gemitBRONZE Member
71 posts
Location: Plymouth, UK

...where it looks like the poi are chasing eachother in a circle? Is it just the butterfly but alternate? On COL 2 Dustin Rainey does it first off......looks wicked would love ya forever if you could tell me what it is! hug I've got a sneaky peaky suspision that it's actually a weave of some sort? God I'm so sorry I'm so duh! redface

Sleep when yer dead!

Ted, Ted, I forgaat to have me breakfast, d' ya tink I moight doie?!!

Badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, mushroom, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, mushroom.....

TheWibblerGOLD Member
old hand
920 posts
Location: New Zealand

"poi are chasing eachother in a circle?"

ubblol That could be pretty much any move.

Describe the move you are talking about in a little more detail and maybe we can help.

Are the poi rotating in the same direction or opposite direction?

Are the poi spinning round at the same time as each other of half a circle out of time?


Spherculism ~:~ The Act of becoming Spherculish.

Spacecow00xSILVER Member
170 posts
Location: Ft. Myers, Florida, USA

probably a 5beat weave or a weave of some sort, im guess your new to this? when i first started, seeing a 5bt was pretty inspiring, so im guessin your going through that

You've got the wings of a fallen angel
You offer peace if they praise your name
You live your life taking everything you can get
Look down, time to fly!

pricklyleafSILVER Member
with added berries
1,365 posts
Location: Manchester, England (UK)

Quite possibly its just a 3 beat weave. Don't worry, everyones a begginer at some point!

Live like there is no tomorrow,
dance like nobody is watching
and hula hoop like wiggling will save the world.

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

fire puppyBRONZE Member
69 posts
Location: washington, USA

its a 5 beat full turn im shure of it unless the poi are going two diff directions then it would be a butterfly weave full turn weavesmiley weavesmiley ubbidea weavesmiley weavesmiley

the Only good way to quit smoking is to cut your arms off, but then how would you drink coffee?

gemitBRONZE Member
71 posts
Location: Plymouth, UK

ooooo, looks like I best get practising more if I wanna get that going then! *grabs her beaming poi and stands by for bruise formation* Ta for the info, this place is so gad damn helpful!

ubbrollsmile thankx ubbrollsmile

Sleep when yer dead!

Ted, Ted, I forgaat to have me breakfast, d' ya tink I moight doie?!!

Badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, mushroom, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, badger, mushroom.....

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