43 posts
Location: London UK

Hey hey all,

Right now this week has been probablly THE singally most unlucky week I have lived in my mere 24 years. I have managed to rupture my cartilage in my right knee and at the same time render myself immobile until the middle of jan....I am mighty pissed off as I just got my 3bt reverse weave going and now I cant even stand without crutches...hmmmmm *ponders* crutches as staffs..... weavesmiley anyway, thought I start a new thread about injuries cos well why not.

So what have you busted up?
How did you do it?
Any amusing results?

I'll start

Knee Cartilage mad
Getting off the loo (yes REALLY and NO i WASNT pissed - deadly sober infact) ubbtickled
A friend of mine had to come in and dismantle my dungeon furniture so that my house doesnt resemble a perve haven when my daddy comes to pick me up on saturday... biggrin

Have fun!

Hugs and Bubbles and HAPPY CHRISTMAS & HANUKA. peace

Kelly ubbloco ubbloco

Willing to be taught....learn quick and man I am good with a whip!

ben-ja-menGOLD Member
just lost .... evil init
2,474 posts
Location: Adelaide, Australia

i broke a metacarple bone in my right hand from twirling a electroglow staff stupidly fast and getting it caught in my jumpers pocket, i sheared the bone in half which puzzled the dr smile was funny trying to explain to him what i actly did.
EDITED_BY: ben-ja-men (1071806422)

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourself, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous and talented? Who are you NOT to be?

KajiQuantum Theorist
564 posts
Location: Vansterdam

back in mid june I fell while runing for the bus.
i hit the pavment traving at high velocity

2 front teeth chiped
1 tooth broken off
1 ripped lip
almost broke my nose
took some flesh of my nose
1 inch square off my left hand
scraped my knee, leg, chin, and foot.

had to have 7 hours of dental reconstruction.

this two days before my college convocation

In the 60's people took acid to make the world weird, now the world is weird and they take prozac to make it normal again.

pounceSILVER Member
All the neurotic makings of America's lesser known sweetheart
9,831 posts
Location: body in Las Vegas, heart all around the world, USA

i've hurt my knee a number of times....had surgery when i was 17. then reinjured it 4 weeks later...ripped the tendon. i've broken every finger at least once. broke my left arm when i was 6. sprained my right ankle a few times. got deep tissue damage on my left foot from a self-defense class. sprained my right thumb. a few concussions. a black eye. hmmm, can't think of what else.

I was always scared with my mother's obsession with the good scissors. It made me wonder if there were evil scissors lurking in the house somewhere.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


DuncGOLD Member
playing the days away
7,263 posts
Location: The Middle lands, United Kingdom

aw I feel all left out now....I've only ever broken a finger once and sprained my elbow once!! But then again....maybe I should feel quite lucky!!

oh and I did fall off a (small) cliff while surfing in Cronwall but didn't get anything except cuts a bruises.

Let's relight this forum ubblove

EeraBRONZE Member
old hand
1,107 posts
Location: In a test pit, Mackay, Australia

I broke a metacarpal on my snowboard. While at casualty the doctor took an interest in my inner arm bruises that launching my paraglider gives me. As there are four webbing straps that each leave a bruise in a slightly different place she thought someone had been grabbing and beating me and called the social services in.

And I coshed myself so hard around the head with a beamer that I still have problems opening my jaw a month later.

There is a slight possibility that I am not actually right all of the time.

13 posts

Busted the Anterior Cruciate ligament in my knee when I was fallen on by a couple of large blokes playing a variant of ice hockey (ice, puck, sticks... no skates... wink )

I was kneeling down in goal, they came to shoot....
and didn't stop untill they hit the back wall of the rink.
With me at the bottom of the pile rolleyes

Carried on playing for an hour or so, went to the bar,
sat down, had a coke, got up, fell over... frown

managed to go snowboarding a month later, although I had to find a huge knee support to make sure I didn't destroy it completely... smile


PheonnexxBRONZE Member
89 posts
Location: Plymouth, UK

The worst injury i had was when i grabbed a carving knife off my lil sister and grabbed the blade - it woulda ben reasonably fine if she didnt decide to pull it - but thats the worst 4 stitches in the hand I have never broken a leg, torn any ligaments etc. I am only 18 so i have plenty of injury gainin years to go. ubbloco

Burn !

