Forums > Introductions > From the ashes comes the phenix, from the mud comes the lotus.........

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2 posts
Location: NZ

angel all things of beauty begin in the deep unknown, unable to see what reavalations lie ahead. this first post is the begining of something........... lets hope it is something beautifll! x

Fire_MooseSILVER Member
Elusive and Bearded
3,597 posts
Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA

Ya, the beginning of your addiction. I do disagreew ith you though, ALL things beautiful? what about a butterfly, or a diamond?........wait im not helping my case.

Anyways, welcome to HoP! Will you pass the Nutella please?


Owned by Mynci!

2 posts
Location: NZ

Shure........... oh no hang on, my hand is stuck in the jar Thanks for the welcom, and the warning, im not that big on addictions and i will be strict with rasoning myself to 10 mins per week if i can. this will be a chalange as i type very slowly........ you are right to questgion my bold opening statment but i have staired blankly at the screen trying to think of an example to contradict the thery, or something clever to say for 3mins now and spent a ferther 4mins typing so my weakly quota is allmost up and we are all none the wiser. i will try harder next week!

Kombi guyBRONZE Member
225 posts
Location: HOP Central, New Zealand

Hey K, you finally made it and even starting off in the right section, seeeee no worries eh....... So now that your here pull up a chair grab a cup of that ever so good Chai that you make and take a wander around saying hi to all the lovely hoppers that hang out here. ubbrollsmile hug ubbrollsmile

juggle weavesmiley juggle weavesmiley juggle

Happy twirling

EDITED_BY: Kombi guy (1197419087)

318 posts
Location: I am in a world you do not want to be, USA

Hiya.... welcome to the boards

Don't hate me because I am different, hate me because I still think I am better then you!

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

*rubs Nutella on your nipples as a baptism*

welcome to HoP and the Church of Nutella!


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

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