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ben-ja-menGOLD Member
just lost .... evil init
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Location: Adelaide, Australia

Saturday 5 February 2005 .

Saw him in the evening and he was acting really strangely. I went shopping in the afternoon with the girls and I did turn up a bit late
so thought it might be that. The bar was really crowded and loud so I
suggested we go somewhere quieter to talk. He was still very subdued
and distracted so I suggested we go somewhere nice to eat. All through
dinner he just didn't seem himself; he hardly laughed, and didn't seem
to be paying any attention to me or to what I was saying. I just knew
that something was wrong.
He dropped me back home and I wondered if he was going to come in; he hesitated, but followed. I asked him again if there was something the
matter but he just half shook his head and turned the television on.
After about 10 minutes of silence, I said I was going upstairs to bed.
I put my arms around him and told him that I loved him deeply. He just
gave a sigh, and a sad sort of smile. He didn't follow me up, but later
he did, and I was surprised when we made love.
He still seemed distant and a bit cold, and I started to think that he
was going to leave me, and that he had found someone else. I cried
myself to sleep.


Saturday 5 February 2005

England lost to Wales. Gutted. Got a shag though!!

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourself, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous and talented? Who are you NOT to be?

roarfireSILVER Member
comfortably numb
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Location: The countryside, Australia

Hahaha! ubblol Love it!

.All things are beautiful if we take the time to look.

Rouge DragonBRONZE Member
Insert Champagne Here
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Location: without class distinction, Australia

ubblol ubblol ubblol

i would have changed ***** to phallus, and claire to petey Petey

Rougie: but that's what I'm doing here
Arnwyn: what letting me adjust myself in your room?..don't you dare quote that on HoP...

Konstilovable smart-ass
785 posts
Location: vineyards, Vienna, Austria


"is optimism in austria just a lack of information?"
-Alfred Dorfer

doctor_fandangoGOLD Member
co-director of A.C.B.I.S.H.A.
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So true , so true

There's no place like, There's no place like, There's no place like,

"in most of our friends we're the hippies. but we have hippie friends of our own.. its like a dog having its own pet" - H. Sinoquet 19-03-2005

SethisBRONZE Member
1,762 posts
Location: York University, United Kingdom

The tradgedy is that that is entirely possible... and probably happens so much... ubblol

After much consideration, I find that the view is worth the asphyxiation.
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4,308 posts
Location: York, England

so brilliant....

doesn't quite follow my life, i tend to find more complicated guys. but like... *giggles* girls are well known for overanalyzing.. and guys for not communicating... yeah... biggrin

Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive

Shalom VeAhavah

New Hampshire has a point....

147 posts
Location: Cardiff

I reckon, there's something wrong with me.... I've always been the overanalyzing one! OMG! i'm becoming a girl!

All that is solid melts into air

AsenaGOLD Member
What a Bummer
3,224 posts
Location: Shatfield, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

or gay... thats even worse! check out gayfest, you'll fit in lovely! ubblol

Jokes, anyway, thats really funny! biggrin

147 posts
Location: Cardiff

thankyou, not that i'd see it as a bad thing to be gay. but i am most definitely a heterosexual male, just made obvious by what happened in my trousers when an incredibly hot performance artist spoke to me earlier!

All that is solid melts into air

DrudwynForget puppy power, Scrappy's just gay
632 posts
Location: Southampton Uni

you got attacked by a weasel? Dude, that sucks!

Spin, bounce, be one with the world, because it is yours to enjoy...

147 posts
Location: Cardiff

it hurt

All that is solid melts into air

clarence_quackSILVER Member
1,927 posts
Location: over your left shoulder, Australia

Written by: Drudwyn

you got attacked by a weasel? Dude, that sucks!

god.. that just made my day.. how sad am i right now!

Nutella Brigade Unite!

"Look! I have a rainbow penis!" - Rouge

Owned By Steaks

107 posts
Location: Brisbane

i have actually just read 'he's just not that into you' by some writers from 'sex in the city', which i actually found really eye opening in terms of 'men are simple folk - there usually isn't much to read into his actions. if he doesn't call you, it means he doesn't want to go out with you'
i would heartily recomended it to any woman who has ever had a monologue along the lines of the one ben-ja-men wrote.

actually, i've been meaning to ask straight men about one of the things brought up in the book. the author says women shouldn't as men out first? what do you reckon? as a single female of 26 this seems very disempowering.