TheSilverShadowBRONZE Member
Uncle Chop Chop
213 posts
Location: Time is the Fire in which we burn, United Kingdom

Noticed i had 5 mins to get to my bus a few years ago ran out of the shop i was in only to realise the shop had glass doors, i ran down the stairs and straght in to the door and broke my nose, i acted like it didnt hurt and tried to suck the blood back up my nose whilst, looking round at serveral ppl trying not to laugh.

"Do you know what the Phantom is??"

PheonnexxBRONZE Member
89 posts
Location: Plymouth, UK

Sounds like the embarressment coulda hurt more there.

Burn !

TheSilverShadowBRONZE Member
Uncle Chop Chop
213 posts
Location: Time is the Fire in which we burn, United Kingdom

It did

"Do you know what the Phantom is??"

Narr(*) (*) .. for the gnor ;)
2,568 posts
Location: sitting on the step

i ve twisted my right ankle so many times that now i can go rollerblading with hurling myself a some wall in an attempt to stop myself .

she who sees from up high smiles

Patrick badger king: *they better hope there's never a jihad on stupidity*

883 posts
Location: Stevenage

You poor sods, hope you're up and about soon Kelly

I haven't broken anything before, never had a bad back or anything, get tonnes of bruises and stuff though. My worst injury has been seven stitches to my chin.

I know someone who broke his ankle playing football (soccer) but he was so off his head he just sat there staring at it, he lifted his leg up and i'm not kidding his foot was hanging off of his leg he had like 2 plates and 3 pins put in and was in hospital for 2 weeks, enjoyed his morphine though and requested a bubble bath with a nurse at one point hehe. It wasn't long till he was out at night again though.

Monkeys monkeys and bananas

Pink...?BRONZE Member
Mistress of Pink...Multicoloured
6,140 posts
Location: Over There, United Kingdom

eek so many knee injurys on here.

When i was 13 i got the layer covering your knee cap caught in my knee cap and had to have 2 years of physio.

And recently i have... (i know what's wrong now yay!) damaged a ligament in my knee and thats caused my whole lower leg to be slightly twisted out of place, which is putting strain on my muscles.

I hate knees. Useless things that injur too easily.

Get well soon hug

Never pick up a duck in a dungeon...

pounceSILVER Member
All the neurotic makings of America's lesser known sweetheart
9,831 posts
Location: body in Las Vegas, heart all around the world, USA

ya knees suck. i inherited the great brains from my parents but all their bad joint stuff. i've got bad knees, arthritis, carpal tunnel, bad back, bad shoulder, TMJ (lock jaw), bad hips. i don't fear cancer and all that stuff, i fear a slow and painful degeneration of my joints!!!

I was always scared with my mother's obsession with the good scissors. It made me wonder if there were evil scissors lurking in the house somewhere.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


Pink...?BRONZE Member
Mistress of Pink...Multicoloured
6,140 posts
Location: Over There, United Kingdom

Ahhh hug don't genes just annoy you?

It's amazing to think how we would all live if we didn't have the health treatment we do. I mean can you imagine not being able to go to the doctors about your problems? And no pain killers eek ?

Never pick up a duck in a dungeon...

pounceSILVER Member
All the neurotic makings of America's lesser known sweetheart
9,831 posts
Location: body in Las Vegas, heart all around the world, USA

most of the time i handle my aches on my own. but every once in awhile i have a really bad day and need some pain killers and anti-inflammatory meds. when the pain is that bad, i couldn't imagine how i'd deal without!

I was always scared with my mother's obsession with the good scissors. It made me wonder if there were evil scissors lurking in the house somewhere.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Xmas condolences, Kelly.

If t makes you feel any better, I had a window slam on my finger in the wind a while back, which then swelled up like a balloon. Walking from my flatmates car to the A&E, each brush of wind felt like someone was punching it!

Of course the tip of the bone was broken into several little pieces, and I could no longer juggle, do staff, balloons or anything except unicycle.

So of course, I was riding my unicycle the next weekend, wiht a broken finger, and bailed in th emiddle of the road. I was so worried about landing on my finger that I rolled my big toe underneath my foot and put all my weight on it...CRUNCH!

So, I broke my big toe on the other side to the broken finger.

So broken hand and broken foot, and nothing left in th eworld to do, I surfed HoP for about a week solid!

HoP Posting Guidelines
* Is it the Truth?
* Is it Fair to all concerned?
* Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
* Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

MandSILVER Member
Keeper of the Spitfire
2,317 posts
Location: Calgary Canada

Hope its all better soon kelly.

