Forums > Beginner Poi Moves > Whipping/cracking poi? and makeing circles still?

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1,591 posts
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada.

ok so some of you have probably thought of this some haven't, you can crack a poi that is freshly dipped and not spun off like a whip to make a big fireball (like a staff burn off) (important to learn this very well so it doesn't rebound into you)

If you practice you can get one crack forward and one back on the rebound. It is also possible to make circles sort of.

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in all figures the circles represent the boundaries of where the poi can reach, assumeing your arms are relativly static. the numbers 1 represents the point the poi makes on the first crack and 2 represents the point it makes on the second crack. The happy yellow ball makeing a peace sign is proof that the sun is infact a hippy. And the firey red figure playing in the sun is me whipping my poi.

In figure A) the poi are whipped back and forth on a horizontal plane. in B) it is up and down diagonally c) they are whipping up and down vertically and b) back and forth on another diagonal.

You can transition the 1 dimensional plane the poi are whipping back and forth on by giving it a tug in a diffrent direction after the #2 point of the whipping motion. This forms a sort of circle out of the points where the poi whip.

It is rather difficult to get the whole motion fluid and graceful (I haven't yet, and I can't complete the circle, When i get to figure D) my poi end up going into a regular side spin (which is a good way to transition out of this, another good way is to do a cross over)

Or you can just whip it back and forth once to produce two fireballs.

(btw I haven't yet tried this with fire)

1,591 posts
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada.

BTW you chance directions while the chain is slack in the rebound, so really you can go in any direction you want. the way I stated was in a plane beside your body, but you could do two cracks in that plane, then go left and right or whatever you wanted. You can do these cracks from stalls to. It's nice to do in a butterfly stall I imagine.

edit:You can also forgoe the circle and make a square.

[ 20. June 2003, 16:28: Message edited by: Astar ]

138 posts
Location: Aotearoa

WICKED Astar. Have been doing them for awhile, but not on fire, but im guanna give it a shot tonight. Love the idea of breaking planes, and afterglow effects. Where's zat camera...

bye bye poi logic, forget circles, im making triangles 3d.

Its all just smoke and mirrors

138 posts
Location: Aotearoa

Hmm its not easy, i only managed to get acouple of straight fireballs, and they wearn't that big, maybee they needed a longer soak... think i will spend some more time researching this tonight.

The afterglow effect is awsome though, just dont look @ it cause u'll get blinded for the second that the poi are flying back @ you.

Anyone else had a shot @ this lately?

Its all just smoke and mirrors

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

I'm guessing you're using the evil Coleman Fuel No? I don't think lamp oil would do that right?

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

Matthew_NeSILVER Member
Northeast USA Firespinner
122 posts
Location: Connecticut, USA

Evil?! Whaddya mean evil? That stuff is like liguid gold when we spin! Heh.. I do actually suppose he is using Coleman fuel.... it's the only thing I can think of.. of course I have never USED any other fuel before..

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