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DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

Darn it - I go away for one evening and the post was deleted....

*sigh* Still think it should've won an award for the fastest hijack of all time...

Here's a tricky one, plural of tyre?


*wanders off to make some tea*

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

101 posts
Location: Oxford, UK

It was deleated?!? Nooo....

Life is too short.....lets party naked!

2,354 posts
Location: Away from home

a tragic loss indeed

I think tyreii has a nice excess of syllablii in it smile

TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member
Liquid Cow
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Location: High Wycombe, England


I've been on a pluralisation crusade for a while now. It started off with deciding that the plural of Walrus shouldn't be Walruses. It should be Walri instead, it's a much better word.

I then moved on to deciding that if you have more than one Stegasaurus you have some Stegasauri, and if Jesus was cloned, you'd have lots of Jesii (which you could then use as structural supports for building on water, since they can walk on it and everything)

One of the best I've heard so far is from Flynt - working out that Doofus becomes Doofii.

I'm currently undecided about the word 'Bus'. I'm thinking it should turn into 'Bi' if there are more than one. I think the saving in time if 'Bi' was used instead of 'Buses' would be pretty significant given how often people moan about waiting for ages before two turn up at once wink

But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

61 posts
Location: england, uk

how about the plural of JEDI?

any takers?

i must be loosing my mind.............come back!!!!!

Tao StarPooh-Bah
1,662 posts
Location: Bristol


or maybe that's just the latin...

I had a dream that my friend had a
strong-bad pop up book,
it was the book of my dreams.

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

Written by: phiredancer

how about the plural of JEDI?

any takers?

"Any takii?"

*tut tut*

Plural of Jedi, is posslby technically Jedi Knightii - but maybe Jediii

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member
Liquid Cow
2,629 posts
Location: High Wycombe, England


Yeah, it's pluralised the same way as scampi - you get scampiii

or possibly scampii, depending on how fond of the letter i you are.

But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

Bovril - your signature...

"physical planii" surely ?

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

Yeah, the modii deleted the thread. Frankly, I was proud of the way that we HOPerii handled that arsehole. See how many more threadii he starts.

Oh, and Mr. Burner of Toast, surely it's "Durbii"?


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

ado-pGOLD Member
Pirate Ninja
3,882 posts
Location: Galway/Ireland

Do you think we could get malcolm to resurect it like he did the other thread....

for educational purposes like....

Love is the law.

FabergGOLD Member
1,459 posts
Location: Dublin, Ireland

words beginning in i are surely the best


or idioii perhaps.......






My mind not only wanders, it sometimes leaves completely smile

ado-pGOLD Member
Pirate Ninja
3,882 posts
Location: Galway/Ireland




Love is the law.

2,354 posts
Location: Away from home

ah now Lightning, if you had partaken more fully of the previous, illustrious thread you would have seen the discussion of name pluralisationii.

It was agreed that Durbs was in fact singular and lived in fear of clonii of himself being made and that Mollii was quite correct as at last count there are three of me. (three? one girly, one mole and a cat)

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

Is Hipii 2 of the smelly things?
Or 2 of the big smelly things that live in Africa?

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

I think plural of Hippy should be Hippyii - possibly with an "ayoo" on the end - i.e. Hippy-ii-ayoo.
No reason - it's just fun to say, plus frees up plural of Hippo

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

ado-pGOLD Member
Pirate Ninja
3,882 posts
Location: Galway/Ireland


Hippyii it is.

But what about crustii?

Love is the law.

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

no thanks - I've just had lunch...

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

I would submit that there is a difference between a hippie and a hippo (I do insist on spelling the former with an "ie" on the end). Thus, there is surely a difference between hippieii and hippoii.

Now, what is to be done about wordii with atypical pluralii? (plurii? Is there a rule about when we simply replace an "s" with "ii" and when the "ii" replaces part of the root word?) For example, what is to be done about the plural of "mouse?" or "foot?" or worse yet, "sheep"?


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

ado-pGOLD Member
Pirate Ninja
3,882 posts
Location: Galway/Ireland

aahhh lightning, this has all been covered and alas lost.

to answer your question, the rulii are based on arbritary desiciii

Love is the law.

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

What ever sounds best really.

Wordii like sheep and poi are exempt (i.e. where plurii are same as singulii)

Wordii like goatii, trii (plural of tree), halibutii and marshmellii aren't smile

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

2,354 posts
Location: Away from home

no sheepii ?

(I wanted that to be sheepieiieieiiii but I restrained myself)

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

No - that would be silly

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

ado-pGOLD Member
Pirate Ninja
3,882 posts
Location: Galway/Ireland

Surley the plural of sheep is sheeps…

Isnt it?

Love is the law.

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England



Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

47 posts
Location: PRAHA


miluju prahu a pár lidí v ní i mimo ní smile


MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA



Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

...And on that farm he had some goosii....

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

2,354 posts
Location: Away from home

my thoughtii precisely

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

Geese. Remember?



Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

SkulduggeryGOLD Member
Pirate Pixie Crew Captain
8,428 posts
Location: Wales

Arrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh. Stop this !! Stop it now!!!!!!
I'm dyslexic and its hard enough for me in english let alone in Durbs mad plural world!!!

*stamps feet and has a tantrum any 2 year old would be proud of*

hmmmmm or should that be stampii?

Feed me Chocolate!!! Feed me NOW!

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