my timing looks crappy. I can give the lead one a little kick to keep it ahead to keep the poi 180 degrees apart, is that the only way to keep them parallel?

Any tips on smoothing out my 5 beat weave?

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9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Well, nothin beats playing with the same move OVER AND OVER until your head spins. I've found that there are two extremes to hand position when you're on the 5th beat coming across the body. Both extremes make the trick look very different.

A) The hands are back to back, where the knuckles are touching each other and the arms are twisted. This gives a smoother circle and can be made pretty clean. Your hands can stop for a second during the 5th beat as the momentum carries the poi in and out of it. It can also be done up above the head all the way to down at knee level. Though this verion seems to hold my body more rigidly and allows for less dancyness (Yes, that's a word now.)

B) One hand is all the way down above the elbow of the other arm. This is tough to do much higher or lower because it's going on at your side rather than in front of you. It is more dancy because the circles alternate from side to side off of each hip, rather than holding it in front of you.

Of course you can do the trick at any intermediate area of the arm.

Of course one can also do a 3 beat directly in front of your hands or bring each beat radically to your sides as well. I think the difference is more profound in the 5 beat because your body is naturally more tangled up.

How much more vodka do I need before I can do it in reverse?

(Sorry, I guess I turned this thread into a "musings" thread... feel free to jump in.)

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DioHoP Mechanical Engineer
729 posts
Location: OK, USA

I get a bit of finger work into it, where on the crossover my hands are back to front... think like put your left hand in front of you, palm down, put the right hand over the top of it and curl your fingers underneath the wrist, while the left hand's fingers uncurl and basically you end up with the backs of your knuckles pointing in opposite directions... if that makes no sense I can whipe up a little video file to show ya what I mean

But yeah in the end that's what it took to keep my poi at 180 deg. of separation, and I can do the 5beat everywhere from out at my fingertips to all the way in at my elbows now.

Hope that helps!

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JaedenGOLD Member
220 posts
Location: Edmonton, Canada

you can also do the 5-beat wrist to wrist (the inside part), or I usually have my lead hand's back to my follow hands underside.

did that make any sence?

[ 02. March 2003, 03:24: Message edited by: Jaeden ]

The world is not out to get you but if you fight it you will be eaten alive

531 posts

Well for one you should ...

slow down your spin. Trying a 5 beat weave spinning at a 1000 mph is kinda tough.

practice more

ask me at the next PiP.I can do a very smooth 5 beat forward weave so I can definitely help you there.

My reverse needs some work though.Or maybe a bit more vodka ...

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

I'm a bit lost on the hand position for the reverse 5. I understand the concept but don't have it down. Should my hands be knuckle to knuckle like the forward?


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GlåssDIAMOND Member
The Ministry of Manipulation
2,523 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

hey Mr YorkCity,
I wasn't gonna post anything useful in this section, but just for you...

Rev 5 bt learn it with your hands up by your face, much less painful.
Hands can be either way round, I learnt it wrapping my palm around my wrist, but back of hand to wrist don't feel much different.

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

If I'm Mr. York City... would that make you Mr. ass?

I'll practice s'more tomorrow...

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GlåssDIAMOND Member
The Ministry of Manipulation
2,523 posts
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom

Nobody likes a smart ass
Well cept me, I think you funny

1,376 posts
Location: London, UK

Hmm, I always do five-beat wrist-to-wrist, both forwards and reverse. For reverse on my right-hand side I have my left wrist palm up on top (this is the leading arm) with my hand curling downwards... my right arm is at 90 degrees to that one again palm up so that this hand tucks over my left wrist to bring the poi back over my shoulder.

"Moo," said the happy cow.

micoBRONZE Member
freedom in chains
176 posts
Location: San Francisco & Oxford, United Kingdom


I still have problems with this, but only forwards.

I think there is an asymmetry in the hand movement
forwards that slows one hand down - like one is a
little isolating..

~peace is a fire~

colemanSILVER Member
big and good and broken
7,330 posts
Location: lunn dunn, yoo kay, United Kingdom

try spinning offset 2bt weaves to get the timing sorted during the crossover.

i.e. get hands into the 5bt position and then spin 2bt weaves like that.
make sure you do it starting on both sides so that you learn the right hand on top and left hand on top versions.


cole. x

"i see you at 'dis cafe.
i come to 'dis cafe quite a lot myself.
they do porridge."
- tim westwood

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

That's actually a really good idea.

Where were you 2 years ago when I posted this? wink

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jaeroSILVER Member
your new best enemy
246 posts
Location: over the river, through the woods, USA

that's how I got my timing down on the double corkscrew or whatever it's called.... by offset 2 bt stuff.... but on the 5 bt weave, I got the timing down by only putting the driving force on my lead hand and letting the other follow. it took a while.... I wish I'd seen colemans suggestion 2 years ago as well

I'll get there too late if I shorten my stride, I'll get there too soon if I find me a ride, I'll never move forward if I try to hide this path that I've troden one step at a time.

27 posts
Location: auburn wa

awesome! i had a 4 beat down cold but the fifth beat would catch up to the other poi, i just tried with my knuckles touching and its perfect split time, i guess i was twisting my wrist too much, thanks guys

CandySILVER Member
5 posts
Location: Sacramento, USA

I finally, finally learned it you guys!!!

biggrin biggrin
It's all thanks to your good advice too.

Learning the 2 bt on the left came first. The I tried and tried for hours to understand how to wrap my wrists around 3 beats on the other side.

The poi kept catching up and I felt like I was missing a 1/2 or full beat on the right. Damn chain kept landing right in my hand.

So I had to tell myself over and over to leave that right hand down and stick it out farther then feels normal...
Then drag the right and and lead with the left.

It feels so good to practice for hours and get blisters and end the end, learn the trick!!

Next stop, behind the back... biggrin


Nuke the unborn gay baby whales for Jesus.

18 posts
Location: Guatemala

i got the 5 bt like 10 mins ago but reverse seems so hard i almost gave up to try, but i thought the same for the foward 5bt, i think i'll just keep on and on and on until i get it... any advice¿=?

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