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stickmanWorld Champ Procrastinator
580 posts
Location: ||...lost...||

frown hi there,

hey, is there anyone on HOP who is currently or shortly will be living in holland? just moved back home and i havent found the spinning community yet confused

spinning on my own is fun, but, ya know, i gotsta find some, umm, colleagues (?).. identify yourselves! im lonely ubbcrying beerchug

Essiej_ElectraSILVER Member
4 posts
Location: Netherlands

You're right Anonomatos...
This topic is deserted.

Haven't been making a lot of progress with my spinning lately either frown
Are there no plans to meet up (apart from the Ameland weekend)??


"in the future everyone will be world-famous for fifteen minutes"

FlecolanGOLD Member
42 posts
Location: -

Hey, im looking for some advanced spinners who can learn me some stuff, anyone up for a meeting sometime?

FlecolanGOLD Member
42 posts
Location: -

anyone here? tongue2

anonomatosGOLD Member
389 posts
Location: Utrecht [NL], Netherlands

This place is still pretty much deserted. Hey, it's winter time, what do you expect? ;-)

If anyone wants to meet up just give a shout, we could organise a (small) meeting in Utrecht or Amsterdam!

"Don’t know how long, this one’s gonna take;
I could fail, but I’d rather be a fuckup, than a fake"

Jacco_GrebeGOLD Member
1 post
Location: Netherlands

4th of April: Poi'n da Park (Rotterdam Euromast)

organized by POIONLY it's a workshop thingy for a good cause
(make a wish foundation) but we can probably also just meet and spin along....?

anonomatosGOLD Member
389 posts
Location: Utrecht [NL], Netherlands

Sounds great indeed! I'll put it in my agenda...

"Don’t know how long, this one’s gonna take;
I could fail, but I’d rather be a fuckup, than a fake"

BekarPLATINUM Member
Best fire theatre of BY, PL and UA in 2007, Bychyna competition
54 posts
Location: Minsk, Belarus

Originally Posted By: InI'm going to stay in Eindhoven for 3 months starting from the end of April. Any poi spinners there? I am originally from Lithuania.

Ho-ho-ho, Me and my fire-theatre are going to be and to perform in Eindhoven at the end of april, 27-30, I think.

I will be extremely glad to meet You there. We will perform in Eindhoven OpenAir Museum.

we are

And we are originally from Belarus! 8)

Isn't it really funny: Baltic people will meet in NL! 8)

Best Regards,
Open Air medieval Theatre
"DiGrease's Buffoon Theatre"
phone: +375 29 5076263
Minsk, Belarus

Best Regards, Aliaksej <span style="font-weight: bold">"Bekar"</span> Burnosenka,<br />Fire and Medieval Theatre <span style="font-weight: bold"> "DiGrease's Buffoon Theatre"</span> <br /> <br />e-mail:<br />phone: +375 29 5076263<br />Minsk, Belarus

FlecolanGOLD Member
42 posts
Location: -

Originally Posted By: Jacco_Grebe4th of April: Poi'n da Park (Rotterdam Euromast)

organized by POIONLY it's a workshop thingy for a good cause
(make a wish foundation) but we can probably also just meet and spin along....?

I'll certainly be there^^

104 posts
Location: den bosch

hey peepz,
i haven't been here in a while, how's all?
i've moved to a new place, and i live next to a park! w00tw00t!;t=h&z=16
sooo, i was thinking, shall we organize a big dutch HOP meet in den bosch? like, in a month or so? in april, that is?
i'd like to ^^

we could meet up in the park, and go eat at my place (I'll cook, vegetarian, or even vegan if requested), afterwhich we play some more in the park?

let me know, and let's pick dates!

april sundays: 5, 12, 19, 26, i'm up for all of them...

hakuna matata- rafiki (the lion king baboon)

FlecolanGOLD Member
42 posts
Location: -

Sounds nice, maybe i can bring some peeps. Im alway's available exept on the 26th tongue2

104 posts
Location: den bosch

well, we still have 5, 12, and 19!
respond people, or I start sending pm's!

hakuna matata- rafiki (the lion king baboon)

anonomatosGOLD Member
389 posts
Location: Utrecht [NL], Netherlands

sounds nice indeed. 5,12 or 19th is good i guess :-)
i'd bring some peepz too!

"Don’t know how long, this one’s gonna take;
I could fail, but I’d rather be a fuckup, than a fake"

513 posts
Location: Netherlands - Breda

*earth trembles*
*strange noises fly through the air*
*and all of a sudden, one of the old creatures Awakes From The Death!!!*

-cough- Hello peeps, that's quite an age ago that I was here...
thnx for your text message Punky smile!

Anyhows, meeting sounds good, weather is getting definately more poiable, so... 5 / 12 / 19 is would be fine for me!

Shall we pinpoint a date, so it's easier to invite people? Since the 12th is Easter, I would say either 5 or 19, and my vote is for the 5th!

Hope to see y'all soon!

|| "Is True Mastery of the Elements But a Dream?" ||

465 posts
Location: Netherlands

*crawls out of a corner, covered with dust.*

I can come on the 12th and the 19 th....