A possible thought for when it starts to improve-
I dislocated my knee a few months back, and was on crutches for a while. I couldnt stand not being able to do anything. I figured that if I put all my weight on my good knee, I could stand on it. So, armed with my poi, I went to the garden on my crutches. I put a knee pad on, as i was terrified of hitting my hugely swolen knee, and spun to my heart content. (Was a bit limited to what i could do though!)
Well, this is how I spent the next few weeks, and it kept me sane.
Good luck with it getting better. hug

Oh yeah, other injuries? Far too many to explain!!! biggrin

Lets steal a spaceship and head for the sun, and shoot the stars with a lemonade ray gun.

43 posts
Location: London UK

glad to see i am not the only muppet on here!!

Thanks for all you get well wishes

keep them sotries coming...they are keeping me amused!



Willing to be taught....learn quick and man I am good with a whip!

ElannaSILVER Member
Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise.
2,293 posts
Location: NJ or DE, USA

What have I busted up? More like what haven't I busted up! ubblol

Lesse...I was standing on one of those spinning chairs when I was little (yeah, not the smartest thing to do...) and I fell off, messing up both my wrists. I never did any "real" damage, but the pain comes back and haunts me every now and then...Then both my ankles I've twisted numerous times and I think I might've lightly sprained one at one point, and those haunt me from time to time...erm...Messed up both my knees skiing (no more skiing for me! I'll only use snowboards. biggrin) I've had problems with my knees for years and I went to the doctors and got x-rays and everything, but they never found anything wrong...They still haunt me to this day. Uh...probably sprained my right ring finger, but that one hasn't bothered me in years. Somehow messed up my back, which my doctor thinks might be out of alignment or something...Have a bad left shoulder that moves in...interesting ways...And I think that's about it for joint type injuries... Although when I was little I tried doing a back dive off of a diving board, ended up flipping too much, smacked my head on the board (which didn't hurt) started freaking out at the blood and wound up with 4 staples in my head, which hurt like a B**** Oh! And I think I sprained a muscle or two in my hand...It's been messed up for weeks... biggrin
So yeah, I think that about does it for me...Although I'm sure more are on their way... biggrin

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?

Pies Jesu Domine *whack*
Dona eis requiem *whack*

Come join us and chat - we're bored! #homeofpoi

80 posts
Location: Crawley

I have had a rotten xmas due to being at work late fri 19th dec then spending all that night in A and E or ER to my american friends. I dislocated my knee about 6 years ago whilst trying to save an injured cat. However it has never truly repaired and on this particular night I was told it appears to be torn ligaments. Probably requiring an operation in the new year ubbcrying

However it is no where near as horrible as a caesarean. This is the reason I have just the one kid wink

TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member
Liquid Cow
2,629 posts
Location: High Wycombe, England


Ah, so that's why you've not been at spitz ubbidea

Well at least you got the reverse weave beforehand, it'll be pretty easy to pick it up again now you know you can do it. How was the butterfly coming along?


Getting off the loo

Dangerous things, toilets. A friend of mine put a slice in his forehead and gave himself a concussion getting off a toilet when we were at uni. Apparently he slipped on his own sick and headbutted the lock bolt. He was found covered in sick and blood, crawling around in the corridoor talking even more gibberish than usual.
It's not really funny, but we laugh about it now, mainly when introducing him to people tongue

As for my injuries, picture this:
A camera pans across a beautiful alpine vista before coming to rest on the nursury slope of a ski resort.
I'm sat at the top contemplating how well this, the first day of my first snowboarding holiday has gone and decide to have one last run down the slope and head back to the hotel, so I leap to my feet and start sliding down the slope, picking up speed as I go.
Suddenly, I catch an edge and hit the floor. This is then followed by lots of rolling, bouncing and thumping, which is in turn followed by some lying on my back wondering why all I can see is blue sky.
Trying to get to my feet again to keep going down to the end of the slope, I notice that I've broken one of the bindings so have to walk the bottom half, while noticing that my left wrist appears to be sprained, along with my ribs.

Cut to the next day, in a random shop just down the road from where I was staying.
I'm trying to force my hand into a wrist brace that seems to be about 5 sizes too small for my hand, while trying to explain this to the shop assistant, who speaks very little English. Unfortunately, my lack of any other languages doesn't help. Eventually, I manage to get a decent sized brace and leave, heading back to bed to take handfuls of painkillers and sleep for the day.

I then get the bindings on my board fixed and spend the rest of the week trying to get the hang of this snowboarding malarky, falling over lots and using my hand as a toboggan brake my shoving it into the snow while leaning off the back while the bloke in front steers. Since I think my wrist is sprained, I also try and move it as much as I can.

