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*HyperLightBRONZE Member
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Location: Great Malvern [UK]

...your mission should you choose to accept it is to have a play with the GUI I'm building. There's not much there yet (just dragging and dropping text from one pane to another)... but it's a start!

To run it you'll need to do the following:

1) Install Python (direct link for windows users is here).
2) Install wxPython (direct link for windows users is here).
3) Download my software and double click on it to run.
4) Let me know what you think smile

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Mr ChutneySILVER Member
1,712 posts
Location: Bristol,UK

Will it work on Vista Jon? wink

*HyperLightBRONZE Member
old hand
1,174 posts
Location: Great Malvern [UK]

Yup! ...although I've not tested it wink

Cake or Death?

DurbsBRONZE Member
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Posted: I can drag text from the left pane into the right...
If I right click on something it says "Right Click".
You can't remove things from the right pane...
Oh and you can resize the panes and they autoscroll smile

Works on my WinXP thing smile

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*HyperLightBRONZE Member
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1,174 posts
Location: Great Malvern [UK]

That's about the size of it (so far). Next step is to modify the pane on the right to look a little more like the final outcome I have in mind. Remember Durbs; from tiny acorns may mighty oaks grow (or in other words, watch this space for frequent updates) wink

If there are any Linux or MAC users out there that could test this, that would be ace smile

Cake or Death?

SymBRONZE Member
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Battling with it now smile

You're going to re write it in something else aren't you? Getting this to work with a 'normal' mac (or its user) would be very hard - and with linux i'm having to recompile wxWidgets with specific flags...

Anyway, ignore that if you are going to - I'll let you know who it goes. Will I need any open gl stuff?


There's too many home fires burning and not enough trees

*HyperLightBRONZE Member
old hand
1,174 posts
Location: Great Malvern [UK]

Yes, once I'm happy with the Python version and it seems reasonably feature-complete, I'll re-code it in C++. Python's just faster to develop GUIs in so I figured I'd do the prototype this way first smile

[Edit]For the time being you won't need any OpenGL stuff. In fact you may well not need it at all (especially if that makes life easier for Linux / MAC users and it's no slower than whatever else I use to render it).
EDITED_BY: *HyperLight (1172573257)

Cake or Death?

garthySILVER Member
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717 posts
Location: Bristol, England

Yep it works on XP.. biggrin

I think recoding in C++ is a brave move!
Which GUI framework will you use?
You then lose the portability of python?

Why recode at all if it works?
It's not a performance critical app.

"**grumble*spuriouswindmills*grumble**" - Coleman
"if poi was only for girls there wouldnt be many good poi spinners...." - Nx

*HyperLightBRONZE Member
old hand
1,174 posts
Location: Great Malvern [UK]

I've heard there's a fine line between bravery and stupidity... but in this case I reckon it could be worth it...

1) I'll be using wxWidgets and since half the Python version will be using wxWidgets, that should take a lot of the headache out of re-writing it.
2) ...which means it won't lose any portability.
3) Recoding something from scratch gives you the fantastic opportunity to throw away all the mistakes you made when you wrote it the first time. 20/20 hindsight smile
4) ...and this is the biggest reason really; Users! I would imagine the vast majority of people buying these toys won't be all the technically inclined. I want these toys to be accessible to everyone. Having to install Python + wxPython before you can install the program you actually want to run feels cludgy to me ...and I want a really neat solution that feels well thought out ...and I don't believe the Python solution will deliver that!

I could of course be entirely wrong about a lot of that, but that's my feeling. Thoughts and opinions would be very welcome smile

Cake or Death?

garthySILVER Member
old hand
717 posts
Location: Bristol, England

 Written by:

4) ...and this is the biggest reason really; Users! I would imagine the vast majority of people buying these toys won't be all the technically inclined. I want these toys to be accessible to everyone. Having to install Python + wxPython before you can install the program you actually want to run feels cludgy to me ...and I want a really neat solution that feels well thought out ...and I don't believe the Python solution will deliver that!

I could of course be entirely wrong about a lot of that, but that's my feeling. Thoughts and opinions would be very welcome smile


"**grumble*spuriouswindmills*grumble**" - Coleman
"if poi was only for girls there wouldnt be many good poi spinners...." - Nx

523 posts
Location: Edinburgh, UK

Hope this helps wink

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "", line 90, in ?

app = MyApp(0)

File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/wx-2.6-gtk2-unicode/wx/", line 7473, in __init__


File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/wx-2.6-gtk2-unicode/wx/", line 7125, in _BootstrapApp

return _core_.PyApp__BootstrapApp(*args, **kwargs)

File "", line 85, in OnInit

frame = MyFrame(None, -1, "")

File "", line 60, in __init__


on linux (Ubuntu, wxPython, Python 2.4.3)

monkeys ate my brain

*HyperLightBRONZE Member
old hand
1,174 posts
Location: Great Malvern [UK]

...and is there nothing else to the error message? Generally, (and I've not been using Python long if I'm honest) error messages tend to have a little more at the end indicating what the actual error is as well as the traceback... ?

Have you considered upgrading to Python 2.5?

Cake or Death?

MireneyeSILVER Member
276 posts
Location: Sweden

The application and all it's functions work's good on my computer =).

Can't wait to test this out when it¨s really "done" man. ( The whole shiny shablang ).

Keep us updated! rolleyes

mtbeerGOLD Member
529 posts
Location: Charlotte, NC, USA

What's wrong with .poi script files. They are simple to create for the moderately technical and easy to trade for the binary challenged. I'd just set up a repository site for them and let users request\submit patterns. If you want to get fancy, you could design a web-app that displays the pattern so users know what they are downloading. There are a number of freeware web-apps out there that could easily be configured to do just that.

A user friendly all encompassing editor would be very challenging to write and a potential beast to maintain. Let the users do the work and you can concentrate on getting the Hyperlights into my hands biggrin

"My skin is singed but it heals my heart and with glowing pride I'll wear my scars." -Davey Havok

*HyperLightBRONZE Member
old hand
1,174 posts
Location: Great Malvern [UK]

lol smile

Nothing wrong with the .poi sequence files; I can write them in no time at all these days, but there's still faster and easier ways of making them. I know what I want to do for the GUI, I just need to figure out exactly how to implement it wink

You may have a point though about focusing on other areas of the project and leaving you to get on with a gui!

As for the repository, I have every intention of hosting one on! Now to get Ruby on Rails installed... wink

[Edit]It occurred to me that it might be possible to write a sequence editor that could run right off the website! I realise it's a potential security risk, but is it possible to get java apps or flash or something to call external programs on a users computer? It'd be pretty cool if all you needed was the HyperWriter software! biggrin
EDITED_BY: *HyperLight (1172681297)

Cake or Death?

*HyperLightBRONZE Member
old hand
1,174 posts
Location: Great Malvern [UK]

Well I got bored this evening after spending half of it repairing a DNS server so I had a bit more of a play at the GUI.

HyperSequencer v0.3

Changed to using wxAUI interface elements which makes it all look a lot smoother. You can even detach the smaller windows from the main frame!
Very nearly got drag and drop working to create new elements on the right from the ones on the left (try right-clicking in the window to the right to see what should happen).

Cool huh? smile

[Edit]Found the bug! Change line 8 from:

def __init_(self, cmdType):


def __init__(self, cmdType):

..and then try dragging anything from the sequence library pane on the left to the big grey pane on the right biggrin
EDITED_BY: *HyperLight (1172746475)

Cake or Death?

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