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Name: It's really Chris, but you can call me Kriztov Country: UK Hometown: Ascot (home) / Bournemouth (uni) DOB: November, 84 Age: 22 Sex: Male Occupation(s): Student scriptwriter for TV & Cinema Favorite Food(s): Many, I like to cook, but I have a great weakness for sea-food. Favorite Color(s): All are good. Toys: Nunchaku 4 yrs, across that time also a little poi, staff, juggling, devil sticks, diablo, meteor. Hobbies other than the obvious: Admin for the freestyle nunchaku forum (www.freestyleforum.net) which at the moment involves running competitions, creating and giving out member awards, making tutorials, etc. Education: 2 years studying artificial intelligence degree, 2 years studying scriptwriting degree Favorite Book(s): Peter Hamilton - Night's Dawn Triology (simply awesome sci-fi epic), I'm a big reader and could list massively, but I won't for now... Favorite Movie(s): Easiest to link to my film collection on IMDB (https://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=11541405) but my current love is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Favorite TV show(s): Tough call between Red Dwarf, Blackadder and South Park. Plans for life in general: Become the British Charlie Kaufman Favorite Music: I'm a massive music geek, and my mp3 collection is somewhere around 27,000 tunes at the moment. My all time top three bands are Chili Peppers, Radiohead and White Stripes, but my tastes also extend in virtually all directions. Favorie ice cream flavor(s): Mint choc chip.
I'm here to spread the gospel of freestyle nunchaku, pick up a few new poi/staff moves, and generally make friends with the many wonderful fire spinners from around the world who call this forum their online home.
darkness-beforeGOLD Member Rock is dead, long live paper and scissors 197 posts Location: The sea, United Kingdom
Posted: To HoP, Go the red dwarf! Hope you enjoy your stay.
"My hairs nice, my shoes are nice, I guess i'm just looking Nice. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!"
Eagles may soar but weasles don't get sucked into jet engines.
Telepath wanted, you know where to apply.
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