drvarietySILVER Member
75 posts
Location: Mission viejo CA, USA

So I was spinning this morning and started playing around with wraps where;

a) your in a hyperloop, then wrap the ends on the hand holding the individual poi (i.e. the right poi goes through the left poi, then goes back and wraps around the right arm, while the left poi ges through the right poi and wraps around the left arm)
b) you go into a wrap with the two poi not hyperlooped, but wrap them in such a way that when they come out of the wrap they are in hyperloop.

I was just wondering if anybody else has been experimenting with/already doing this. It seems like a cool concept that could create some very interesting patterns, and i was surprised that i couldnt find anything about it in my seaches.

So ya, anyone been playing around with these?

There is nothing to be afraid of. Virtual reality will eventually rehabilitate your mind and eventually your body. Everything will be allright, i promise. Just concentrate. Try some music.

shen shuiSILVER Member
no excuses. no apologies.
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Location: aotearoa, New Zealand

Yeah man this is a great idea! Totally develop your ability to manipulate your poi while they are tangled. Also check out some letting go of either(/both) poi while they are tangled like that.

Theres so much in this subsection of poi moves. Tangled poi rule. So does openhand - contact poi. Fascinating. Especially when you combine those three - tangles, throws, contact! Its so juicey.



those that know, dont say. those that say, dont know.

Invader XanSILVER Member
Your friendly neighbourhood mad scientist
479 posts
Location: Over the hills and far away, United Kingdom

Sounds kinda similar to a couple of tricks I've seen... Like wind ups and double hangman.

Nice to play with, that's for sure (even though I suck at both of them). I've been working on airwrap releases lately... Like, using an airwrap to throw a poi. Difficult, but fun.

"Love the art in yourself and not yourself in the art."
--Konstantin Stanislavisky

MolochSILVER Member
Shirt-Cocker Extraordinaire
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Location: Colorado, USA

Spinning both poi split time wall plane, intersect the poi at the middle, and right after they intersect bounce the poi off your wrists and out of the tangle? smile

1 post
Location: Sweden, Skåne

when we are now talking about hyperloops, I was just wondering if you must have ballchains when you do it?

My first poi was on thread and that did not go well. But now I have an ordinary chain but I cant distangle it when I try

Invader XanSILVER Member
Your friendly neighbourhood mad scientist
479 posts
Location: Over the hills and far away, United Kingdom

Learning hyperloops is easiest with sock poi (or so most people find). Once you get the hang of it with those, you shouldn't have any trouble hyperlooping with any kind of cords, chains, small animals, whatever. smile

"Love the art in yourself and not yourself in the art."
--Konstantin Stanislavisky

drvarietySILVER Member
75 posts
Location: Mission viejo CA, USA

Actually i found the easiest thing to learn hyperloops with was my glowsticks on shoestrings. Then again it seems every time i learn a new move i use the glowstrings instead of my socks....

There is nothing to be afraid of. Virtual reality will eventually rehabilitate your mind and eventually your body. Everything will be allright, i promise. Just concentrate. Try some music.

Invader XanSILVER Member
Your friendly neighbourhood mad scientist
479 posts
Location: Over the hills and far away, United Kingdom

Hey, whatever works best for you man. smile

That's what's cool about poi. Everyone finds their own favourite way of learning!

"Love the art in yourself and not yourself in the art."
--Konstantin Stanislavisky

DarkFyreBRONZE Member
HoP mage and keeper of the fireballs
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Location: Palmerston North, New Zealand

 Written by: Krolken

when we are now talking about hyperloops, I was just wondering if you must have ballchains when you do it?

My first poi was on thread and that did not go well. But now I have an ordinary chain but I cant distangle it when I try

Socks are probably the best toy for it.
If i you are doing it with fire then ball chain is the best but but it should still work with normal chains.
You just need to keep your hand spacing constant throught the move to prevent the chain sliping.
There is a difinate tendancy to slide one hand closer to the tangle point so if you avoid doing it then your hyperloops shoulf start happening properly.

May my balls of fire set your balls on fire devil

ImbalanceGOLD Member
not different, just not the same
263 posts
Location: Charlotte, NC, USA

Hyperloop and Airwrap wraps are quite fun to play with actually. I've only recently started really trying to do stuff with em and putting them together with other moves. Here's some stuff to try:

First should be understood that when I say hyperloop I mean the traditional wheelplane crosses in front of you via an inside, kind of hyperloop. Whereas an Airwrap is pretty much the normal wallplane type. A hyperloop is more or less an extended airwrap/tangle in a perpendicular to your body plane (usually).

Anyway, the same kind of hyperloop wrist wrap you are talking about can also be done off your biceps. Though i'm referring more to doing it airwrap in wallplane in front of you style. I've always loved bicep/arm/leg wraps or bounces and try to always find new ways to do them. Well this is a great way to pull one off that to a non spinner doesn't look TO much different than a normal bicep wrap but does yield an extra circle or two before reversing direction. These can also be done behind your back though its much more difficult.

It's also fun to play with these type of wraps by using different combinations of appendages to wrap off of. Like forearm of left arm and right thigh for example

You can also hyperloop/airwrap and bounce only one poi off an arm or bicep or whatever. Depending on where in the course of the airwrap you do this you can either pop right out of the airwrap and into normal butterfly time spinning or into a butterfly airwrap (butterfloop? Hyperfly?)

One thing I've been trying to toy with, without great success i must admit, is doing the above one poi bounce when in a hyperloop or airwrap then before the tangle can come undone bounce the same poi back into the original airwrap. Kinda feels/looks like a glowstringer move and very hard to time right (think i've done it like once successfully) but seems to be a workable concept and would look neatish...

Another idea involves using full body isolations (dunno that a term ever was decided on for isolating your body movement around where the poi is spinning, i'm gonna call it full body isolations). Basically start a hyperloop and keeping the poi's circle in the same place in space move YOURSELF 90 degrees to the side so you are in airwrap then bounce/wrap off your arms or whatever and continue on around the other side of the poi circle to exit the hyperloop. Pretty hard to do as fast as necessary but very possible. When done you end up spinning the in same direction (relative to you) that you started.

Everyone has probably seen spiral wraps and buzzsaw spiral wraps. Well if you start your airwrap/hyperloop up close to the handles you can drop into a spiral wrap (not a great one since you still have to have your hands apart a bit to allow for the tangle). But I really like the hyperloop spiral wrap combo. if you do it facing the audience then they can't really tell how far apart your hands are and it looks cool (I like buzzsaw spiral wraps anyways..) You can also do some cool flow reversals this way. I call it rewinding. do some series of moves (I recommend a traveling long arm pirouette into a weave (3 or 5 beat) then enter hyperloop, spiral wrap in hyperloop then exit back on the same side you entered the hyperloop from and then back into your weave to long arm pirouette. Basically its a cool way to do a series of moves up to the spiral wrap and then "rewind" that series.
EDITED_BY: Imbalance (1186252376)

I once learned every move that there was,
Every style, Every technique.
Then I woke up, and forgot it all,
So now I struggle to dream.

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