91 posts
Location: Bristol

ok im just hoping that by doing this im not explaining a move that EVERYone knows or sum1 else has already described,resulting in much laughing and pointing in my general direction..

so here goes, its a variation on the weave to backward weave..

however in doing this move you should always face the one direction (never move ya feet)

start doing teh normal 3 beat in front..then keep them in the same position

but turn 90 degres to you right, so instead of the poi crossin in front they are now swing in front and behind..crossing to your left..gottit?

k no just do the normal twirl into the bacward weave by bringing the poi past your waist and so they nw swing in front and behind but on your right hand side.

take it back and forth,from the front it looks very nice.

i have terrible sunburn,feel sorry for me redface

yeh if this is to hard to follow,do say an ile try again as i am notoriosly bad at explaining things ubbrollsmile

one last thing,when you get comfortable doing the 'niagra' (sorry) swing behind your back,so conventionaly your doing the forward to reverse weave all the way around...

...without..moving..your..feet. wink

..take care an all that XxxxX

never ever EVER, poke me with that thing.

just my little joke. As always.

rohanSILVER Member
7 posts
Location: FAB Cafe, Leeds, United Kingdom

isn't that a fountain? or am i failing to understand?

telegram to civil society:
- Subcommandante Marcos, of the EZLN
Zapatista National Liberation Army

91 posts
Location: Bristol

knowing my luck you probably understand perfectly and it is a foutain, and i didnt make up anything ubblol

*scoops up deflated head from floor and tucks it back into his coller*

never ever EVER, poke me with that thing.

just my little joke. As always.

RicheeBRONZE Member
HOP librarian
1,841 posts
Location: Prague, Czech. Republic

The Joker smile


MikeIconGOLD Member
2,109 posts
Location: Philadelphia, PA - USA

Yep, thats a fountain. Dont worry much about trying to invent a new move cuz chances are its not going to happen. Pretty much everything has been done by this point. Its really just a matter of putting all the knowlege into an intriguing collage of flowing movement.

I suggest taking a look at some current work being discussed in other threads and perhaps trying to expand and build onto them instead of going "Hey, this is a neat move I just figured out, I wonder if Im the first one"

Let's turn those old bridges we crossed into ashes.
We'll blaze a new trail,
and torch the rough patches.


DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

Written by: ICoN

Dont worry much about trying to invent a new move cuz chances are its not going to happen. Pretty much everything has been done by this point.

Sorry, but rubbish smile

There's always more stuff out there waiting to be discovered/invented (Now there's an old arguement) - you just don't know what it is until it's been discovered/invented smile

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

MikeIconGOLD Member
2,109 posts
Location: Philadelphia, PA - USA

Even once you discover/invent something, how do you know it hasnt been done before?

Of course Im sure there are things that havent been done, hence the "pretty much" in that statement but my point was really just to not worry about it cuz theres more to it than just finding new tricks..

Let's turn those old bridges we crossed into ashes.
We'll blaze a new trail,
and torch the rough patches.


RicheeBRONZE Member
HOP librarian
1,841 posts
Location: Prague, Czech. Republic

"Even once you discover/invent something, how do you know it hasnt been done before?"
Check HOP later or soooner smile, one time it happen to me.

"It's infinite, you know" Sage

,light :R


Spacecow00xSILVER Member
170 posts
Location: Ft. Myers, Florida, USA

i once thre my poi into a tree and called it a tree stall, who wants to give me props for that trick?

You've got the wings of a fallen angel
You offer peace if they praise your name
You live your life taking everything you can get
Look down, time to fly!

645 posts
Location: wishing to be in Rio

been done wink

there's nothing quite as fulfilling as a tasty airwrap

if you're full of sh!t, at least you're fertile

"we are all flowers growing in God's garden... and that is why he spreads the sh!t around" - David Byrne

linden rathenGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
6,942 posts
Location: London, UK

what about this

hold 14 poi in each hand then do the 3 bt weave :P with out the poi crossing, hitting each other or you :P

i call it the flying pig


munkypunksGOLD Member
enthusiast, but not enthusiastic
367 posts
Location: Los Angeles, California, USA

If you do this back and forth on both sides, so you're doing weave, then backward weave to the left, then forward weave where you started, then backward weave to the right, we call that a mandala. And, of course, you can do it opposite, start backward in the middle (then you can do whips on the sides for a variation). And it's easier if you pivot a bit, don't plant your feet. ubbrollsmile

You can't fall off the floor, but sometimes you need a chair to reach the cookie jar.

162 posts
Location: Springfield, MA - USA

Simpsons did it!

But never stop experimenting. It matters less if something is truly new and more about finding your own creativity. Some people just learn new tricks like a grocery list, and while that is ok up to a point, you never know what'll happen when you just mess around. Even if you don't find something new, you'll probably come up with your own style.

Plus, remember back when the juggers complained that poi was just club swinging without the grips? That was somewhat justified at first because of the tricks being done. But now there are many tricks specific to poi/glowsticks out there. If people didn't keep messing around, we wouldn't have all of those tricks.

So don't be discouraged.. smile


RicheeBRONZE Member
HOP librarian
1,841 posts
Location: Prague, Czech. Republic

I was thinking about sinthesis and alalisis (I love Math:). Choose a trick, you can try to combine it with other one from same family or add some fundamental movement, or you can sometimes divide it into more beatelss parts. St like that smile

light ,



91 posts
Location: Bristol


thanx for the fedback,those of you who constructed some critisism...

but ICON, *shakes head* how will u ever reach ur true potential with an attitude like that?u must strive to live the dream to allow that dream to grasp u by the chin and send you nodding off into the distance, believe me for i getting bored of typing

lataz XxxxX

never ever EVER, poke me with that thing.

just my little joke. As always.

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

I believe in a philosophy a beautiful HOPper once told me:

If you think of it yourself, without any outside influence, YOU invented it.


It doesnt matter if anyone has done it before, if you thought of it, then you invented it.

Alternativly, you can simply start using new names for movements EVERYONE makes that dont have names. smile

Written by: ICoN

Yep, thats a fountain.

Isnt there a windmill in there somewhere wink

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