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SmallBoy - xCarpal \'Tunnel 2,737 posts Location: London
Posted: Hey ho peeps, don't know if this is the right place for a semi-non-poi related event but hey it seemed to fit. Being completely stupid I only discovered that this forum existed 2day (Don't ask why, just being blond in advance I think), so sorry for short notice etc...but here goes none-the-less
Me and a few of my peeps are off to find a warehouse party on the 6th (Dangerously close to the PIP on the 7th for all you lightweights that couldn't do both but hey....). A few of us will be spinning the night away to some Drum & Bass/HardHouse/Techno type event (most of us just dancing our ass off) and just generally having it large etc... anyone interested, feel free to drop us a line and I'll tell u where we's meeting upsky. Can't tell u where it is yet as I don't know, but I'll throw out my number and we can go in and take over some centralised drinking establishment until the organisers feel it safe to let us know.....(obviously they don't want Mr.Plod and his army of mindless savages ruining a good bash.......) Never failed to find one yet, and blind faith seems to have got me where I need to be in life so far.......... For all those that can't:- we'll have to meet up and spin soonsky...... Take care cru, u's all lovely people -
Small Lardy Person In Disguise
UCOFSILVER Member 15,417 posts Location: South Wales
Posted: where is it then buddy??
-------------- I like Cheese
SmallBoy - xCarpal \'Tunnel 2,737 posts Location: London
Posted: The beers will be in a pub, probably east-end of London as it's quieter for a Saturday night and a bit more relaxed. The rave will be wherever is closest out of the 40+ that kick off most Saturdays. Like I say though we wont know till last minute. The plan is to get a big group together first and go from there......all welcome & more the merrier. Oh, and there tends to be cute spinny people already there but not always....... Any one interested, PM me and I'll drop u my number....
Small Lardy Person In Disguise
UCOFSILVER Member 15,417 posts Location: South Wales
Posted: sorry...but there are many a thing i might be doing that day!!! !) helping my mum at my school fete b(thankfully if i do she will increase my allowance!! darn that measly £30 a month!) 2) my birthday party at the dome in tufnell park (also known as toonmy loons ( my birthday was last sunday but not many peeps could make that saturday so i changed it to next saturday) and finally 3) ive been invited to another party from jo (lollis friend who does poi as well) so i just dont know what to do anymore!!! help me (to eat cheese)
------------------- I like cheese
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