"A Thnead's a fine thing that all people need"
Dr Suess

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
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Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

Tilly, as some unsolicited gay male advice: It depends on the situation. Does he seem like the kind of guy who would ask you out? Then let him. Be interested, talk to him, flirt with him...and if he doesn't ask, then oh well.

Is he shy? Then ask him. He may just not have the confidence.


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

Nephtysresident fridge magnet
835 posts
Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

LOL Benjamen ubblol

.... and in response to Tilly's thread-jacking (she started it, it's not my fault! or the mad doctor's!) - loads and loads of those books seem to say things along those lines, 'men need to hunt or else they lose interest' etc. - that kind of advice really annoys me. I have mainly female friends (i'm a girl too, btw), and they are constantly worrying out about this kind of thing: 'We only saw each other on Saturday, can i call him now it's monday, or will he freak out because I seem too eager and he'll think I want to get married next week and have eight kids by the end of the year!?"


I don't see what the point is of reeling someone in by acting in a way that goes against your nature. You just end up in a relationship with a person who thinks you're someone else, i.e. less assertive, confident, and most importantly, not as much into them as you are!
As far as I can see, if a person doesn't go for who you really are to begin with, what chance does the relationship have of working?

(well.... to a degree... it is of course fine to let him think that your legs are naturally hairless and that your eyebrows are really that shape ubblol)

everyone's unique except me

Rouge DragonBRONZE Member
Insert Champagne Here
13,215 posts
Location: without class distinction, Australia

Tillymoo, I've had my guy friends tell me they like it when girls are more straight forward and make a move! I'm not exactly sure how credible the author of sex in the city is. but that's just me.

i would have changed ***** to phallus, and claire to petey Petey

Rougie: but that's what I'm doing here
Arnwyn: what letting me adjust myself in your room?..don't you dare quote that on HoP...

TinklePantsGOLD Member
Clique Infiltrator, Cunning Linguist and Master Debator
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Location: Edinburgh burgh burrrrrr, United Kingdom

Written by: ben-ja-men


Saturday 5 February 2005

England lost to Wales. Gutted. Got a shag though!!

Wales won? oh my god bounce *puts hand on heart and sings welsh national anthem....*
Mae hen wlad fy nhadau yn annwyl i mi....

So if men are from mars, women are from venus, then dogs are from pluto? biggrin

Always use "so's your face" and "only on Tuesdays" in as many conversations possible

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
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Quote Me: a blokes defense mechanism. If "I" don't know what I'm thinking, "SHE" can't.

why try to analyze a guy? come on why? you'll stress yourself out and push him away. by trying to anticipate. everybody's different. This psyco-babble-bullsh*t is a real no-brainer.

A man will act differently when alone with a girlfriend. the differences are usually subtle and no outsider can possibly understand the personal dynamics of a couple 100%

GO WITH THE FLOW PEOPLE please hug if it's good why try to understand why? it's like killing the goose that laid the golden egg.

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

DominoSILVER Member
UnNatural Scientist - Currently working on a Breville-legged monkey
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Location: Bath Uni or Shrewsbury, UK

Men are from Earth, women are from Earth. Deal with it.

Dunno who said it but it makes me smile

Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand and I can beat the world into submission.

boopoiBRONZE Member
99 posts
Location: United Kingdom

Men are great! But women are better... heart

Always remember... one MUST protect thy bread....

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

" if he doesn't call you, it means he doesn't want to go out with you'" WTF!? angry

He may just have better things to do!
Just because he doesnt ring DOES NOT meant that he doesnt want to go out with her. He may not be able to afford it, he may have reasons he doesnt want to say, he may even feel uncomfortable talking on the phone in general.

Sorry, but im going through this whole, lack of communication and therein, understanding thing at the moment. Its making me feel uncomfortable and driving me mental.

But thats for a differnt thread.

*rturns thread to previous topic*

squarexbearSILVER Member
....of doom!
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Location: Hastings, UK

Written by: UnbeatenChampionOfFighting

He may just have better things to do!

