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PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

I don't want stories actually.

What I am looking for is do you believe?

If so, what do you believe in?

Do your beliefs stop at ghosts or do you think demons, werewolves, vampires are real?

What about possession?

UFO's and alien abductions?

What about those things that people can supposedly do? Magic (real, not David Copperfield)? Telepathy? Clair/Audiovoyance?

I ask because I recently resumed my role as a paranormal investigator. I did it years ago, and recently resumed it because it is something I really loved doing. I work with a group of people who seem to be more embracing and *want* to believe in it so much that I do not think they apply as much logic and science. Me, I apply logic and science until I run out of ideas and then still won't definitively say yes, just that it *could* be.

What I have noticed is that those who want to believe, find explainations for their exsistence where they don't really exsist. On the other hand those who choose not to believe will make up stupid explainations that make no sense to debunk something.
It can be quite hard to deal with.

So...where do you fit into all of htis and what do you think?


Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Hey Pele!
How does one become a paranormal investigator?

SpitFireGOLD Member
Mand's Girl....and The Not So Shy One
2,723 posts
Location: Calgary, Alberta Canada

Pele, you sound like you have a scientific approach, not unlike Dana Scully from the XFiles...sorry for the comparison, but she was to be Mulder's yin to his yang, and keep an objective voice on what they a scientist, I agree objectivity is necessary in such things.

So as a scientist, where do I sit?

I think ther e are things that science cannot yet explain. There is a chance that science may never be able to explain certain things.

I believe in ghosts. I've not had a personal run in, though I've heard lots of stories, since I grew up in New Orleans. I don't have evidence to support my believe, but, I do have a question, and that is...if energy can neither be created, nor destroyed, what happens to the energy within a person when they die? It's this question which leads me to believe in the possibility of ghosts.

Do I believe in demons, vampires and werewolves? Honestly, I can't say. The legends are so prevalent in our society, and most legends have some basis in truth. The question is...what is the seed of truth in those legends?

Magic? Well, I'm pagan, so yeah, I believe in magic, but not the hocus pocus type you find on Charmed, or what not. For me, and many like me, what is called magic is akin to prayer.

Telepathy....I can't say, though MAnd and I've been able to say the exact same thing at the exact same time, which tends to be freaky.

Clair/Audivoyance...The verdict is out for me. I've had some people tell about their stories, and they are uncanny. Being the scientist I am, I need more evidence.

Part of me would like to believe, but I don't want to let that desire to believe to interfere with my objectivity.

I like to take in the evidence and interpret it, and draw my conclusions from there.

Solitude sometimes speaks to you, and you should listen.

oliSILVER Member
not with cactus
2,052 posts
Location: bristol/ southern eastern devon, United Kingdom

i believe its all in the mind...

Me train running low on soul coal
They push+pull tactics are driving me loco
They shouldn't do that no no no

The Real Fryed FishGod's illgitament son
1,489 posts
Location: state of confusion

I'd say yes to all but the vampires & werewolves, just have a hard time with those for the rest, yes......anything is in the realm of possibilites, just some are less probable than others......i.e. psy powers are very possible considering the small amount of the brain that people use, so if you could unlock more then who knows

You can't avoid pain by fencing yourself from it.
Some times you need the help of others more than anything else
But you have to let them close enough to help......
People want to be needed, I found that out too

1,376 posts
Location: London, UK

I don't believe in the paranormal - in the sense that there's anything unexplainable. There may be stuff out there that we don't currently understand, but that's just because we've not been able to properly observe and theorise about it smile After all, if you can see something than you can use science and logic to try and explain it...

As for your list, pretty much none of them at the moment, with some mental abilities rating a "possibly plausible" but I'd need to see far better evidence than currently exists. But as with everything, I keep an open mind and would be willing to admit to being wrong if someone showed me otherwise.

Agreed though that far too many people fail to use reason in this situation - either through blind acceptance without any evidence, or through being unable to conceive that there are things out there science doesn't yet explain.

"Moo," said the happy cow.

RovoGOLD Member
(the person actually known as Chris Bailey)
544 posts
Location: Austin, TX, USA

I need to see something to beleive in it. Except that although I'm not sure aliens have ever been here I do beleive that somewheres in the universe there are other lifeforms. The probability is just too high. There are so many planets that we can't see or find I feel if life started here I don't see why the same chemical reactions can't start somewheres else. I think it might be possible for humans to have psychic powers for the same reasons as fryed fish.

