49 posts
Location: Coventry / High Wycombe, England

Okay, lets see if this works...Hands up who's been to Raindance.Ever.J------------------"If you love someone, set them free.If you love something, fill it with cream.Then set it on fire."

Posh ravers wear ties.

52 posts
Location: jersey - Little rock, not quite there and almost h...

Ok, can I be the one to ask.......What's Raindance??it sounds fun, I personaly like dancing in the rain (cheesy as that may sound) smile

Be Cautious of who you sniff, they could be an EnemyBig love and fluffy rainbow light in bundles. Bear xxx xxx xxx

49 posts
Location: Coventry / High Wycombe, England

Yay!I could have virtually bet my whole savings on that being the fist reply, but it was worth a shot.Try:https://www.raindance.clara.netHelps if you're British. [image]https://www.homeofpoi.com/ubb/images/icons/smile.gif">J------------------[/image]If you love something, fill it with cream.Then set it on fire."

Posh ravers wear ties.

DomBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,009 posts
Location: Bristol, UK

Yeah, in it's Drome days.

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