
Location: Brisbane, Australia

Could anyone be so kind as to clarify the threading the needle poi move? I can't get a grip on how it's done, or even reallly what it looks like!I find it hard to visualise off that gif image for some reason - I've got all the others down pat!Cheers,Joel

521 posts
Location: Bristol / London / Norwich / Chennai, India (UK) (...

Ok. Think of someone that you don't like. Do the butterfly and then all you have to do is punch forward with each hand one after the other. Whenever you punch you must make sure that you punching hand is on top of your non punching hand. Believe me it may sound weird but when you try it you will get what I mean. the thing to practice is punching @ the right time so as not to get tangled up.Also tryhttps://www.homeofpoi.com/thread.htmhope this help.peace outgarbo tongue

be excellent to each other: safe:

SimosBRONZE Member
384 posts
Location: London, UK

that is so true garbo grin try it out highcommander you'll end up doing the move without realizing what you are doing - just make sure you 'punch' at the right time...happy punching,Simos

72 posts
Location: Oakland, CA, USA

i hadnt done this move for like 4 months cause i didnt think it was all that visually spectacular and when i tried coming back to it one night it was just the biggest bitch ever. it took me like 25-30 minutes to get the timing right because i was just so used to not doing it or used to something else or something. i still hate this move. is there anything special that can be done with it besides passing (no one to pass too, boohoo)? then i might like it.DRAKE

30 posts
Location: Edinburgh, UK

Just perfected it the other day! I'd been trying for ages and then feeling a little drunk picked up some poi I'd half made for a friend and gave it a go. Got it first time. The timing is weird though it's like your hands bounce twice to each circle of the poi. Tou dont need to do large punches either although that can look cool. My latest is clapping while in butterfly. It's great when someone does a cool move at a fire practice!

341 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Thread the needle is invariably the move that people like best when I light up... not sure why. It's one of my faves but. smile

Endangered Sanitymember
164 posts
Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia

I don't really understand thread the needle... i may be doing it, but i dont really know... If i am then I don't think it's that spectacular

521 posts
Location: Bristol / London / Norwich / Chennai, India (UK) (...

all you do is punch with your left hand when the poi of your right hand reaces 45 degree's to your left.Here is what i meanright poi 0-------- ( in this position) punch with left hand above string.see simple (he sy's looking @ his very detailed drawing)peace outgarbo tongue

be excellent to each other: safe:

SupermanBRONZE Member
829 posts
Location: Houston, Texas, USA

should set this board up to support live video feeds, so in a post we can see each other, and show how to do moves in real time.. that would be coolSuper'------------------"Only the warrior that hears the call will know when to leave, Where to go" -unknown

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear--not absence of fear.

- Mark Twain

45 posts
Location: Canada

The Way I Would describe thread the neadle is it feels like a Butterfly where you keep changing the Hand ontop for Every Beat. If you can do simple crossovers and you can do a butterfly you will be able to do thread the neadle. Start with small movements one hand ontop then the other and work your way into the punch.Good Luck~spryte~

127 posts
Location: Yorktown, VA, USA

I just picked up thread-the-needle last night while trying to get a frikkin horizontal butterfly [which came later, after a few head smacks]. It was pretty cool since i didn't quite know what i was doing at first. Basically it's a butterfly but the overlapping string [the one on top] keeps alternating between the left and right one. Just pull your hand back whenever you need too, since i think it's actually harder to do all the turning and then pulling back, and then turning and going forward, etc.------------------"Happiness is not a destination, but a method for life"- Burton Hills

The reason communism doesn't work is because people like to own stuff

52 posts
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa

STILL haven't aced that move (gonna try this punching idea, it sounds fairly sensible), however in my efforts I discovered a variant on the move ...Did you ever play "One potato, two potato, three potato, four ..."? Assuming you do forward butterfly with your right hand on top: on the upswing move your left hand in a half circle, clockwise, around your right hand so that left is on top (One potato...). That's one beat, now move your right hand in a half circle anti-clockwise around your left so that right is on top again (two potato ...), repeat.In effect you're just putting one hand on top of the other in time to your butterfly beat. Remember your hands change altitude not distance from body (major difference from thread the needle).From my point of view it looks like quite an arb(itrary) move but people say it looks good.Try letting out a whoop (YEEEEE-HAAAAAA !) while doing it, it'll change poeples focus from the whirling poi to your face/hands.Wish me luck with this punching thing !Bish

Hasst du etwas zeit fuer mich?... Dan singe ich ein lied fuer dich ... -Bjork/Nena

wandershroomBRONZE Member
16 posts
Location: USA

I still have not acheived this move..it seems the moment I go to do this my left hand stops moving or they get tangled up. Need some pointers....

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

Try the other thread?

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

poinoobSILVER Member
45 posts
Location: louisianna, new orleans, USA

once u get the ttn try moving it around and playing with it no one says that you must do it in one spot hop around move left to right its really fun

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