Peace, Love, Circles

1,376 posts
Location: London, UK

Written by: SpitFire

I believe in ghosts. I've not had a personal run in, though I've heard lots of stories, since I grew up in New Orleans. I don't have evidence to support my believe, but, I do have a question, and that is...if energy can neither be created, nor destroyed, what happens to the energy within a person when they die? It's this question which leads me to believe in the possibility of ghosts.

I've heard this one before. What energy? If you don't believe in the soul then the energy in the body would stop being produced upon death, and any currently there would be dissipated as heat.

"Moo," said the happy cow.

SpitFireGOLD Member
Mand's Girl....and The Not So Shy One
2,723 posts
Location: Calgary, Alberta Canada

Energy is, doesn't disappear...when a bolt of lightning strikes something, the energy is transferred from the bolt to the surrounding objects. Energy can't just disappear, because that would mean energy is being destroyed.

I believe in souls, and perhaps that is the energy, but what happens to it when you die?

I need food before I go too much further with these thoughts...brain needs foooood.

Solitude sometimes speaks to you, and you should listen.

oliSILVER Member
not with cactus
2,052 posts
Location: bristol/ southern eastern devon, United Kingdom

Written by: spiralx

Agreed though that far too many people fail to use reason in this situation - either through blind acceptance without any evidence, or through being unable to conceive that there are things out there science doesn't yet explain.

science is just another ghost. (geuss what book im reading?) and its all in our minds to

Me train running low on soul coal
They push+pull tactics are driving me loco
They shouldn't do that no no no

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Patrick, just like any other job. You study to a certain level and you interview for it.

Well, for vampirism and werewolves there are psychological disorders (Renfield's Syndrome, for example) for variations on it. I am not just talking the Bella Lagosi versions wink

Please keep in mind I do not want a debate on the topic. It is one of those weird ones that can get quite heated.

I understand what you are saying Spitfire about the energy. There are several forms of natural phenomenon where energy of some form "balls up", for lack of a better explaination. Swamp Lights (if you grew up in New Orleans I am sure you've heard the tales) are swamp gasses which gather and glow, or ball lightening...

There are things which can not yet be explained or accounted for, to be sure.

I won't get into what I believe and do not believe in. My studies in parapsychology have been, well, enlightening in the past. Having grown up a spiritualist I was raised that anything is possible.

I draw the line at alien abductions. I simply can not go there. umm lol

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Hey Pele!

Maybe you should hook up with this guy? Paranormal Research!

He's offering a million dollars for proof!


PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

I already know about him and his contest and such. I also know the contest is rigged and he has no intention of giving up the million (which is tied up in bonds). He is an ass and a blowhard.
But I know of him, as well as about 700 other groups/researchers worldwide, who span from believing everything to believing nothing. I know about conventions, conferences, classes, gatherings and such.
But thanks for thinking of me though.

And to further answer your study mythology, philosophy, parapsychology, psychology, geology, metaphysics, biology, physics and more. On our team we have someone who has a degree in sociology/psychological profiling, an emt, a science tech major...etc...

As I said, this is not new to me. It is something I have done for years (longer than poi) but performing became so prevalent in my life that I let other things that I enjoyed go. This is one of those things, so I am getting back into it, and it just to happened my friends timing was impecable to my desires.

And besides, it is just freakin' fun.

Instead of explaining it all to you Patrick, I would like you to answer my questions please. smile

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

My opinion is that I believe in verifiable facts! smile

musashiistarring Skippy the green llama
1,148 posts
Location: Seattle, WA

Nice topic. I've always been interested in paranormal research/investigation, just never actually found a way to get into it. I bet they have at least some sort of club around here(other than the goth clubs, lol) where people do paranormal research, mebbe I should look around.

My beliefs? Magic is staged, magick is very real. Without getting into stories I've witnessed and felt quite a few paranormal events in my studies/practice. Telepathy and clairvoyance is more of a psychic phenomena than a paranormal one I think, but eh, tomato tomahtoe. Thoughts/intention are energy, why shouldn't someone sensitive enough be able to pick up on them.

I believe in ghosts and spirits, having seen both(I classify a ghost as a human spirit, and a spirit as something not human, or what was once human). I'm not sure if I wholeheartedly agree with the christian based classifications of spirits, ie the hierarchy of angels and demons(even those discussed in the lesser keys of solomon), it seems a bit limiting.

As far as vampires, I dunno about the exact bloodsucking images that we have portrayed. I know other forms exist, but the essence extracted(for lack of a better term) is really more energy than blood. This is a form of magick that really just makes my flesh crawl.

Possessions, I believe in, I think there are spirits strong enough to do so and humans dumb enough to allow them. It's one thing to channel a spirit/deity's energy, quite another to allow possession.