The camera cuts to another scene, this one a montage of clips of me using my left hand to use a mouse at work, write with, change gear while driving - pretty much everything in fact, since I'm left handed.
In there somewhere should be a shot showing that I'm getting a touch concerned about my wrist not working properly and am trying to visit my gp, except that since I'm still registered with a doctor at Hull, where I went to university, I'm having problems because of some strange paperwork (and not being able to remember which doctor I was registered with wink)
While we're at it, lets have a clock with whirring hands and a calender with those crosses over the dates in red ink to show that I've been doing this for about 6 weeks.

The next shot shows the doctor (hopefully played by dick van dyke) examining my wrist and telling me that it's probably just a bad sprain but to have it x-rayed just to make sure.

The next morning, I'm at work for half an hour before leaving for the x-ray appointment I've just booked on the phone.
I then drive to the hospital where I have a set of x-rays taken and get told that the people taking the x-rays don't really know if it's broken or not, so I'll have to wait until there's another appointment slot free (in about an hour) and have another batch of x-rays taken so they can make sure.
They then confirm I've broken my scaphoid, which apparently is quite an achievment since it supposedly takes twice as much force to break than the one in your thigh.
It's at the base of the thumb - the one with the black line across it in this picture:

Non-Https Image Link

A visit to casualty ends with my arm in plaster and having to wait until my mum can get into town to drive my car back home.
A week later, I go back to the hospital and have the plaster cast replaced with a rather fetching purple lightweight and non-inchy cast which stays on my arm for 6 weeks. During this time, I learn to write with my right hand, which was fun rolleyes

Another visit to the hospital ends with a neoprene and aluminium splint on my arm which stays on my arm until the end of June. I broke my wrist on the 5th of January.
During this time, I couldn't spin poi or do anything more than a couple of basic on handed spins with a staff mad

Yeah, that whole thing was fun. I'd like to do it again some day tongue

But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

43 posts
Location: London UK

Awww bless you Bovril!

This is indeed why I have not been at Spitz....however I do plan to hobble down on tuesday...though shall not be spinning *hopes she wont have to pay* (hehe!)

I am most impressed by your scaphoid breakage...I too managed to break mine fencing (play with swords - so much fun), I am right handed but broke the bone warming up for the final I had just qualified for....I though bugger this I am going to fence left handed in the final just for the hell of it....well bugger me I only went and won!!! I was well chuffed..I think the fact that I had fought the girl right handed before in a previous round and then fought her left handed in the final messed her brain up a bit...well whatever happened it was damn good fun!

Hugs and Bubbles to you all! Keep those breakages coming in...surely there will be some post Christmas/New Year injuries coming in soon??


Willing to be taught....learn quick and man I am good with a whip!

MandSILVER Member
Keeper of the Spitfire
2,317 posts
Location: Calgary Canada

Aw, how did you manage to break your scaphoid fencing? I've seen a few fencing injuries, but never that one!

Well if I was going to state all my major injuries, this would suddenly become 70 pages long, so I'll go with my most major one.

A few years back I had a nasty mountain bike accident, whilst training for a competition. I high sided my bike, as it skidded out on gravel, and as I was doing upwards of 30mph it wasn't very pretty.
I ended up leaving a large chunk of my hip bone and lots of soft tissue on the roadside. I put part of my skull through my eyeball, and a break lever through my elbow! I lost so much blood the doctors say I shouldn't really have survived it, and ended up paralysed for a good while down my right hand side.

Well it was all fun and games, but I'm pretty much recovered now.
I've had lots of random injuries before and after that, but too many to mention.

Hope you're recovering well Kelly.
Here's wishing you get well hugs.
hug hug hug

Lets steal a spaceship and head for the sun, and shoot the stars with a lemonade ray gun.

ValuraSILVER Member
Mumma Hen
6,391 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

are you ready for this???
I have dislocated my knee four times. First time doing the splits at gymnastics, second time making the bed, third time shopping for shorts in the shopping center and the fourth time twirling...
It kinda sucks....
I have had brain surgery, I have had knee surgery, I have had dental surgery, I have had tummy surgery... I have more scars than a pirate, you name it I have prolly had surgery on it... ubbtickled

TAJ "boat mummy." VALURA "yes sweetie you went on a boat, was daddy there with you?" TAJ "no, but monkey on boat" VALURA "well then sweetie, Daddy WAS there with you"

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