Forums > Social Discussion > Spinning Magazine - would you buy one?

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ben-ja-menGOLD Member
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Location: Adelaide, Australia

if there was a quarterly spinning magazine full of loads of technical articles pretty pictures up and coming festivals around the globe for the quarter, interviews and all the other things u come to associate with magazines would you buy one possibly with a vcd of ppls lovely spinning

if yes what would u want from it and how much would you pay for it assuming it was professionally done? bearing in mind im thinking about an internet order based thing so ud have to order it online

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourself, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous and talented? Who are you NOT to be?

6,650 posts

I certainly would if there's a HoP hottie poi-centerfold wink

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

brittleGOLD Member
131 posts
Location: leicester, uk

for it to stand out in a newsagent putting a good but not too good fire pic on the cover would be good - everyone likes fire - also it would mean it would appeal to adavanced spinners and beginners.

IMHO i think this is a really good idea and i would definitely buy it if (hopefully when) it came out

What to do in case of fire??? LET IT BURN!

71 posts
Location: Europe

that kind of magazine would be amazing!!!wow but than it has to come out around the hole globe!! i would buy it, even it costs around 6€/ 6$ or more. It would be very interessting to discover new technics or new spinning possibillities, like new products who are on the market.
in that magazine it would be very interessting to have:
-comments on different products to buy/use (different poi, different liquids to burn, like who is the best to use etc.)
-comments and interviews of good spinners
-news about meetings of spinninggroubs
-a pagesite for letters of the reader
-nice fire-, circus- etc. -wallpapers
-but also news about juggling, devilstick, staff and other circusstuff
-and maybe nice clothes (like a little fashionpage for spinners)
-a page with 'do & don'ts'of firespinning
-new techiques
-and more!!

such a magazine would be great!!

-I love goats and cheesecake-

52 posts
Location: Melbourne, Victoria

Well this idea has kinda just fazed into the horizon, but i want to bring it back.

We were actually getting somewhere with it. I am about to have alot of time on my hands and am still interested in this idea. Im going to do something about it. I want to get any like minded people who are really interested in putting the time and effort into this idea to get intouch with me. PM me and we can work something out.

I will not rest until this idea is sorted out, either way!

sagetreeGOLD Member
organic creation
246 posts
Location: earth, Wales (UK)

i haven't been following this thread closely but i am very interested being a part of or starting a poi, staff and juggling magazine. i have experience with graphic design, page layout and typography for anyone interested

MojojoGOLD Member
wandering dingo
167 posts
Location: Aussie in London, Australia

I would buy it. And I am certain most of the twirlers I know would also. For sure.

In fact, I think it is such a great idea that I would be prepared to put some cash up to get it off the ground. Someone else mentioned previously that maybe a few investors could be dragged in - do this all properly, ie register as a company, (not a very difficult process at all) and I would gladly be a shareholder.

I think it would be brilliant to see something like this in a newsagent. It would be great having a printed magazine to throw in your bag to read on the bus/train/tube or whatever, you can't do that with all of the wonderful stuff that is available on the net!

Another section I think would be a good idea - photography - tips, hints, maybe have readers send in pics. Photo comps.

I think that in the couple of years since this thread was started, that the international fire community has grown in size so much that it would be a much more viable idea.

Someone please please do it!!

Only three things are certain: Death, Taxes, and that England will not win back the Ashes in this lifetime.

onewheeldaveGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,252 posts
Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

 Written by: Jai

Well this idea has kinda just fazed into the horizon, but i want to bring it back.

We were actually getting somewhere with it. I am about to have alot of time on my hands and am still interested in this idea. Im going to do something about it. I want to get any like minded people who are really interested in putting the time and effort into this idea to get intouch with me. PM me and we can work something out.

I will not rest until this idea is sorted out, either way!

Check this link out-

-a new magazine for the unicycling community.

I've got the first issue and it's good- pricey, but good.

Being a part of both the spinning(/juggling) community and the unicycling community, i would contrast them by saying that the unicyling community has been formed with a considerably higher input from older members.

It seems, on the whole, more mature and focused than the spinning community- it's members are more aligned to the same ends and less argumentative.

This helps with making a magazine a practical (financially) possibility.

It also helps that, with the cost of maintaining a serious unicycle habit running into hundreds (sometimes thousands) of pounds, members of that community tend to have a higher disposable income.

However, to an extent this is perhaps offset by the fact that the unicycling community is considerably smaller than the spinning community?

If you, or anyone here, are serious about putting in the commitment and risk necessary to set up and continue a spinning magazine, it could be a good idea to purchase the uni mag to see what articles are in it, what sponsership/adverts are used etc: and, to contact the editors/producers, explain your position and see what advice they can give you.

I suspect that, with unicycling being, like spinning, a minority activity but one whose members have a lot of enthusiasm/love of their art, that the issues involved in setting up the magazine will have a lot in common with those of setting up a spinning mag.

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

"Last of The Lancers"
AFC 32

Educate your self in the Hazards of Fire Breathing STAY SAFE!

sagetreeGOLD Member
organic creation
246 posts
Location: earth, Wales (UK)

thanks OWD very good idea

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
8,738 posts
Location: wombling free..., United Kingdom

I like the idea of a spinning magazine. you could list organised troupes etc and it could be used as a way for performers to be found by venues.

the capital for production could be offset by "Some advetisements" (not too many as that gets annoying) either by troupes, venues or producers of juggling equipment. it could pay for itself if marketed correctly

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

RayinRedSILVER Member
39 posts
Location: Huntington, New York, USA

I would buy the first one, and then judge if it would be worthwhile to subscribe. I hope such magazine would not be bias against staff spinners and have articles relating to all fire toys.

