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Posted: Hey.. I've been poiing foir awhile now and just started doubles staff about a month or so ago. my doubles are almost 5 feet long, and I have done a search but havent really come up with a whole lot to help me get started. .. the only things i can do right now are the fwd alternating figure 8 and a fe other simple moves.. any help would be appreciated.. espically the move where one staff is doing a fwd. fig. 8 and the other staff a rev. fig 8?? i cannot get that down for the life of me.
thanks.. Jon
---Formerly known as RaverRomantic---
AIM: RaverRomantic
CharlesBRONZE Member Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer 3,989 posts Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Posted: A few suggestions, and remember they might not suit your learning style...
Try to seperate out the two hands, so you can do a figure8 in one hand and a horizontal finger spin in the other. Or any other move that isn't a figure8 type pattern.
It might be easier to start doing a figure8 with your good arm, and holding a ball (poi) in the other. After doing the figure 8 a while on its own, without moving the other arm, try to throw and catch the ball in the other hand.
At some point, you will notice the body will take over and you can forget about the figure8 arm and do what you like with the other. At that point the body has learned to seperate that arm, although it often needs a hard conscious effort to do it in the middle of doubles.
After that, start throwing them...
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[Nx?]BRONZE Member Carpal \'Tunnel 3,750 posts Location: Europe,Scotland,Both
Posted: to get one had backwards and onhand forward just think of the staffs as doing exactly the same thing, rotation in the same direction, its only because they are on opposite sides of the body that one goes forwards and one goes back. that whay i called it follow time in the double staff starter, cos they follow each other rather than spinning away/toward each other.
hope this helps.
This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate -><- Kallisti
CharlesBRONZE Member Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer 3,989 posts Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Posted: Oops...I may not have read your post correctly, RaverRomantic.
Did Tom_Brain pick out something I didn't...?
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