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Posted: all things of beauty begin in the deep unknown, unable to see what reavalations lie ahead. this first post is the begining of something........... lets hope it is something beautifll! x
Fire_MooseSILVER Member Elusive and Bearded 3,597 posts Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Posted: Ya, the beginning of your addiction. I do disagreew ith you though, ALL things beautiful? what about a butterfly, or a diamond?........wait im not helping my case.
Anyways, welcome to HoP! Will you pass the Nutella please?
Posted: Shure........... oh no hang on, my hand is stuck in the jar Thanks for the welcom, and the warning, im not that big on addictions and i will be strict with rasoning myself to 10 mins per week if i can. this will be a chalange as i type very slowly........ you are right to questgion my bold opening statment but i have staired blankly at the screen trying to think of an example to contradict the thery, or something clever to say for 3mins now and spent a ferther 4mins typing so my weakly quota is allmost up and we are all none the wiser. i will try harder next week!
Kombi guyBRONZE Member HOP OM 225 posts Location: HOP Central, New Zealand
Posted: Hey K, you finally made it and even starting off in the right section, seeeee no worries eh....... So now that your here pull up a chair grab a cup of that ever so good Chai that you make and take a wander around saying hi to all the lovely hoppers that hang out here.
Happy twirling
Chris. EDITED_BY: Kombi guy (1197419087)
ACTSILVER Member enthusiast 318 posts Location: I am in a world you do not want to be, USA
Posted: Hiya.... welcome to the boards
Don't hate me because I am different, hate me because I still think I am better then you!
MikeGinnyGOLD Member HOP Mad Doctor 13,925 posts Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
Posted: *rubs Nutella on your nipples as a baptism*
to HoP and the Church of Nutella!
Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella
A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura
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