Forums > Technical Discussion > Anyone have any videos of beaming Poi? and whats your PoV?

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decemberscalmSILVER Member
49 posts
Location: Cypress (Houston), Texas, USA

As the title says. Does anyone have videos of beaming poi? Couldn't find any on youtube, yahoo, or google, and also couldn't find any threads with anything but images.

I'm thinking about buying them really soon, so if you want to voice your oppinnion on them go right ahead, I'm well aware I'd be investing in death balls. If your going to tell me anything, tell me how good they actually look (which is what I care about, not my future broken jaw ^_^)

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

I think they look really good.
They hurt if they hit you,
But they really do look great.

I ubblove my double ended beamers smile

I havent got any videos though - good question.

FelixwahSILVER Member
81 posts
Location: Norhwich/Manchester, United Kingdom

i have a pair, and i agree with UCOF very bright and nice to spin.

however i wouldnt recommend if your a begginer i have hit myself with them on the back of my leg at some speed and it really hurt, like it made me stop spinning. I think that they could actually knock someone out if you got hit in the head at speed. And they do make a nasty sound if you hit them together it makes you shudder like when you drop and acrylic onto concrete.

But the brightest glow poi for that price i have seen smile i would recommend them


GeezaGOLD Member
694 posts
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom

Are these what you mean -

Single 62mm contact juggling beaming ball

It says they are 4600mcd, the White LED lightwands are a lot brighter at 8000mcd.

Still id like to see videos of them aswell

decemberscalmSILVER Member
49 posts
Location: Cypress (Houston), Texas, USA

There are Beaming video's but they are all dead links.
Just ordered some, thanks for your input.

Mint SauceBRONZE Member
1,453 posts
Location: Lancs England

I dont like mine
far to heavy and not fun to spin
more dangerus than fire

before i met those lot i thought they'd be a bunch of dreadlocked hippies that smoked, set things on fire ,and drank a lot of tea but then when i met them....oh wait (PyroWill)

pricklyleafSILVER Member
with added berries
1,365 posts
Location: Manchester, England (UK)

I've had a go with beaming balls before.

And yes, I found them far to heavy and hard, like Toby says, far more scary than fire.

To be honest, I don't think they look *that* amazing. They were great when they were first made, and were about the only decent LED poi on the market, but, now, there is a lot more choice, (admittedly a lot of LED poi are still crap, but things are improving.). Personally, I'm saving up for some hyperlights biggrin

Live like there is no tomorrow,
dance like nobody is watching
and hula hoop like wiggling will save the world.

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

FelixwahSILVER Member
81 posts
Location: Norhwich/Manchester, United Kingdom

also be careful not to hit them together too hard i broke cap that holds the batteries in place on my previous pair had to do a botch job with cellotape smile

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

I love my beamers. Still, and Ive had them for about 4 - 5 years now.
Ive actually got double ended ones, half the original length (the cord is tied to a beamer, goes through the split ring of the other, then ties back on where it started).

They are beautiful ubblove

Mint SauceBRONZE Member
1,453 posts
Location: Lancs England

pah your just strange wink

but i did find these

[Old link]

[Old link]

[Old link]

[Old link]
EDITED_BY: Mint Sauce (1189607764)

before i met those lot i thought they'd be a bunch of dreadlocked hippies that smoked, set things on fire ,and drank a lot of tea but then when i met them....oh wait (PyroWill)

decemberscalmSILVER Member
49 posts
Location: Cypress (Houston), Texas, USA

I am a strong person, I could care less about the weight. I bought two large lanterns, attatched them to my friend's HOP bought nylon strings and spun them (ghetto fire poi). I stopped spinning them becuase, I know, one day I'd have the misfortune of breaking them on the ground, on each other, or even worse, my face. I'm not scarred of getting hurt, I've already hit myself in the face with the burning part of steel wool (ouch), and have injured myself multiple times dirt bike riding, which is usually far worse than losing my baby making ability (which I don't want anyways).

I've seen a few posters claim beamers don't actually look that good contrary to the majority of posts. If you think that, what looks better? I'm willing to invest in other poi as well.

I selected beamers on the basis of reliability as well as looks, as I've heard other LED poi that are more flashy than the norm, usually have problems.

