~m~BRONZE Member
67 posts
Location: Nottingham, UK

I've seen Sparky Poi, and most impressive they are too.

My question is, can you use wire wool on other toys, or does it only give the right effect with something that moves fast, like Poi?

More specifically, has anyone ever tried sparky fans? Do they work? Or is it a really bad plan?!?


"Come to the edge", he said. They said "We are afraid."
"Come to the edge", he said. They came.
He pushed them..... and they flew.
- Apollinaire

ado-pGOLD Member
Pirate Ninja
3,882 posts
Location: Galway/Ireland

its even really hard with a stick.

you need a good strong centrifugal force.....

cant see it working with fans.

at least not with anything resembling grace anyway smile

Love is the law.

~m~BRONZE Member
67 posts
Location: Nottingham, UK

:| Thought that might be the case, but it never hurts to ask!

Thanks anyway smile

"Come to the edge", he said. They said "We are afraid."
"Come to the edge", he said. They came.
He pushed them..... and they flew.
- Apollinaire

LurchBRONZE Member
old hand
929 posts
Location: Oregon, USA

could always use real sparklers though could you not?

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IfritBRONZE Member
The GF of HoP
492 posts
Location: Somerset, England

yeah that would be cool. Ive only ever heard people using wirewool on Poi, Staffs and nun-chucks. But ive tried it on fire diabolo with worked fairly well. Not great mind.

fire leads to creation

ado-pGOLD Member
Pirate Ninja
3,882 posts
Location: Galway/Ireland

we tried sparklers on poi and it worked great. when the sparkler burns down to the poi it lights!!!

should work with fans too...

be nice to go from sparkles into fire.

Love is the law.

MedusaSILVER Member
1,433 posts
Location: 8 days at Cloudbreak, 6 in Perth, Australia

the wire wool effect (huge fire works like effect) would not work on fans simply because they spin way to slow to get that type of effect.

The sparklers do work though.

~m~BRONZE Member
67 posts
Location: Nottingham, UK

Sounds like an interesting plan. How does one attach the sparklers to the wick? I'd be worried about flying bits of hot metal hitting me, the audience, etc.....

"Come to the edge", he said. They said "We are afraid."
"Come to the edge", he said. They came.
He pushed them..... and they flew.
- Apollinaire

513 posts
Location: Netherlands - Breda

Oow ado-p, That's brilliant... well, a good idea anyhow tongue...
I did it the other way around, lighting my poi and hoping the sparklers would light eventually... that was not a very satisfying experiment... But lighting your poi with the sparklers is easyer and looks nicer as well!!!

|| "Is True Mastery of the Elements But a Dream?" ||

MedusaSILVER Member
1,433 posts
Location: 8 days at Cloudbreak, 6 in Perth, Australia

~m~: trust me you have more risk of burning yourself using the steel wool than with the sparklers.

And with the audience aspect you need to make sure that everyone is a safe distance away from you with any kind of fire twirling so check out the area you are going to be twirling in before starting up and set a boundary that the audience are not allowed to cross no matter what!

The sparklers have this little wire bit at the end where you usually hold your hand when using them in the ordinary fashion all you have to do is twist that onto the metal part of your poi or fans so they won't sit directly on the wick but just above it.

The more painful part is getting the damn things off so make sure you take a set of wire cutters along so that you don't rip your hands up trying to untwist them.

~m~BRONZE Member
67 posts
Location: Nottingham, UK

Sounds good - thanks for the advice! I will give it a try.... Carefully!


"Come to the edge", he said. They said "We are afraid."
"Come to the edge", he said. They came.
He pushed them..... and they flew.
- Apollinaire

~m~BRONZE Member
67 posts
Location: Nottingham, UK

While I'm here....

in case I do decide to try the wire wool as an experiment, is there something somewhere which would tell me the best & safest way to attach it to the fans?

Thanks again smile

"Come to the edge", he said. They said "We are afraid."
"Come to the edge", he said. They came.
He pushed them..... and they flew.
- Apollinaire

~m~BRONZE Member
67 posts
Location: Nottingham, UK

Okay, never mind. I did a search and found some threads on how to attach wire wool to poi, and it seems easy enough to transfer the principles.


"Come to the edge", he said. They said "We are afraid."
"Come to the edge", he said. They came.
He pushed them..... and they flew.
- Apollinaire

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