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SurlochSILVER Member member 64 posts Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posted: Thought I'd post it up as I haven't seen much mention about it around the site.https://www.brisdjembe.org/Roma Street Parklands, every Thursday night.Drumming Circle and Twirling in the main area - where the big waterfall is. Just listen for the drums.Starts at 7pm, everyone is welcome just rock up, light up, and have fun. Bring a drum if you want to take a break from Spinning every once in a while.Usually around 10-15 twirlers at any one time, and another 20? on the drums. Come along and join in any time [This message has been edited by Surloch (edited 04 February 2002).]
Ní mar a síltear a bítear
“Things may not be as they seem to be”
Fezzamember 13 posts Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Posted: hows it going,i saw you guys down at the parklands last thursday and wondered about the whole setup cause i firespin with a bunch of mates and were looking for others as well. theres about 6 of us so i might see about coming down this thursday. sweet as ill seeya down theremat
Posted: Damn, no one in San Diego does this I think! It would seriously kick some major donkey bee-hind
SurlochSILVER Member member 64 posts Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posted: Looking forward to seeing you there Fezza I'm getting a haircut this afternoon, so will be there a bit later than normal (probably 8pm at latest??) (and getting tips done Blonde), will only have my single staff with me this time.Hope you and your mates are really good, so I can sponge some moves off of ya heh. There are some really excellent twirlers who turn up some nights who you can learn heaps from... you're going to enjoy yourself lots I reckon
Ní mar a síltear a bítear
“Things may not be as they seem to be”
Fezzamember 13 posts Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Posted: Howdy,i came down on thursday and had a mad night. not sure who you were but i spoke to a couple of people about shit and its a really good atmosphere and i loved it. Unfortunately wont be there again this week cause ill be down at straddie firetwirling on the beach but ill be set for next week. We're not as good as you might have hoped but hey, doesnt mean we cant teach each other a thing or two. If i introduce myself to you one night as Mat then tell me who you are cause otherweise ill never know. Thanks heaps
becBRONZE Member member 521 posts Location: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Posted: Hi kids... sad news, we can no longer twirl anything at Roma Street... Here's the copy of the email that I just received from Syd... please pass the news on to everyone who may be intending to come - we don't want the beautiful drum circle people to get in trouble just cause what we do is a tad more dangerous...For those of you who don't receive the Brisdjembe updates, here's the email...********************************************This is a very important announcement regarding the drum circle at Roma Street Parkland every Thursday night and is relevant to all who attend these gatherings. We have been contacted by the parkland authority regarding safety concerns in a public area. The authority has given us firm notice that all fire-twirling activity must stop in the parklands, this also includes twirling of non-lit sticks, poi, or chains. In an effort to preserve the arrangement with the parklands we have, that being an allowance to use the facilities as a non-profit drum practice meeting place, we have agreed to abide by all conditions placed upon us by the authority. This unfortunately means we will have to work on ceasing any twirling activity. Please help us by not engaging in any of these activities, and also by making those around you aware of such requirements. Believe me, it is hard to ask this of you, and we really don't want to be exclusive in any way. The issue here is that the parkland authority is concerned with the safety of those who twirl, those around you, members of the public and preservation of public property. We all share those concerns and hence will work with the authority to phase out twirling. The BrisDjembe drum circle started about a year ago and has grown to the size and popularity it has now through the visions and dedications of all the good people who attend. For your enthusiasm, warmth, inclusive spirit, and shear love for rhythm and dance we are always grateful. We intend to keep gathering for a long time yet, infact as long as your enthusiasm lasts. To do this, we must also satisfy the management of the parklands (who have been good to us) and ensure we act responsibly when it comes to safety and other issues. It is also important for all to understand what the drum circle is, and where we all fit into it. The drum circle will always remain a name for a meeting place and time to hold non-profit, unaffiliated, fun and safe gathering to enjoy each others company, whilst playing or practicing our drumming and/or dancing. The group has no messages, no political drive, no goals to achieve (other than personal), and does not aim to become a festival, band, or any other entity. What you see is what you get, what you bring is what you give, and what is brought we all receive. This does however translate differently to those who govern what happens in the parklands and we must be conscious of that. The group (and therefore the magic) will only survive if we retain this outlook, we can grow but we must be safe and non-organised. No one person or persons are responsible for the group and they cannot be held accountable for any accidents. No one owns the drumming group, no one organises it, we are all just active participants with ideas. This is just a message, it requires no change in what we do and how we share our Thursday nights together. When anyone turns up on Thursdays (or any other day for that matter) to play drums and dance with their friends, they are turning up as an individual and are left to their individual devices. We share on a spiritual and emotional level, but again for those who govern what happens at Roma Street, I must tell you this: Be careful, be safe, have concern for the safety of others and of property. If you hurt yourself or another, you cannot hold anyone else responsible for this. If you are hurt by someone, you cannot hold the group or anyone else responsible. The park must be left clean each Thursday, and all direction given by the security guards must be followed. Our gatherings are spontaneous and this is why they are magical. You are all beautiful people and this is why I love coming back each Thursday. You have all contributed and this is why we have grown. We want to continue and this is why I send this message. Thank you for listening. Syd*****************************************So boo hoo... 'twas becoming quite a yummy gathering for fire folk... but will see you all at moon fest on the 27th I hope...*Love to you all,Bec
SurlochSILVER Member member 64 posts Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posted: Actually, I talked to the authority myself the other day, and found out the real reason wasn't a safety issue, but rather that the Queens Visit will take her through the parklands.They don't want the grass to have even the slightest blemish for her visit. Perhaps after her visit, we can talk to the parklands authority again, perhaps get in a fire warden to evaluate the safety of twirling and they will let us start again.I think it is pretty dodgy however that they pass n a message complaining about safety when really they just want it to look good for the queen
Ní mar a síltear a bítear
“Things may not be as they seem to be”
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