52 posts
Location: Melbourne, Victoria

Well i have been researching the idea. The legal legwork behind this sort of thing is kinda crazy. So i have come up with an idea. Would people still buy it if it wasnt just a magazine by itself? What if it was part of another magazine? Like an insert in....a lifestyle magazine? That way it would be easier to organise. It would be a start.

Would YOU buy it? No pre-pay, where u dont know if u will ever actually see ur money or the magazine again. It would be available at your local newsagency.

I am currently talking to one magazine who seem interested. I cant say what magazine because i have told them i wouldnt mention anything just as yet, but its possible. As more incentive, can people give ideas on why they think this is a good/bad idea so i can take it to them. The hardest part is convincing them that there is a big enough audience.

Now i recently bought Marie Claire. I was told that they have a fire spinning section. But i couldnt find it. Is it true or is it just gossip?


brittleGOLD Member
131 posts
Location: leicester, uk

it would be good to start off with, however i would like to see a spinning magazine in its self later on though

What to do in case of fire??? LET IT BURN!

52 posts
Location: Melbourne, Victoria

Yes, it is the ultimate goal i would have to say. But since i didnt win lotto last night i have decided to start off small with a more stable source. I will let everyone know if this goes through. There will be a trial issue and everyone will have to go out and buy it! Or else there will be no point in publishing it.

I will let everyone know when i know more.

If anyone has some skills they would like to share please let me know.


12 posts
Location: California

Hi Everyone! I have been perusing this thread, and it seems as though there is some interest in a magazine for fire spinners - how about if it included something else to go along with fire spinners? Here is an online magazine I have started as a test subject.

Please check it out and offer any suggestions, etc. I would like a lot more content so if you have ideas or would like to submit articles, interviews, etc, please let me know! Thanks!!

Shut up and Drum!

OrbitSILVER Member
270 posts
Location: USA

Wow, that's Anah on the cover!

Been away from HOP for a while... magazine idea is dormant for now for me, but am certainly willing to contribute in any way to someone else's pursuit of it.


12 posts
Location: California

Thanks for the feedback! Yes, absolutely, if there are any articles or ideas you have for content, please contact me! Thanks!

Shut up and Drum!

Twylight_LadyBRONZE Member
Poi Spinning Vixen
2 posts
Location: All over the Northwest, USA

I would love to have a technical mag for poi and fire arts. I enjoy hearing all of the different ideals and imagination that the community brings to the sport (and yes if your doing it right it can indeed be a sport), even though I've been spinning for over a decade now I still learn new things, pick up new moves and such.

I would buy that magazine because I love the art and to help fuel the fire for the passion of poi, whether it be quarterly, monthly or other-wise.
Much love, Raiya

May you always see the light in life and laugh merrily with good intentions

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Wow! Here's an oldie! lol

It happened. It was made online first with print to come.
It failed due to lack of interest which was kinda sad.

R.I.P. The Burn Syndicate

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member
Rampant whirler.
2,418 posts
Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia!

As far as I see it its not a sport... a sport has defined rules and customs, there aren't really any rules in poi, nor is it inherently competitive.

But all the same, I'd probably grab the odd mag if theres a big poster with a wicked fire photo in it... but probably not otherwise, I work on my own a lot and would rather an active discussion on movement topics of the cutting edge sort because this is all still evolving, would the magazine then just dictate terminology for its readership? What if the terminology was then inaccurate?

I don't think a tech mag would work. Inspiration would... but perhaps this would work better as a bound book rather than a frequently released magazine?


LazyAngelGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
2,895 posts
Location: Cambridge UK

I don't think you could get away with making a regular magazine solely for poi and staff - but it's a project I want to look into once I finish my degree in April

Because ActiveAngel sounds like a feminine deodorant

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NathanielEveristSILVER Member
315 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

I agree with MNS, poi is still too young to warrant a magazine for it yet. And if the terminology was incorrect it would drive me insane. Especially as there is already so much incorrect usage of terminology, I can visualise myself purchasing it out of curiousity and then screaming and tearing it to shreds, scaring everybody on the train.

Poi is still changing too much too quickly, and everybody has different thoughts on poi, to have a magazine act as the definitive word on what poi is doesn't feel right to me. And while it may not intend to be so authoritative, the very fact that it would be the first and perhaps only of its kind would ultimately mean that the majority of people would still perceive of it as such. This I feel would limit original or non-linear thinking, as everybody would adhere to what they felt were the universal standards.

I don't want to rant too much, I think you guys get the picture.

Trybal WolfSILVER Member
Wolf Furry
517 posts
Location: Earth, USA

I think a magazine would be awesome. Not so much of an instructional mag though.

I like the idea of a magazine that was full of upcoming flow arts events and profiles of high class spinners.

A magazine that would both provide information about the events of the flow arts community, and spread the word about spinners themselves (those who teach, make props, etc.).

I'd rather die on paws, than live on feet.

Trybal WolfSILVER Member
Wolf Furry
517 posts
Location: Earth, USA

Also I realize that this is an old thread. However I do feel that at this point (more so than in 2009) a flow arts magazine could be a very helpful and well received publication,

I'd rather die on paws, than live on feet.

Trybal WolfSILVER Member
Wolf Furry
517 posts
Location: Earth, USA

Anyone else have any thoughts?

I'd rather die on paws, than live on feet.

8 posts

It' has failed already..

From Vulcan crew, if you are lucky
you have one..


synndarellaDIAMOND Member
61 posts
Location: Somerset, United Kingdom

I would LOVE this. Mail me if you do it pleeeease x

Sometimes youre ahead, sometimes youre behind. The race is long and in the end, its only with yourself~


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