AmanitaSILVER Member
157 posts
Location: Halifax, NS, Canada

Has anyone here tried these things?
Normally, wings of Isis, as they are sometimes called, are the domain of belly dancers. But they look so amazing that they would make great performance toys.

I've got a set, and just love them. They fasten around my neck like a cloak, and hang cape-like when not in use. It looks like I've got a huge gold lame cloak hanging off my back, split down the back. But there are two dowel rods sewn into the front edges, which can be grasped and used to manipulate the wings.
Each wing is a massive half circle of pleated gold lame fabric, and believe me, these things look AWESOME when you move with them- you have to really be trying to look bad with these things on, or be extremely clumsy.

To see what I'm talking about, go here:
Or for any canadians or others outside the US, here:
Or do a search for bellydancing wings, wings of isis, etc.

Trust me, it will be worth the look. Like I said, I've only so far seen them on women, but I imagine a set of these would look wicked on a guy too, and there's just so much you can do with these things. Now, you can't make them into firetoys, but even still, these things rock and I would love to see them used more often.

"Do not meddle in the affairs of Tower Cranes, for you are soft and would look better when squashed by a full concrete bucket"

SterlingspiderBRONZE Member
Senator by day, Sith Lord by night.
128 posts
Location: Suffolk, New York, USA

Been in a big discussion on how to make them on a belly dancing forum just recently. They would look AWESOME with stilts if you made them specially to match the height.

"If the human brain were simple enough for us to understand, we would be too simple to understand it"
-Emerson M Pugh

AmanitaSILVER Member
157 posts
Location: Halifax, NS, Canada

Where is this belly dancing forum? I would love to have red and black wings- they are hard to find.

"Do not meddle in the affairs of Tower Cranes, for you are soft and would look better when squashed by a full concrete bucket"

SterlingspiderBRONZE Member
Senator by day, Sith Lord by night.
128 posts
Location: Suffolk, New York, USA

These are all yahoo groups, but I know there are discussion board type groups out there. I think the wings discussion was in the first group. If you look through the message archive there are several posts with links and how to instructions.





I think because of the way they are made you would need a fabric that had both colors to get red and black isis wings. Perhaps somthing in a changeable silk or if you angled it just the right way, a striped fabric might work.

"If the human brain were simple enough for us to understand, we would be too simple to understand it"
-Emerson M Pugh

AmanitaSILVER Member
157 posts
Location: Halifax, NS, Canada

I was actually thinking two seperate pairs- one red, the other black..Now, that would look amazing.
Thanks for the links:)
I went to Sarah Brightman's concert tonight and found myself thinking "She could use some isis wings".
Seriously, they would have looked great with some of her outfits.

"Do not meddle in the affairs of Tower Cranes, for you are soft and would look better when squashed by a full concrete bucket"

Mags The JediGOLD Member
2,020 posts
Location: Cornwall, UK

My god, is Sarah "I lost my heart to a starship trooper" Brightman still gigging? Incredible.

*ponders how to make fire wings*

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Bill Hicks, February 1988

AmanitaSILVER Member
157 posts
Location: Halifax, NS, Canada

Oh yes, she's still at it and better than ever:) Listening to her right now:)

I spent last night's concert alternating between dabbing at my eyes and picking my jaw up off the floor..Check out her live from Las Vegas CD, and the song "A question of honour". She performed it at the concert I attended. Started off real slow, then the heavy beat began and I wanted more than anything to be down there on that stage with a pair of fire poi, doing that song justice! Seriously, she needs some firedancers in her show.

As for the wings, a skeletal design might work, made out of thin tubing, wicked at the ends..but they would not have the same flow of fabric wings.

"Do not meddle in the affairs of Tower Cranes, for you are soft and would look better when squashed by a full concrete bucket"

NOnactivist for HoPper liberation.
1,643 posts
Location: ffidrac

Written by: Mags The Jedi

*ponders how to make fire wings*

anthrax was pondering on the exact same thing in fire jewellery thread....

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if it makes no sense that's because it's NOn-sense.

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,749 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

I saw a guy with thease, they are lovely, yup.

T wave

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

AmanitaSILVER Member
157 posts
Location: Halifax, NS, Canada

I will have to get pics of me with my wings- also, hopefully somebody will get pics of me performing with my new glowbugs next weekend:)

"Do not meddle in the affairs of Tower Cranes, for you are soft and would look better when squashed by a full concrete bucket"

GnorBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
5,814 posts
Location: Perth, Australia

Lots of real close up pictures showing how they are made. The huge ones look so awesome!!!

