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KiM231GOLD Member
8 posts
Location: Japan Chiba

Hi, I'm KiM . I uploaded new performance video laugh3

I used pendulum poi and light poi !

please enjoy:D

Trybal WolfSILVER Member
Wolf Furry
517 posts
Location: Earth, USA

Nice spinning. That's Micheal Meets Mozart by The Piano Guys correct? I totally dig their music!

Have you done any martial arts training, if so what discipline? I thought I saw some elements of Wushu in your spinning.

Keep it up. Peace and Light.

I'd rather die on paws, than live on feet.

29 posts
Location: Belgium

I don't see any wushu elements or martial arts.
He's just moving.
there is just some contemporary dance move but basic.

and for Kim now, you're amazing man there is a lot of very cool manip and your flow is just perfect.

just a question why do you not play three poi??

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