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MikeIconGOLD Member
2,109 posts
Location: Philadelphia, PA - USA

Yesterday I made a new set of handles for my poi. I wanted some handles that were slightly weighted and easy to catch for doing throws. My socks are wonderful for throws with their big knots for handles. So I wanted to make a handle modeled after my socks.

I went to the local craft store and bought a 1 3/4" wooden doll head which is basically just a wooden ball with a flat side and a hole drilled in it. Then I went to Home Depot and got an #8" closed hook (hook with an eyelet instead of an actual hook) which fits perfectly into the pre-drilled holes in the balls. Went home and dripped a little PVA glue into the ball holes then screwed in the hooks. Heated up the hooks with a lighter for a minute or two to harden the glue. And voilla, some nice new weighted ball handles. I attached them right to my quicklinks that were still attached to my ball chain.

The doll heads cost about 45 cents each and the hooks were 1.50 for 3. So in all I spent less than 3 bucks. Figured id pass on this info in case anyone else wants to make some new handles.

Let's turn those old bridges we crossed into ashes.
We'll blaze a new trail,
and torch the rough patches.


Lillie Frognot a stranger
558 posts
Location: wales

That's a clever idea, I'll try to remember it, for future reference. Thanks

Eat when you're hungry
Sleep where it's dry
No one is ever what they seem
Gabriel King - The Wild Road

BoomShankarGOLD Member
95 posts
Location: Leeds UK

yeah nice one you are using these on youre fire poi yes? Ive been wanting some ball handles for mine but always thought it wouldnt be safe to rely on screws cos mine are quite heavy - post if they break or if they dont and Ill probably make some. i really want some handles like this that glow so I can do loads of throws in the dark dunno if this is very feasible tho smile


DutSILVER Member
380 posts
Location: Nashville, TN, USA

wooden ball handles + drill bits + LED kits + batteries gives you a glowing ball handle. if you throw it, it will trail colors, and prolly spin really pretty. wink

expensiver route involves contact juggling balls + drill bits +... to make clear ones. have you ever seen beamers in action? i guess you'd want them a bit smaller, tho. jump rope handles have a built in attachement and swivel... it's like a triangle with a ring, bent 90 degrees. drive a nail (twisted deck nail, i guess) through the ring into the ball. no flat side needed. hit this page up for pics of jumprope porn. that's right, hot double dutch action, baby. wink CY-119 is where it's at.

-- dut

MikeIconGOLD Member
2,109 posts
Location: Philadelphia, PA - USA

Id rather not have my handles glowy or clear. I need to be able to see them but dont want them to be really visable to spectators. Good suggestions though, others might like the ideas. As far as the jump rope handles go, they could be good too but not for throws as they would be kinda hard to catch as opposed to ball handles.

Let's turn those old bridges we crossed into ashes.
We'll blaze a new trail,
and torch the rough patches.


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