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AmanitaSILVER Member
157 posts
Location: Halifax, NS, Canada

Where are these pics at? I need some, but haven't been approved for the belly dance costume group yet:(

"Do not meddle in the affairs of Tower Cranes, for you are soft and would look better when squashed by a full concrete bucket"

GnorBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
5,814 posts
Location: Perth, Australia

These are really pretty ones too SPIRIT DANCER" WINGS

Is it the Truth?
Is it Fair to all concerned?
Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

Im in a lonely battle with the world with a fish to match the chip on my shoulder. Gnu in Binnu in a cnu

231 posts
Location: Byron Bay Australia

Written by: Sterlingspider

They would look AWESOME with stilts if you made them specially to match the height.

There used to be a stilt walker at a festival I went to when I was a kid he had really tall stilts and huge wings that were like colourful butterfly wings. They looked beautiful, a giant butterfly flying over the top of the crowd. I would love to see more of it. I havn't seen wings since.


Live, love, laugh and dance!

This_EnergyBRONZE Member
173 posts
Location: ridgefield, ct, USA

these sound really cool.

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I kill and words will defend it.
Got big plans,
blood stained hands
Wanna put my name on the map.
On my way to save the world.
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Kinetic EnergyBRONZE Member
12 posts
Location: Falmouth, England

Could you use Kevlar for the material... separate the end of it somehow (metal rods) and only dip the end...

Or is Kevlar too thick to swing around like that?

If you had time, a 'rolling mat' style wing, with loads of little rods side by side, each with a small wick... it'd take a long time to make though...... confused confused confused confused

thorFlaming Lesbian
181 posts
Location: Portland, Oregon

bearclaw has these with fire wicks on the ends

EDITED_BY: thor (1100481810)

Lights dancing off my skin as chains wrap round it.
Pain is in a little box and I'm so glad I found it.

Kinetic EnergyBRONZE Member
12 posts
Location: Falmouth, England

$539, without wicks.

mad2 censored

thorFlaming Lesbian
181 posts
Location: Portland, Oregon

hey, they gotta make money just like hop gotta make money. there are people out there who'll pay that for em, but if you can't afford em you can always try the DIY approach =]

Lights dancing off my skin as chains wrap round it.
Pain is in a little box and I'm so glad I found it.

AmanitaSILVER Member
157 posts
Location: Halifax, NS, Canada

I'm thinking a more dragon-like version of those would rock:)

"Do not meddle in the affairs of Tower Cranes, for you are soft and would look better when squashed by a full concrete bucket"

foxedfireBRONZE Member
2 posts
Location: brighton, England (UK)

yeah you could make some really cool ones with leds in!

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

Written by: That person wot started all this

but I imagine a set of these would look wicked on a guy too

Did Robert Harrt have these on his costume?


JennWorthingtonBRONZE Member
2 posts
Location: USA

Hi, I'm new smile The Isis wings arent hard to make, and you can swing almost any fabric............the killer is the yardage. Measure yourself from the shoulder to the floor. You anchor the string at one end and draw out a circle with a pencil attached to the other end. That's how big the cape would be. There's a formula for figuring out the yardage, but darned if I can remember it.

Sista Firewirestranger
18 posts
Location: Berlin,Germany

hi! but how would you get that "plissee"effekt, just the fabric without the folding structure wouldnt look as good.... as far as I know, this plissee-ironing technic can only be done in special big press-machines, but please tell me if theres a "diy" way,
Thanx! rolleyes

bliss up the planet!

4 posts
Location: Seattle

Hey all,
I am the sculptor that developed the wings Bearclaw is selling.
He referred me to this list. This is an interesting thread for me as I am always developing new ideas and I love making stuff for my fire performing friends. (pyrosutra, birds of paradise' qi haake)

The wings are entirely aluminum excepting the pinions which hold the wicks. I cast the handles from aluminum in a foundry that I built specifically for this purpose.

The wings are light. highly reflective, and project a lot of light and flame. They are also a very safe prop in that if something is going awry you just let go of them. They cannot wrap or tangle.. My friends often use them while on stilts.
If they were to break or be damaged in any way, I can and will repair them,

I know that 539 is a lot of money, so let's discuss this. I am a professional sculptor. I have been welding and metalworking for eight years. I have slowly and painfully accquired the tools and skills and setup nessecary to work, weld and form various metals.