Just because he doesnt ring DOES NOT meant that he doesnt want to go out with her. He may not be able to afford it, he may have reasons he doesnt want to say, he may even feel uncomfortable talking on the phone in general.

better things to do? don't tell her that ubblol

but generally its true - if they can't afford it, they say that. if there are other reasons you get a mumbled type thing that occasionally makes you think 'hes cheating on me OH MY GOD!' (eventually you get used to it).

if you're crap on the phone, there are other methods of communication!

107 posts
Location: Brisbane

Written by: UnbeatenChampionOfFighting

" if he doesn't call you, it means he doesn't want to go out with you'" WTF!? angry

He may just have better things to do!
Just because he doesnt ring DOES NOT meant that he doesnt want to go out with her. He may not be able to afford it, he may have reasons he doesnt want to say, he may even feel uncomfortable talking on the phone in general.

Sorry, but im going through this whole, lack of communication and therein, understanding thing at the moment. Its making me feel uncomfortable and driving me mental.

*rturns thread to previous topic*

well, that's kind of the point. the book was saying 'don't make up excuses for men - if he does want to ask you out and he can't get you out of his head he will NOT have other things to do, or make up excuses - he will just call'

and if there are reasons he doesn't want to say then i am not sure i would want him to call at all - that goes back to the lack of communication

to tell you the truth i am very happy being single at the moment - i enjoy not having to negotiate my time with anyone else, i enjoy having my bed to mysellf (although i do enjoy the odd snuggle with a lovely gay man in my bed ubblove) and i certainly don't miss being belittled by a man just so your self esteem plummets and you become reliant on him, which is where my last relationship ended up mad

i really didn't mean to cause such a stir with these comments, and sorry to ben-ja-men for hijacking what was a very funny post redface

"A Thnead's a fine thing that all people need"
Dr Suess

FearpigSILVER Member
member - tee hee "member"
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Location: Bethnal Green, London, England (UK)

ben-ja-min - brilliant made me laugh ubblol

"Whats wrong with the cat?" - Mrs Schrödinger

Fire BunnySILVER Member
1,260 posts
Location: Now in the land of Oz, Australia

all of what they said.

as for my last man making me feel like [censored]? well he did, but not in a "your useless. go cook me some eggs" way. more of a "im a usless bum who spends all the money that i get from my mum on weed, and never to a think with you and always blow you off to do things with my mates" kind of way. he just took me for granted. and im sorry to say it but he did start to drag me down. it was like having a little Chihuahua constently nipping at my heel and pulling me back. and for all that, for a wee while there i thought i could almost love him.

as for the no calling thing... well one of my best mates meet a guy, dated him for a month or so... and then didnt hear back from him for 2 weeks. so she was guttered but didnt call him. in the end one someone got him to call her, and he said that he had been meaning to call him but got distracted. they have now been together for over 2years and are looking at buying a house. she was telling me about it the other day, and said that at the time she was really pissed and like WTF but now that she ones him is just like that. hel go to do something and then someone will call him, or do something and he completly forgets. hes the sweets guy in the world.

*again back to thread topic*

a man and a woman fall apart from eachother after making mindblowing love

woman thinking: "That was wonderfull! well i think it was wonderfull. maybe he doesnt think that was any good? why isnt he hugging me? maybe it wasnt any good! why doesnt he put his arm around me. oh my gosh he hates me! he cant even look at me. hes just stearing up at the roof! why doesnt he talk to me. why doesnt he cuddle me? he doesnt love me anymore! he wants to break up! hes going to leave me!"

Man stearing at the celing thinking: "i wonder how flys stick on the roof...?"

LOL how ture is that? ubblol
men i tell ya. they are simple minded creatures wink tongue love em all the same tho

What if we think the jokes on them,
But really - the jokes on us....

and also... i wuv Rougie *snuz*

PukSILVER Member
Sweet talented nutter
2,615 posts
Location: Brisbane Oz, Australia

Have you guys ever thought that the guy might have issues about himself tilly.

that shrewd and knavish sprite

Called Robin Good Fellow ; are you not he that is frighten of the maidens of the villagery - fairy

I am the merry wander of the night -puk

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