Written by: Ry
I've been exploring this site a bit lately, and have decided everyone seems like a nice bunch- thought it's about time I said hello. Ryan, 24, born in Singapore, but Brisbane Australia has been home to me for the past 3 years.
I love photography, playing the guitar (if one took a picture of me with my guitar, it looks like I'm playing it- does that count?), getting from point A to B on my trusty mountain bike, inline skating and hockey, occasionally rockclimbing, and just being in good company. I'd also like to add poiing to the list when I stop hitting myself senseless.
Irrelevantly, my two favourite words (I've got heaps if anyone's interested) are 'balletic' and 'dulcet'. 'Balletic', unfortunately, isn't a word I'd use to describe anything I can do, and 'dulcet' is a word I haven't dreamt of aspiring towards yet.
Enough for now, don't be strangers!![]()
Proud Co-Owner of PoiBoi
Owned by J.A.C
Lets steal a spaceship and head for the sun, and shoot the stars with a lemonade ray gun.
Lets steal a spaceship and head for the sun, and shoot the stars with a lemonade ray gun.
Lets steal a spaceship and head for the sun, and shoot the stars with a lemonade ray gun.
.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....
Lets steal a spaceship and head for the sun, and shoot the stars with a lemonade ray gun.
Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always
Proud Co-Owner of PoiBoi
Owned by J.A.C
.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....