Forums > Social Chat > Myanmar (Burma) Performer Seeking to Travel the World!

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myanmarflowSILVER Member
1 post
Location: Thailand

I am a primary school teacher here in Myanmar. I'm also an avid poi spinner, buugeng manipulator, and juggler. If anyone plans to visit Myanmar in the next 2-4 years, I will be here and would love to meet you! For now, I'm trying to win round the world trip tickets in order to meet all of you whilst spreading the joy of these three performance arts!

Maybe this video will inspire you to visit me, or inspire you to help me win this silly contest I've gotten my head all wrapped around. All the same, I hope you enjoy it and I hope you come and visit me. So far, I have found that I really am the only poi spinner in the whole city... but I'm still searching!

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