UFO's? Hmm, the verdict is still out on that one. I'd _like_ to believe that other intelligent life exists, and I've read/seen too many accounts, but I'm still not that sure myself. I'll just leave it at I won't be extremely surprised if contact is made(officially). I had a theory for a while that the media was priming us for the actual announcement that contact had been made. Makes sense, if you don't want to cause (as much)panic in the populace, you gradually introduce the idea to them. We'll see
EDITED_BY: musashii (1100289524)

First intention, then enlightenment..
Ars Pyronomica

" Life is programmed. Whether death is programmed or not is yet to be determined."

1,591 posts
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada.

generally I think some crazy stupff happens, which require crazy explanations but I think it is awfully difficult to obstain the truth because our minds are bad filters in general.

I think some sort of global consciousness hivemind dealie is probably the most convincing form of this I have seen. But it may be more global mind reading (through observation of basic human thought patterns, emotions, etc etc.. via interputation of what we perceive.

so maybe "vibes" in whatever form they move in move faster then one would think, and perhaps they move through ways other then face to face contact. But I generally think you need some sort of connnection between people for vibe transfer.

A hermit in the middle of siberia who hasn't seen another human for 5 years is probably unplugged from global consciousness because he isn't communicating with anyone (via verbal or non verbal methods)

yet their still seems to be a bit of evidence of telekentic telepathetic telemindphone powers.

So maybe it's a bit of both.

One thing that comes to mind is some of the telekinesis experiments I have seen on questionable television shows where people do things like watch a mechanical windup toy that movies in random directions. While they watch it, it seems to move towards or away from them instead of it's statistically discovered pattern.

Also, they had people watching a giant "Plinko" machine and they caused all the plinko balls falling down through a series of pegs. While someone sat in the room and watched this giant plinko machine (it was more like the spin off of plinko on the price is right with a hopper full of styrofoam balls) they all collected in one side. But not when it was released with no one looking.

But, perhaps the dude loading the hopper is subconciously compressing the balls on one side or doing something to alter the outcome. This brings me to an experiment a long time ago to prove rather or not white people had a diffrent brain capacity as black people and the scientist filled several caucasian and negroid skulls with beans. He found a slightly larger amount of beans fit in white skulls and it became popular belief.

People went back and redid his experiment with the same skulls and found no real conclusion other then black&white skulls seem to hold the same number of beans on average.

It's believed this dude who I forget was trying to find an objective truth in the size of the inner space of skulls but he was subconciously packing more beans into the white skulls (by compressing them a tiny bit) and thus came across his results.

Perhaps because he was a product of a more racist time, or because he felt he would look silly if he came up with no result. But from what I read in history class awhile ago it was believed he was a perfectly credible scientist who believed a great deal in the princiaples of proper objective scientific experiementation.

1,591 posts
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada.

oh and Im highly doubtful of people with personal experiences of the paranormal in group situations (mainly those where the goal of experimenting/playing/prooving/showing evidence of paranormal/magick/spirits/blah blah blah exists)

I think it's more like a bit of wakeing hypnotic suggestion and whatnot then say, any real evidence.

Hell some of it's full out hypnosis, and blatant exploitation of the human imagination and psyche.

but, their are people who seem to have had experiences that are worth not dismissing, but I doubt they happen when they sit around a table with a weegee board or incant a bunch of jibberish in some ceremony with darkened lights and candles.

You can use sensory deprivation, hype, atmosphere, suggestion, empathy, etc etc.. to make people experience some pretty trippy things. That doesn't mean something "magickal" is happening. Doesn't mean it isn't either.

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Musashii...I can send you a link to the group out your way. I don't know what their requirements are but if you want to look into it, I would be more than happy to help you! wink

Astar...I agree with much of what you said as far as subconcious design. And it is proven that group hysteria is a very viable phenomenon in many group cases, though that tends to not be what investigators look into because it is too easy to disprove. However, it is fun on open night amatuer ghost hunts, when one person screams because s/he saw/heard/felt "something". The freak out spreads like wildfire and always makes me laugh!

As far as UFO's. I do believe in intelligent life out there. I completely believe in non-humanoid forms. I believe some are prehistoric by our standards and that we are prehistoric by other standards. The universe is entirely to vast to believe otherwise in my opinion. It would be extremely egotistical to think we are the only sentient beings out there. However, do I believe they are kidnapping our toothless hoards and sticking probes up their butts and noses? Not at all.

BTW, no need to apologize about the comparison to Scully. I admired her for her logic just as much as I admired Mulder for thinking outside the box. wink

Thanks all..this is really interesting to read!

