StuartMacleod_monkeyamazing artist
21 posts
Location: Glasgow

Hi my name is Stuart

this is parragraph rougly following the suggested content

I am from glasgow and untill this september i will be staying in glasgow.
After September i am off to university in dundee. My birthday is the 27th of april 1991, and for those that cant count that currently makes me 18(oh thats also a number..mmmh you will just have to get someone to tell u what that means) further more i am a tuarus with virgo rising. I have no occupation as I am stil in education. I currently study art at the glasgow school of art, after which I will then go to uni to study computer arts.

swallow? = african or european?

my hobbies are drawing painting/drawing gameing reading and comics
favourite movies are fightclub, dead leaves, immortal, Pans labyrinth, ckerks, cloverfeild, hulk, ironman, batman.

godzilla obviosly beats the star destroyer as godizilla is epic, and made of rubber. Rubber is very durrable and far more than substantial then pixals. now consider it this way if i threw with equal force a man in a rubber suit or some pixals what would hurt most? man in rubber suit. Therfore godzilla wins. also godzilla has the motivation of being a mother who will do anything to protect her baby

When i grow up i want to be with cool peaple who are happy (peaple who dont grow up) I will be working freelance as an artist getting regular jobs for dc, marval, image and dark horse. I'll be the lead artist on a handfull of pixar films which will be fantastic as I wil corrupt disneys vile plans into something amazing. I will also be happy and contented live a relitivly minimal life thats focussed. Spining poi will always be the escape and release from my hard life of inteanse play for money (which is nessary) I also want to meet other peaple who do what they do pationatly and ther is a lot of that in poi.
I like lots of music but if u want more specific info i like metal and industrial, game soundtrakes and funny music.
judas preist
heavan and hell
static x
Unreal tournament (game)
Mindless Self Indulgence
They might be giants
queens of the stone age
A bilion other things i didn't think of
also open minded if u have music u think is cool i will listen happily.
your bum looks huge because your obsessed with ice cream and nutella.
but if you are going to cry cos u feel guilty that i wont condone ur over eating by takeing part, i will have a nutella covered chunky monkey with a flake please.

fyi i am dyslexic so spelling mistake have happend and will happen . I will try to be legible but, no amount of abuse or flameing will cure my dyslexia. It will just make you look stupid and ignorant and i dont want you to do that to your self cos i like u. Peaple like you and you dont have to act up and exhibate bad behavour to get attention. We are here for you.:)

StuartMacleod_monkeyamazing artist
21 posts
Location: Glasgow

whoops forgot whoops forgot toys
i have tail poi
flag poi
many glow poi
cone poi
a glow staff
glowing sock poi
real made of sock sock poi
fire poi
a couple of pairs of brocken poi
contact juggling balls
juglling balls

StuartMacleod_monkeyamazing artist
21 posts
Location: Glasgow

oh also forgot to say that
I have been spinning for 2 or 3 years
i had an acount here a long time ago ssomething like omegamonkey or om monk. I forgot about it and realy didn't do much in it.
I realy want to get in touch with brit spinners especialy scotish and liveing near me.

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

Welcome to HoP!

Avoid the squirrels, they tend to snap at newcomers ever since people used them as poi.

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

StuartMacleod_monkeyamazing artist
21 posts
Location: Glasgow

I have been in some very stupid flame wars on forums but tbh it is just a warning for other peaple and if peaple find it illegeble then i will try and say it a differant way. The rest was just humor. I actuely speed read but, sometimes what type or write falls significabtly short of what i wish to convey. Thanks for the support. Interesting to hear about your ex_work freind.
I dont expect any problems on this forum. lol

To aston
I know i was there.
i used grey squirles because they are fair game in brition. reds are tooo cute/endangered to spin.
a mouthfull of nuts (not mine) makes them usable reusable as practice poi try it.

Seaspraystranger by the day
924 posts
Location: At the Back of the North Wind

Heya! Nice to meetcha

I also approve highly of your spinning policy re Squirrels...

Little grey buggers

Just a dancer in the dark

StuartMacleod_monkeyamazing artist
21 posts
Location: Glasgow

poi spinners save red squirle lol

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