Hmm, there's gotta be something round and shiny, I can play with

104 posts
Location: den bosch

well, tbh i'd think the 19th would be better, since we are able to invite more people, and people have more chance to keep it free in their agendas...

so, i'll be bold, and set the date:

sunday 19th of april
13:00 zuiderpark Den Bosch
12:30 Den Bosch CS (for the DB n00bs, i'll show the way and carry all equipment in my bakfiets...)
bring all poi/juggling friends, all your equipment, and all your good moods!
send a mail to, 'cause i want to know how much to cook. i will cook vegetarian, if requested by somebody i'll cook vegan.

well, thats it! spread the word, tell your friends and foes, and see ya there!

hakuna matata- rafiki (the lion king baboon)

FlecolanGOLD Member
42 posts
Location: -

Then its settled^^. Ill try to bring some guys from the poimeetingsnl forum smile.

513 posts
Location: Netherlands - Breda

Alrighty, good work smile! We can still do stuff angel!

Anyhows, 19th is jotted down in my agenda! (and punky, I would love to test your haute cuisine skills!)

I posted an invitation on two poi-hyves too btw, and I promised the people over there a free workshop (poi/staff/double staff | beginners / advanced), so if anyone over here is interested; let me know!

|| "Is True Mastery of the Elements But a Dream?" ||

FlecolanGOLD Member
42 posts
Location: -

shocked I'd like to learn some double staff^^

In return I could teach people some poi moves smile

465 posts
Location: Netherlands

Jup, coming!

Not going to eat with you guys, though.
I'll probably head back at 17:00

Hmm, there's gotta be something round and shiny, I can play with

FlecolanGOLD Member
42 posts
Location: -

I asked around at the poimeetingsnl forum. And I managed to drag about 4 extra people to the meeting. Maybe more will come, time will tell.

ComaSILVER Member
28 posts
Location: Netherlands

I'm in!!

513 posts
Location: Netherlands - Breda


A short update on the meeting; it's going quite well since already 25 man is planning to visit the meeting! I think it will become the largest poi meeting in NL ever, whoohoo!

I got one little tip though; to keep communication central, fast and easy, I would like to invite you all to join the (Dutch) poi hyves (
There is a thread about this meeting with all / more details here(

Furthermore; since it is possible to send out group mailings to all members, a lot more people can be reached with a single message (currently 283 members). This makes it easy to organise better & larger meetings, and is handy for quite some lazy-ass HoPpers that aren't visiting the forum too often.


See you there?!

|| "Is True Mastery of the Elements But a Dream?" ||

465 posts
Location: Netherlands

Kan wel spul meenemen voor een CJ workshop als dat gewaardeerd wordt

Hmm, there's gotta be something round and shiny, I can play with

FlecolanGOLD Member
42 posts
Location: -

Oh dat wordt wel zeker gewaardeerd^^. Ik heb een tydje terug een contact ball aangeschaft, maar het wil niet echt lukken nog.

513 posts
Location: Netherlands - Breda

Yupz, ik denk dat dat zeker leuk is!

*switching back to english :-p!*

I will throw together a e-flyer with a little indicative time-schedule, and will definately put the CJ workshop on it then!

Any idea how long it will amuse people? 45 minutes?

|| "Is True Mastery of the Elements But a Dream?" ||

3 posts

Hi all! Any HOPers living in Amsterdam NL willing to train a newby? Weather's gorgeous in the Rembrandtpark.
I feel the fire in my veins but have no idea how to swirl a flame! (probably best to start with a pair of socks, though).
Hope to hear from you.

3 posts

how long does it take for your posts to appear? frown

513 posts
Location: Netherlands - Breda

Hey DesiFlame!

welcome here! This thread was once buzzing with activity, but currently it is only just awaking from winter-hibernation :-). Do you speak dutch? Then this hyve is a nice addition to HoP and a more active place to find meetings...

Anyhow, there is definately some spinning activity in Amsterdam, but currently not too organised I'm afraid...

Ehmz, what might be a nice idea is to visit our lovely 19th of april meeting in Den Bosch. It's an hour by train, and over there you will find the largest poi meeting in the NL ever with around 40 spinners (newby to advanced)!

Actually you gave me an idea; Since I see / receive questions about spinners in the region of whatever more often, I'll create (for the 19 april meeting) a list for people to indicate that they would like to spin in a certain city more often, and give them the opportunity to get to know eachother a bit during the meeting.


|| "Is True Mastery of the Elements But a Dream?" ||

FlecolanGOLD Member
42 posts
Location: -

Thats a really good idea^^. Maybe its nice to make some sort of digital map of holland with the names of all spinners pointed out on where they live. It would be a great way to find spinners in your neighbourhood smile.

3 posts

That would be great. I'm sure there's loads more people in NL that would be interested but do not yet know of this forum and the hyve. Yep, I already joined the hyve but I'm afraid I can't make it the 19th.
I'll keep an eye out and will rely on youtube until the next meeting smile
What's your opinion on the best starter material- socks or tennis balls?

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