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The Eversormember
9 posts
Location: midlands

At last I find it!! smile

Hey, "respek" to u crazy, cool & international band of brothers and sisters.

Im a staff spinner hailing from the midlands, im 24 an i dig art, literature, philospohy, psychology, performance arts (woo woo!), the martial arts, film, media, sk8tin, snowboardin, bikin and most of all musik. this is my one HUGE passion; the musik of life. the thing that makes us all move an groove, if its dirty, hardcore-industrial-metal-rock-punk then im lovin it! ubblove but 'cha kno it aint just the hard things i appreciate, a kwality tune so mellow that it causes me slide from my pearch into a wave of psychadelic head-rushin oblivion is also gud, i guess it jus depends on the situation huh?

so how about you lot? what gets ur pulse racin an ur adrenaline flowin? be gud to hear some of the tales floatin about, i bet theres LOADS!!

peace an ting y'all wink

everything is just a figment of my imagination

DuncGOLD Member
playing the days away
7,263 posts
Location: The Middle lands, United Kingdom

Ooooh first in and you're a local too!! That is of course if it's the midlands of the UK your in! ubbrollsmile

I like punk and metal and blues and big beat and stuff and ting! I prefer to play my guitar although I'm not very good IMO. If it's mellow enough to make you melt into a rainbow flood of light it's alright too, so long as it'll lift you back up before it finishes!

Sow wure in the cowin midlunds am yow frum?

Let's relight this forum ubblove

Pink...?BRONZE Member
Mistress of Pink...Multicoloured
6,140 posts
Location: Over There, United Kingdom

Hello wave

Do you like the colour pink? ubbangel


Never pick up a duck in a dungeon...

pounceSILVER Member
All the neurotic makings of America's lesser known sweetheart
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'ello! wave welcome! hug

I was always scared with my mother's obsession with the good scissors. It made me wonder if there were evil scissors lurking in the house somewhere.

Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.


The Eversormember
9 posts
Location: midlands

safe an ting custom! im hailing from brum, that big ol stain on our countryside dat brought us industry on a grandoise scale!! its not all that bad really, theres a lot of kwality stuff goin on which 2 b fair ive been neglecting recently (tut tut), so where bouts u from? confused

as 4 ur muzik tates, yeah man i can dig it, although 2 b fair my muzik collection sucks ass cause im always at other peoples places listening to their [censored] y'kno. so how long u bin bangin the ol 6-string, do ya play anythin else, can ya vocalise the emotions that well within? ubbloco

hey pink an pounce, nice 1 for droppin in!! biggrin

safe cool

everything is just a figment of my imagination

oliSILVER Member
not with cactus
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Location: bristol/ southern eastern devon, United Kingdom



Me train running low on soul coal
They push+pull tactics are driving me loco
They shouldn't do that no no no

DuncGOLD Member
playing the days away
7,263 posts
Location: The Middle lands, United Kingdom

I'm from sunny Telford...the Birmingham overspill!! We'll have to hook up sometime seeing as your close (well compared to most folk on here you are!)

I've been weilding the 6-string for about 14 months but played bass for a while before that. I can sing and it sounds great inside my head but apparently it doesn't quite sound as good to eveyone it's pants! But not that I care, I don't intend to perform at Wembley! I've written a couple of tunes that I like and who knows, one day me and my mate might be the next Bill and Ted! WYLD STALYONS!! :air guitar emoticon:

I've got a few friends in Brum, and was there not long ago as my mates band we're playing at Bar Academy, although like you I don't take advantage of the place as often as I should do.

You didn't answer if you like pink or wouldn't beleive the importance of that question to a certain lady on these hallowed boards.

Let's relight this forum ubblove

The Eversormember
9 posts
Location: midlands

'ey, pink is all good as far as im concerned weavesmiley!!

like ya say, we're pretty local as everyone else seems to ave slid daan saaf (for the love of god!!), not that there's anything wrong with southeners, they seem to be havin more fun than we do ubbrollsmile !! we should defo hook up sometime and maybe lug the old axe along 4 the ride biggrin so what else gets yer puse redlining muzik-wise?

easy oli mate, hows it goin juggle?

everything is just a figment of my imagination

DuncGOLD Member
playing the days away
7,263 posts
Location: The Middle lands, United Kingdom

most music does really, to drop band names I'd go for anything from The Libertines to White Stripes to Aphex Twin to Beatsie Boys to Jo Ann Kelly to De La Soul to David Holmes to System of a Down to Pearl Jam to Nirvana to Jet....etc etc. Most instrument based music gets me hot and quite a lot of electronica too but I can't stick all this urban toss. There must be about 3 songs in the whole urban genre I like and about 5 others I can tolerate.

Let's relight this forum ubblove

DuncGOLD Member
playing the days away
7,263 posts
Location: The Middle lands, United Kingdom

So what performance arts you into? Is it stuff like abstract dance like on the episode of spaced?!

Let's relight this forum ubblove

The Eversormember
9 posts
Location: midlands

WORD UP!! i hear you on the urban shite yo!! most of it is trash as far as im concerned, too many people being too concerned about their image and how much they're earning for my liking and another thing, most of them need to go back to school to learn how to spell...big brovaz indeed!!

but yeah, i really hear you on the whole traditional band stuff, people who play instruments and write their own music, GO ON!!

as far as performance art goes, mine is firedancing and music but anything people put their heart and soul into is worth watching even if you don't like it you can still see their passion.

everything is just a figment of my imagination

FlyntSILVER Member
Intrepid Penguin
5,635 posts
Location: Australia

ooooooooooh your spelling makes my brain bleed....

But welcome anyway wink


Tell me, do you like socks?

Currently on the right side up of the world.

The Eversormember
9 posts
Location: midlands

sox are all good matey, they keep yer feet warm an dry!!
how ya doin flynt? its been a while huh? hug so hows things 4 ya and why does my spellin make ya brain bleed? its not that bad surely eek confused

hehe, hope yer good an ting

everything is just a figment of my imagination

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