97 posts
Location: Exeter

I am looking for another job at the moment, I work for a publishing company and do not enjoy it one bit. Have had no idea at all ever ever ever of any inclanation of what I wanna do and have just fallen into stuff through friends etc.. anyway I figured out that one thing I know I want from my work is to have a purpose, and make a difference, so i have been applying for jobs with charties and none profit organisations just in admin positions as that is what I have found myself with qualifications and experience in (although f**k knows how as I am disorganised, skatty and all over the place!) and i have had rejection letter, after rejection letter after rejection letter

The main reason seems to be that people who have degrees and are over qualified are getting the jobs. I know it must be frustrating for people with degrees who have to go for admin jobs as that is all there is to go for. But what am I to do? Get a degree so I can get an admin job? That would be silly!
I dont really know what I should do, any suggestions? Or just a bit of encouragement would go down well!
I have a happy life in all other ways, lots of loving close friends and a scrumptious love so I must not complain too much!
But just after applying and applying and applying and applying when I am so frustrated it gets you down.

KatBRONZE Member
2,211 posts
Location: London, Wales (UK)


I have a degree and 2 years int. marketing experience. I am working for a Japanese co now for crap pay. Frustrating when I could get a PA job for twice what I earn now.

My gripe is that I got turned down for lots of jobs I was more than qualified for because my experience was not in the UK.

Many people I know can't find work at the moment - stuck in jobs don't want to do. Going back to UNI is not the answer as there are plenty of people with degrees working in Greggs.

Here is the part that sucks.

You need experience in a SPECIFIC area

I was looking for a job in Ireland. A marketing post wanted someone with 3 years experience, fluent language skills and were only offering €16500 a year

If you are serious about wanting to work for a charity, then you will need to get experience working for one in a specific role. That will mean probably offering to work voluntarily.

Finding a job you want to work in is an occupation only the rich can afford these days

Come faeries, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame.

- W B Yeats

2,419 posts
Location: la-la land

I know how you feel Tambo - I've just spent a horrid year trying to get into event management.. basically I'm still in officy crap..

All I can say is keep your chin up - this year has been crap for most people... If I still had my chinese astrology book I could tell you why.. but it got stolen.. Anyhoo.. stay positive! If you have postive vibes around you then positive things will be attracted. I was so down over the summer but now things are starting to fit in the pipeline - yes I hate my job now, they guy that I'm left in the office with each day is a sexist pig (I have stopped wearing skirts and stuck to baggy troos and tshirts as he was ogling me- ik ik ikkkk! ) so I'm outta here asap - but it's paying the bills.. soon, soon..

The new year will be a good one.. things will start to move in the right directions..

In the mean time have a

I honour you as an aspect of myself..

You are never to old to storm a bouncey castle..

2,419 posts
Location: la-la land

oh ps.. at the begiining of the year I was working for a childrens charity.. i loved the job.. shame the company organisation was poo.. they took me on as an event co-ordinator with NTL home and Homebase as clients.. needless to say they had to make me redundant after 2 months coz the client base fell over..

Good company idea- poor organisation..

I honour you as an aspect of myself..

You are never to old to storm a bouncey castle..

the mind gap.old hand
829 posts
Location: Brigadoon

not knowing what you've done in the past makes it more difficult to make a suggestion but the best thing i've found if you have absolutely no idea what to do is to just go away.

and i don't mean just pack your rucksack and walk around the devon/cornwall coast (although that is quite enjoyable). i mean leave the country for a few months at least. go to some country that no one you know has been to. somewhere with a completely different way of structuring the way to live than we've got in 'western' society.

i can't guarantee you'll work out what you want to do but you'll find yourself in a better position to be able to work it out. and also you'll have a fucking good time.

hope that helps
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wherever you go, there you are.

97 posts
Location: Exeter

Thanks you all for your postive vibes

It horrible that we have to spend so much time with people who we would not choose to spend time with. I worked at a place where if a woman came into the office, after she left the blokes would simulate maturbating and yell at each other 'shes worth a squirt' - utter f**king madness!

I am thinking of volunteering but because I have no idea what I want to do, its hard to think what i should volunteer in, I went to see Exeter Volunteer bureau to get some ideas though and my sister is wanting to volunteer too, so I should get of my butt and start being postiive! I just feel that I want to be challenged and stretched. My day job is so so boring.

I started off my working life working in factories, and now I do have a better job so I am going in the right direction but what baffles me is how people realise what it is they want to do! I have read books, seen life coaches but nothing seems to work.

You are right, I have always felt the need to go off and see the world, not had the chance yet, but me and my boyfriend have just bought a flat which we are doing up and the plan is to re mortgage (we have already made £8000 in six months) and use the money to go away for as long as possible. In the mean time, I suppose I need to get off my butt and get volunteering!

Right! Thats it I am going to sort something out right now and stop feeling sorry for myself and do something about it! I have got to make it happen for me! The perfect job is not going to land in my lap!!!

Right I'll keep you posted with how I get on!! Thanks you all for your help! It has made me feel loads better and so much more postitve!

love love

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