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

SpitFireGOLD Member
Mand's Girl....and The Not So Shy One
2,723 posts
Location: Calgary, Alberta Canada

Oh and aliens? The universe is tooo big for us to be the only sentient beings within it...whether aliens have given us a fly by or not? I suspect they have, saw what we were up to, and decided to leave us well enough alone. biggrin

Seriously, though, I don't know that I believe in abductions, but I do believe in life beyond our solar system.

Solitude sometimes speaks to you, and you should listen.

1,591 posts
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada.

somehow im guessing if aliens were interested with us, it might only be for our artwork.

Be careful when you go to the next art exhibit in your area.

seriously why would they fly great distances while bending laws of physics (or meeting them but doing something like in star trek)

just to fly around and amuse themselves?

I reckon all the government stuff has been over-exagerated shenigans between them and russia or them and nazi germany.

ValuraSILVER Member
Mumma Hen
6,391 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

Post deleted by Valura

TAJ "boat mummy." VALURA "yes sweetie you went on a boat, was daddy there with you?" TAJ "no, but monkey on boat" VALURA "well then sweetie, Daddy WAS there with you"

1,591 posts
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada.

Are you sure that isn't all perfectly explainable by the science of psychology neurology and the study of philosophy, and all the overlap inbetween.

ValuraSILVER Member
Mumma Hen
6,391 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

yes im sure.

TAJ "boat mummy." VALURA "yes sweetie you went on a boat, was daddy there with you?" TAJ "no, but monkey on boat" VALURA "well then sweetie, Daddy WAS there with you"

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

[quote Pele] I was born and raised a spiritualist/pagan. If I were to get into it, this note would be a mile long. So my answer will be yes to spirits, yes to funky readings (I do Tarot and past life readings), things coming up missing and then reappearing for no apparent reason, my son even has a friend he calls ghost that he can only talk to or see in the upstairs of our home.

But...I have two quick stories I can share.

Two days ago my grandmother and I were chatting over many topics, legalization of pot for medical use, parents getting too hyper over children's minor illness, my cousin having a baby (and I haven't seen her in 5 years) as well as a few other family issues/jokes. In the 24 following our conversation everything manifested itself somehow. We watched the news where the two mid-line stories were the legalization of pot in Nevada for medical use and the vote resurging in NY again, as well as a doctors issue being filed about parents giving children over the counter meds out of fear of minor illnesses. Then I ran into my cousin with her new baby that night, after 4 years. And all of the family things we discussed actually came to pass. My mom has forbidden me to talk with grams unless it is about winning the lotto.

The other is when we moved into this house we had someone constantly knocking on our back door, but no one is there. At least ten of us have gone to answer it. Once we stopped trying to answer the door, the knocking stopped. He now paces our upstairs hall instead, but he's a rather nice fellow. those are the most recent two.


Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

1,591 posts
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada.

then im sure your sure. and, am interested in the cool stuff you know and study.

2,354 posts
Location: Away from home

ubbtickled ubblol

*rolls around giggling at NYC*

1,591 posts
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada.

nyc that story seems to sum up like my entire life.

like, thoughts/ideas/events being discussed (internally or externally) manifesting themselves in freaky ways.

also karma seems to be a ridiciously undeniable phenomen in my life.

For example, one time me and my friend were breaking an aforementioned law in a parking garage. Some guy comes to us when I am done running around bounceing off walls (literally as I was trying to see how many steps I could run along a wall) and we exit the parking garage and are on the sidewalk of downtown halifax.

Some guy who is genuinly frantic and doesn't seem homeless or a junkie comes up to me and needs money to pool with his money he has begged off other people to try to get a tow truck to take his broken down car back to his rural community. I believed him, and between the two of us gave him nearly all our money which was like 25 bucks. I have no idea if he spent the money on anything but cocaine, but im giving him the benefit of the doubt.

So, I become homeless quite awhile latter and im in toronto, with no money, no idea where you can get free food and low blood sugar. Some guy with the same accent of the previous guy is asking me for money. Im like "uh im suffering from low blood sugar and have a migraine, if I had money I would have spent it on food)

he's like "What? Uh im sorry I was just scamming you for money im homeless" I ask him where he's from and he's from the same town. He gives me exactly 15 dollars of the crack money he had collected running around scamming people. Which happens to be exactly my contribution to a guy who seemed to really need the money in an entirely diffrent city (I didn't need the money and was going to spend it on pot)

I use it to feed myself untill I find out where I can get free food and whatnot.

in general, whenever I go on any sort of adventure crazy stuff happens like that. I go insane trying to figure it out and piece it all together.

