18 posts
Location: falmouth, cornwall, uk

We've been to all corners of the UK with such gems as Play festy. Now it's time to take our spinning weavesmiley across the sea to sunny Portugal. The space, the time, the sun, the tipi peace and even the stone circle meditate are all there... all we need now is you!

All are welcome welcome to this 3/4 day event, it will be very loose like Play, set in the middle of a beautiful orange grove with its own swimming lake and half an hour from the beach. Not all details are yet finalised but we are starting by seeing who is interested... so let us know.

There will be a small charge for tickets to get in some entertainment, bands, DJs etc but there's also opportunities to work at the event instead.

If you are in any way interested and would like to get in touch, we'll try to check this post once a week however we don't get to the internet that often and you can also phone or text us on 00351916768655

Big love hug Josh and Rosie


Life is best when the flame is lit. splosh

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,750 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

cool man, im there!

T wave

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

ben-ja-menGOLD Member
just lost .... evil init
2,474 posts
Location: Adelaide, Australia

hey josh nice work great to see more and more festivals popping up smile i have a feeling i met you at falmouth smile hope your event goes well

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourself, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous and talented? Who are you NOT to be?

animatEdBRONZE Member
1 + 1 = 3
3,540 posts
Location: Bristol UK

I'm in the south of spain, so portugal isn't gonna be too much of a problem for me...

(one extra interested, this is)

Empty your mind. Be formless, Shapeless, like Water.
Put Water into a cup, it becomes the cup, put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, put water into a teapot, it becomes the teapot.
Water can flow, or it can Crash.
Be Water My Friend.

Mags The JediGOLD Member
2,020 posts
Location: Cornwall, UK

You guys know i'm gonna break my legs to get to this one if i have to. The dissertation can surely take a 5 day break while I swan off to the sun to play! In an ORANGE GROVE! Oooh yeah baby, I'm there.

Flights are about £90 return from Gatwick to Faro. That's pretty damned good. Is there any charge for camping?

Put me on a "Hopefully" list, and also the workers list if poss. Do you need a passport to go to Portugal?

It's like Falmouth 7 - The Holiday. ubblol


"I believe the cost of life is Death and we will all pay that in full. Everything else should be a gift. We paid the cover charge of life, we were born."

Bill Hicks, February 1988

18 posts
Location: falmouth, cornwall, uk

coll, good to get immediate response, so we'll answer these questions one at a time...

of course you met me ben-ja-men and blew me away with the most nuts contact double staff. eek

hullo spanner deary, nice to hear from you, tell you what, we'll bake him a cake if he comes ubbrollsmile

there's no charge for camping just a general charge for the event. we reckon about 15 - 20 euros ie 5 euros a day ish
yes mags you do need a passport and no large quantities of paraffin, magnesium tape or pixie dust (actually the last might be ok) on the flight cos the blue meanies frown want to spoil our fun (get them with pixie dust ha ha)

seriouly though, we'll post pictures of the place, and more confirmed details soon
It's great to have your support


Life is best when the flame is lit. splosh

lilith_in_londonSILVER Member
149 posts
Location: floating about, United Kingdom

wow, a spinning meet in my country bounce2 and i haven't been in ages! will definitely try my best to come!

you've made my day smile

c'est pas nous qui sommes à la rue, c'est la rue kétanou!

1st official camden town (uk) meet 21st october! see the events bit

18 posts
Location: falmouth, cornwall, uk

Hullooo again... we have some confirmed details, here we go...

when: 27th April - 1st May (yes that's right it's now a five day event with a big party at the end biggrin)

Where: Foothills behind Silves, Algarve portugal, yes it's in an orange grove, yes it is beautiful, photos on their way

Cost: 50 euros for all 5 days or 10 euros a day, children are free , money to be paid in cash upon entrance to the event. (we know this is more expensive but as it is going to be longer than we thought there's a few more expenses - but it still works out at around 30 pounds for the whole event). We've decided that we won't be asking for people to work at the event as we've had volunteers here put themselves forward for the event.

Fire?: There will be a designated fire area so yes to fire in the midst of a stone circle - yey! devil

Catering: There will be a bar and food stalls all reasonable but you're most welcome to bring your own stuff if you'd like.

Entertainment: as we said there will be bands by night, all day dj, and yes we'll be hassling some people to perform on the open stage (like you need any encouragement), also the usual antics of workshops, olympics and as many games as you can make up in a lake. we'll also set up apparatus to try some fun things... eg tight rope, trapeze and cordalise etc.

Stalls: There will be various stalls at the event and it's open to anyone who wants to set up a stall, only cost is 10% of what you make so if you make nothing you pay nothing

Travel: from Faro airport there is a shuttle that takes people to the train station and from there you can get a train to silves for about 5 euros. And there will be a mini bus to collect people from the station (please give us details of your arrival times so we know when to expect you, and if you are hiring a car please try and fill it with twirly people, ta)

Things you'll need: Tent, sleeping bag, anything you can twirl round your head, weavesmiley throw in the air juggle and generally do other mad things with ubbloco .

That's about it for now, any other questions just give us a shout.

Once you know that you definately want to come will you please tell us so that we can keep track of numbers so we can reserve you a place.

We are also looking for someone to film the event with possibility of free ticket.

Also: - note for Ben-ja-men, please can you put us on your events list under Europe.

Mags, we will be emailing you photos of the venue, could you please put them in your gallery or somewhere in this topic as we don't have a clue how to get any photos on here.

rosie and josh hug

Life is best when the flame is lit. splosh

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,750 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

silves huh? my old stomping ground

hopefully we will see youn there!

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

1 post

hey josh and rosie,
jase here..had a look.looks nice.anyone who wants to field questions directly can if they want.one thing about all the current liquid sunshine will mean a very lush orange grove.

18 posts
Location: falmouth, cornwall, uk

Updating you on this event, we are investigating having a day trip to the west coast for any of you who want to have a surf during the festival, if this sounds interesting to you please give us some feedback and also if you have any other ideas of what you would like to see at the festival let us know and we'll see what's possible.

We'd like to know the yeys and neys of whether you're coming or not, or even just maybe so that we can start getting an idea of numbers. I know this is the first run of this event but it's set to be a good'n, should be lush weather sunny and all we need is you shiny happy people grouphug .

Please do not book flights until you see at least twenty yes i'm comings on this post as we may have to cancel if we do not get more certainty on numbers of you coming. Please help us to make this happen as there is nothing like this in portugal but there is a lot of spinning people.


josh and rosie

Life is best when the flame is lit. splosh

18 posts
Location: falmouth, cornwall, uk

hello people
well... as we've not had enough interest we won't be running the poi portugal event. For anyone who is around at the time or who is nearby there is still going to be a big happy party on the 30th going into the 1st of may. All are welcome.
Happy Summer
Rosie and Josh

Life is best when the flame is lit. splosh

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