And of course I'm going to buy hyperlights when they come out ^.^;

pricklyleafSILVER Member
with added berries
1,365 posts
Location: Manchester, England (UK)

Strength isn't really the issue. I'm strong enough to spin them, but it doesn't mean I want to! If I have a choice over lighter poi, where I feel I have more control over speed and plane, and with less effort (I'm lazy that way) then I would go for them. My attitude to injuring myself is, I would prefer not to, but it doesn't bother me much when I do, (believe me, you don't know pain until you've had pole dancing burns) (from a fitness/gymnastic style class I have to add). But yes, if I can, I would always go for the non-injuring option. Alas, I'm sane that way.

Below is a link closet to the poi I currently have. Only I have the 1st generation, and mine are much less fancy than the 4th generation. These have been the best glow poi I've found so far (I've tried quite a few), but, there are equally many I haven't tried yet.

In fact, have a look at the pictures in my gallery, thats what I used on nearly all the non-fire ones.

"which is far worse than losing my baby making ability"

Bet you wouldn't be saying that if you actually lost it and you saw a pretty girl/boy (delete appropriate if necessary!) wink

Quite frankly, unless you've got performances/photo shoots/something else really important coming up, I'd just wait for he month or two until hyperlights come out.

Anyway, stick some pictures up smile

Live like there is no tomorrow,
dance like nobody is watching
and hula hoop like wiggling will save the world.

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mint SauceBRONZE Member
1,453 posts
Location: Lancs England

thease are very nive and quite hard wareing

before i met those lot i thought they'd be a bunch of dreadlocked hippies that smoked, set things on fire ,and drank a lot of tea but then when i met them....oh wait (PyroWill)

decemberscalmSILVER Member
49 posts
Location: Cypress (Houston), Texas, USA

I love my beaming poi! ^_^ Only have had them for about an hour, and yet I made a video already, enjoy.

They are not as evil as I thought they would be, mabye thats becuase I spun lanterns O.O. They are actually quite light to me ^,^;

Alls well that ends well.

Invader XanSILVER Member
Your friendly neighbourhood mad scientist
479 posts
Location: Over the hills and far away, United Kingdom

Wow man, you're like a human disco light! biggrin

Those do look very cool actually. I'm now tempted to buy a set!

"Love the art in yourself and not yourself in the art."
--Konstantin Stanislavisky

Fire_MooseSILVER Member
Elusive and Bearded
3,597 posts
Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA

if i did poi, id get those.


Owned by Mynci!

GeezaGOLD Member
694 posts
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom

They look great, might get some of these instead of Hyperlights, what do you think?

Also whats the difference between these

Single 62mm contact juggling beaming ball £12.97

and these

Super bright, super hard! Stand out from the crowd! £9.68

They look the same, apart from the contact one doesnt have a loop and is mroe expensive?

Edit - also if they are so rock solid, cant you just wrap some bubble wrap around them so they wont hurt as much
EDITED_BY: Geeza (1190471021)

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

 Written by: Geeza

Also whats the difference between these
Single 62mm contact juggling beaming ball £12.97

and these

Super bright, super hard! Stand out from the crowd! £9.68

How is anyone going to know what products you are talking about? "Super bright, super hard! Stand out from the crowd!" that could be a set of poi, staff, diablo, devilstick, even a DVD. Post a link to them instead, at it will be much easier for people to understand what you are talking about. ubbrollsmile

 Written by: Geeza

Edit - also if they are so rock solid, cant you just wrap some bubble wrap around them so they wont hurt as much

Yes, you can. ubbrollsmile

GeezaGOLD Member
694 posts
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

Ah right, I gotcha. Thanks smile

yeah, basically, one is used for juggling or contact juggling, t'other is used to be attached to chains

juggle / weavesmiley

decemberscalmSILVER Member
49 posts
Location: Cypress (Houston), Texas, USA

I'd wait for hyperlights unless your planning to get both. Just to be cliche ^^.

GeezaGOLD Member
694 posts
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom

 Written by: UnderControlOrFailure

Ah right, I gotcha. Thanks smile

yeah, basically, one is used for juggling or contact juggling, t'other is used to be attached to chains

juggle / weavesmiley

so cant you chop the attatchment off and save £3.50 if you want to juggle / contact juggle confused

Im gonna wait till hyperlights as they are 'suppose' to be mid october sometime

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