Thistleold hand
950 posts
Location: Nottingham UK

Starting Weds 16th Jan, and every Weds after , there will be a poi/staff/spin-meet in the Scotholme Pub, Radford Road/Gladstone St, Hyson Green, Nottingham from 8pm onwards.A friend of mine will be bringing a soundsystem and dj the night for us so we'll have some great music to spin to. The cost of entry is free from any charge as the landlord has kindly let us have the room for nothing and everyone else involved is doing it for love/notoriety.For info email: thistlepixie@hotmail.comOnelove. Thistlefirepixie smile

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158 posts
Location: england

hiy thistle smilehop smile the new year is a goodie for youi won`t have transport after this sunday - but i`ll be seeing kato later tonight at his for a bit of a poi-meet-fest-of sortsso i`ll see if a few of us fancy it smilebig

522 posts
Location: Sheffield

Hi Thistle and Orange,I'd love to come and spin with you guys againbut it does sound wise to travel together to keep costs down. Anyone got a car?How big is the room to spin in Thistle, is there any head room?C ya Tempest

Thistleold hand
950 posts
Location: Nottingham UK

The first meet went great and it's gonna get better and better! Good turn out, wicked atmosphere and great tunes (except for Nick, the local lunatic wannabe DJ!). Thanks to Cat-boy, Alex, Newborn and Anna for travelling from Leicester.This week the yard will have been cleared out so we can just nip out of the *fire exit* to spin some, sorry if Meg and Laura got you in trouble with your boss. Crash, what crash?Liam, the room we have to spin in has enough head room for a full giant windmill and for me to get on my stilts! Is that big enough for you?Newborn, cheers for the CD's. if thats the kind of music you're into then you'd love planet zogg at the arches in Sheffield.Onelove, Thistlefirepixie smile

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167 posts
Location: leicester, england

haaa bloody haa haaa!i think he has totally forgotten about it, as he hasnt mentioned it since (hope alex hasnt found the discussion group yet... smile )perhaps he's saving it up for my pay review at the end of the month winkabsolutely wicked night, will deffo be back in feb (after i get paid... ...hopfully!)anyone else wanting a lift from leic let me know... newborn; I will call you later in the month and sort something outgreat to see you all again, cheers for organising thistle, but please... shoot that f*%king DJ...b :P

you can take the cat out of the jungle, but you cant take the jungle out of the cat

522 posts
Location: Sheffield

Hi Thistle, I was wondering if there was space for maybe two or three to crash if we manage to successfully navigate our way down there? And that roof space sound stunning, I might even bring my new toy if ya lucky.Tempest

Thistleold hand
950 posts
Location: Nottingham UK

Yes. There's plenty of space for 2-3 (could prob have 5-6)to crash at mine. I have caravan, a van with a double bed in it and there's always the living room floor. Children welcome!And Ben I'll shoot the DJ at the 1st available opportunity! wink[This message has been edited by Thistle (edited 24 January 2002).]

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164 posts
Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK

Yo Thistle !! (and anyone else watching / listening / reading / perving ???)I would love to join in if......anyone plans on travelling down from Sheffield (and back) on a Wednesday night I would would be happy to make contibutations in the form of Her Majesty's Realm towards petroleum costs. I barely trust my 'car' to get from one side of town to the other, let alone getting stuck on the motorway or even in Nottingham..!!Its mega important I get back to Sheff in the same night though.. (job etc etc.. ie, late for work / absent = no job which = no £££ which = no house & food which = death... and worst of all.. = no spinning) grinps: Thistlepixie.. I think you is gonna like the toys I've made you.. wink------------------Kato[This message has been edited by Mushinkato (edited 24 January 2002).]


Thistleold hand
950 posts
Location: Nottingham UK

Why you not come by train? I think they run quite late. I'll find out for you.You are going to lurve the new toys I am making for you!Onelove, TFP smile

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167 posts
Location: leicester, england

hey i want toys too...thistle,... make me a practice digger......and some gags for the twins so they dont drop me in it again! wink

you can take the cat out of the jungle, but you cant take the jungle out of the cat

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

hey thistle what time will your events be going on till?..if kato is up for the train mission to nottingham i'm sure i could do it too..thursday's are my day off but still need to get back just the same, would just depend on 1) how long its on for 2) trains home!

522 posts
Location: Sheffield

Thistle, will you have parrafin or should we try and bring some? Not that I use much but it would be crap to run out.Bagsy the caravan baby, i'll pretend that i'm on holiday grin TEMPEST

Thistleold hand
950 posts
Location: Nottingham UK

Last night's gathering was another corker. Lots of fun and spinning and there was a good mix of poi-ers of different abilities, with some new faces turning up. Leigh showed true grit by bringing the music and DJing for hours without a break! PK & Kato, The events go on until about 1am. The last train back to Sheffield leaves Nottingham station at 11.18pm. Tempest, I have usually got some parafin and so has Angus but you can NEVER have too much fuel. Oh, and which dates would you like to book the caravan for sir?Onelove, THistlefirepixie smile[This message has been edited by Thistle (edited 25 January 2002).]

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pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom

thank you thistle,i am talking over with he has to be back in shef the same night, i dont as thursday is my day off i will come over in the next week or so to join you "crazy fools" just hope Mr Kato can join the fun..
Non-Https Image Link

24 posts
Location: UK.

Hey Thistle,Don't worry, Bens' had sone crap jobs to do since as punisment but nothing worse than licking the floors clean.Was a great night, good to meet like minded piro... er I mean people!I'll be back, probably my turn to drive next time.CIAO,Alex.------------------A pleasant chap with no ulterior motives....

If music is the expression of emotion, politics is merely the decoy of perception.I sing with fire.

167 posts
Location: leicester, england

if he's driving his car (sorry junkie, Ka) you'll hear us leave leicester... grin

you can take the cat out of the jungle, but you cant take the jungle out of the cat

55 posts
Location: UK

Hi there Nottingham was good hope to get down again soon!Met some cool ppl!Hoped u liked the CD i shall be hopefully getting some Professionally reproduced and selliing them @ cost price to ppl who like trance!Went to sheffield was really good met some more brill peeps! Esp Kato and a few other ppl soz cant remember many names but remember yer faces!!!keep twirling and keep in touch!! - in

Beamers Hurt but double Beamers r u insane???Well actually...yes i am!

164 posts
Location: Sheffield, South Yorkshire, UK

Yo Newborn !! ... you crazy mo-fo wink You're making me blush rolleyes For info (to everyone else) Newborn has to the fastast beaming poi spinner Ive ever seen !! (and has a great ear for tunes) MAD grin If anyone is going to Nottingham from Sheffield one of these Wednesdays, I have a favour to ask. (PK ??)I have some toys of Thistle's and seeing as I probably wont be able to make it, could someone give them a lift please..?? I can RV with who ever's going somewhere in Sheff and pass them on..TTFN (ta ta for now... not 'through the fountain needle... errm.. I'll just go and ... ... grin ------------------Kato


Thistleold hand
950 posts
Location: Nottingham UK

Another cool night last weds. It's getting better and better every week as the word spreads and ppl are getting to know one another. The back yard is now clear so all you firepixies can light up. Cheers to Lee, Chris, Leigh and Leon for playing some top tunes.Sistaspy get in touch again i've deleted your mates number (oops)PLEASE someone from sheffield bring my new toys to Nottingham. Top prize for bringer of toys.

Are we nearly there yet?

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