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Hey forgot to quote me on that!!!
Sheesh...just cause my life is interesting doesn't mean you have to steal it from me! tongue

No one else caught on that in "NYC's story" it mentioned him having a son???? eek
That was a few years ago now..what? 3 or 4? Wow! Time flies and all that jazz.

That is why I said no stories you see. There are already threads detailing stories from people who believe.

I wanted to see how many believed, or don't, and what they do or do not believe in silly man!

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

I have to say that what I am finding intriguing is that many people are saying they believe but then discounting ghost hunts or the televised ones (there is a show here where they rarely find anything but it is sometimes cool to see the dynamic). Why is this?
I completely understand the not believing in the Hollywood hype versions, that is a given. Yet, why condemn those who believe the same as you and are searching for proof, but in a more public way?

Ghost hunts are done in small groups, lead by someone with rational thinking to calm hysterias when they hit. This is also for safety. One person can get hurt trolling around in the dark, ghosts or no. We have open amatuer ghost hunts where people come and walk around this creepy old building with a loong history of lots of death to see if they can find ghosts. Hints and tips are given, and then we wait til someone needs help, wants an escort into a particularly scary place, and in the event of group hysteria we calm them down and reason with them, then send them back into the tunnels. So...where is this different from trying to figure out that feeling you are being watched in your home with your friends to cover you?
This intrigues me.

I think that people's views on spirits and energies are fascinating and I look forward to hearing more. How about the difference between a poltergeist, a ghost and a spirit? Are they different to you?

Blood drinking (not in the forever sense) but the believing in the need to consume blood to live, and as a source of life energy, is a real psychological disorder called Renfield's Syndrome, btw. Named after the character in Stoker's Dracula.
I knew someone once who was diagnosed with it and had to undergo some serious therapy to keep from hurting herself.
There were also profiles of such people on the two hour show "Modern Vampirism" a few years back as well.

Right now, as the thread stands it is interesting to see that there are more believers on the whole but that everyone has a limit to what they will believe, so no one is completely open to any possibility. Hmmmm...that's food for thought.

Thanks all! This is great!

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

GnorBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
5,814 posts
Location: Perth, Australia

I believe there are many planes of existance that cross over into each other. Within many people are the abilitities to see these planes. Like Valuras abilities and yours. To me it seems you can both see not just right here and now.

Some people embrace it as you both have, some cant see it, some can see it and explain it away and some are scared of it. Each to their own.

I like Valuras energy vampire comparison. I call some people physic Vampires as they seem to drain energy from us. Many children are like this which to me explains why kids parties are so exhausting.

Is it the Truth?
Is it Fair to all concerned?
Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

Im in a lonely battle with the world with a fish to match the chip on my shoulder. Gnu in Binnu in a cnu

PrometheusDiamond In The Rough
459 posts
Location: Richmond, Virginia

When people talk about the paranormal, they're talking about things that science has not yet explained. 500 years ago, things like St. Elmo's Fire and eclipses were paranormal. Now we understand these things. But perhaps, someday science will reach a point where it can explain no more, and we will have to accept the existence of UFO's and pyrokinesis.

I would really love to believe in life after death, so I've always walked a fine line bewteen skepticism and hope. It is my belief that I've seen 2 ghosts in my lifetime. I'm fairly certain my last apartment was haunted, though I never saw who or what it was.

UFO's have been described since ancient times, and I certainly believe that intelligent life must have evolved elsewhere. I imagine if they are visiting us, the must be studying us as well, perhaps even abducting us, otherwise, why make the trip?

Things like demonic possession or magic I would be more skeptical about, since they are more easily explainable as psi-talents. I have friends who read tarot cards, some with amazing accuracy. I realize that cards, palms or whatever you use are merely tools, through which other abilities are channelled.

Hollywood monsters are just that, things pulled out of hundred-year-old books. Vampires & werewolves are imaginary, except in politics.

I would like to be on such an investigative team, I think it would be a fascinating experience. Unfortunately I have no degrees or certification. Perhaps the only thing that might qualify me to be on a paranormal research team is to be the necessary voice of skepticism, the one who says, "that orb is just a bug," or that cold chill came from the crack in the foundation." I've also experimented with spirit photography, read a lot on techniques, and how to spot fakes. I've seen enough online fakes to fill an internet. Maybe when I finally catch a ghost on film, I'll turn in my application.
EDITED_BY: Prometheus (1100322840)

Dance like it hurts; Love like you need money; Work like someone is watching.

Never criticize someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, when you DO criticize them, you are a mile away, and you have their shoes.

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