A welder with eight years exp. gets medical, dental and about $30.00 an hour. These wings take me thirty plus hours per set.
At conventional wage, excluding my overhead (about $50.00 a day) the wings would cost 900.00 a set. That's also excluding the months of work it took to develop a professional prototype.

My present wage and profit margin are still in the burger-flipping "do you want fries with that" realm. If I were getting large orders for the tools every month this would change because I could develop shortcuts and efficiencies.

Presently I make the wings because I must. I love seeing my friends perform with them and I love how they have helped to make a stronger fire community here in Seattle. But make no mistake, they took a tremendous amount of time to produce.

My tone may be a bit defensive here, sorry for that. In any case I have a variety of interesting fire related art on my website. I'd be glad to talk with anyone whom needs sculptural metalwork.

1,359 posts
Location: London/ Surrey

I think it wasn't a dig at the overpricing of the wings, but at an amount of money over the spending budget of the potential buyer. I know I don't have that much money, never mind that much to spend on firetoys! That price sounds extremely reasonable for a hand crafted (not mass machined) piece of specialist performance equipment smile

The optimist claims that we are living in the best of all possible worlds.
The pessimist fears this is true.

Always make time to play in the snow.

AmanitaSILVER Member
157 posts
Location: Halifax, NS, Canada

I think Polythene is right about this, hazardfactor..We werent' implying that your work isn't worth it or anything like that.. I'm an artist myself, and I know how much time and effort goes into even a simple but decent looking drawing, or the computer colouring job. Or how much time it takes to do a nice job on even a simple piece of clothing, like a robe or cloak. So I can see where you're coming from on this one.

Your work is beautiful, and I'm sure I'm not the only one wanting a set of wings, but there's not a whole lot of us who can afford $500+ dollars on one firetoy, sadly enough. I'll have to wait until I'm making crane operator's wages, I know.

You mentioned shortcuts and efficiencies- I was thinking about this today, in fact. I used to work in a ceramics studio, doing production-type work. This was something of an adjustment for me, because I'm used to working for pure quality, not quantity.
I was trying to find ways to be efficient, yet still keep the quality up, where all my boss cared for was speed. But I do know that doing several of an item at once is quicker than trying to do one at a time. Hence your comment on large orders.

Are your wings a one size deal, or is each set custom built from the measurements of whoever orders it?

"Do not meddle in the affairs of Tower Cranes, for you are soft and would look better when squashed by a full concrete bucket"

4 posts
Location: Seattle

I used a mixed set of eight people when developing the handles for the wings, Measurements and practice showed that having two sizes, small and large, accomadated the forearms and hands of men and women between five four and six two, adequately. I went through six separate prototypes before developing this set. Hundreds of hours.

The handles are cast, and producing the "master" for a casting is very labor intensive. There are many many ways in which it can fail to produce a decent casting, some of these owing to the properties of the metal cast.

I am currently working on a series that further develops this idea and blend elements of costume, sculpture and performance.

thanks for your interest.

4 posts
Location: Seattle


There are two sizes, small and large. I am willing to make custom wings, but that would involve what we would call a discussion with the client., and that discussion would nessecarily involve price. I can do som color on the wings easily, or explain te interested parties how to do so,. I could also perforate the wings for an additional effect In general I will support any and all experimentation with the design, but I will also have to charge if it requires more labor.

hey if you are doing the Isis wings, please be careful in choice of fabric. I routinely see people perform in stuff that will land you in the burn ward and this bums me out.

There are solutions which cotton cloth and some others can be dipped in to render it non-flammable. An acid, I think Boric acid, is capable of doing this. Maque Da Vis of Circque du flambe is knawlagable about this.


AmanitaSILVER Member
157 posts
Location: Halifax, NS, Canada

I don't intend to do anything crazy like mix fire and lame Isis wings..Goddess, no!
I figure that when I start firedancing, it's going to be all leather and heavy denim for me, safety first. Not to mention how cool a medieval leather tunic looks:)

Good luck with the continued development of your products:)

"Do not meddle in the affairs of Tower Cranes, for you are soft and would look better when squashed by a full concrete bucket"

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