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521 posts
Location: Bristol / London / Norwich / Chennai, India (UK) (...

My friends I would just like to tell you all (even those who this will mean nothing to) that THE DROME is back on track. It will re open in a different venue on sat 14th Aprill with DROMEZONE (a great night) when I know what the venue is I will post it here (for those of you who it applies to maybe,now one, i don't care cause I'm REALLY excited grin grin grin grin grin grin grin well done all the drome crew.peace outgarbo tongue[This message has been edited by garbo (edited 27 March 2001).]

be excellent to each other: safe:

SimosBRONZE Member
384 posts
Location: London, UK

well done garbo!!! nice one! i am sure it will be even better... grinhappy swinging,Simos

214 posts
Location: Manchester

tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue tongueoh yes. could you post the date of the next anti-world, if ya find out, cheers.

521 posts
Location: Bristol / London / Norwich / Chennai, India (UK) (...

Anti-world is now being held a theatre factory/Tyssen Street in Dalston kingsdale and has been held since THE DROME closed down. I am not sure if it is moving back to THE DROME. There is alot of shit happening about Anti-world. go to
down the message board and go the ANTI WORLD IS KILLING THE PARTY SPIRIT and LETTER FROM NICK MINDSCAPES RE ANTI WORLD to find out more. will try and fnd out more.peace outgarbo tongue

be excellent to each other: safe:

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