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Profile for RainbowPeacock

Registered on: 30th Mar 2010
Total posts: 4

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Last Forum Posts

The best authors on this topic are Robert Monroe and Robert Bruce - you can find their books on Amazon - or check free videos on youtube. There are hemi-sync/binaural beats CDs/videos a...

You can buy water-based body-paint in any theatre make up store or online from Kryolan, Snazaroo, Wolfe, Paradise etc etc Cakes are way easier to work with then liquids. Kryolan and Wol...

Non-flammable body-paint brands - Kryolan. Snazaroo, Wolfe, Paradise - whatever else you can find WATERBASED in your local costume/theatre make up store. My problem with painting dancer...

Follow your Friends

Flow Neko
show leds
Chain Staff Pause
Fancy Fire
Beach Poi
steam saltimbanque
Daemon Power!!!
Flowers under the  Milky Way
Skys sunset silhouette
My own mind
View from above
World of magic
Frosted Fairy
Spinning under the stars
Double take
Whurl Of Fire
Through the fire and the flames
Fire Poi
Summer Chestrolls
My first homemade chains
Hopping dog lol
Buzzsaw Beauties
Feel the hoop, love the hoop
Never look back
Black and White Simplicity
Late night poi sesh
Falling Halo
Michigan sand dunes
is on top of a fire work obscure enough?

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