Forums > Meet Others > moving to guildhall university so wondering if there is anyone near moorgate?

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brittleGOLD Member
131 posts
Location: leicester, uk

Hey all, just wondering if there is anyone near the EC2 area in london or with easy access from the tube?
moving to Guildhall school of music and drama in 10 days so would be awesome to meet up with some people


What to do in case of fire??? LET IT BURN!

Bear1970SILVER Member
Huggy Tart
233 posts
Location: Londinium, United Kingdom

You'll be wanting to go to Spinning@ on Heneage Street I reckon!!

I still haven't been there myself yet but I understand it's on a Tuesday night at 7pm!! There's a thread somewhere!! wink

I am hungry, I am incorrigible, I AM MAN!!

brittleGOLD Member
131 posts
Location: leicester, uk

cheers =)
ill try and find it

just found out that my flats on the top floor, and heard on the grapevine from students last year i have easy access to the roof, think ill avoid too much staff though =P

What to do in case of fire??? LET IT BURN!

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