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Profile for Batwalker

BRONZE Member since Aug 2004
Registered on: 17th Aug 2004
Total posts: 50

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Last Forum Posts

Moved back to Malvern earlier this year and was wondering if there are any spinners in the area?I spin poi, but I am very rusty. Would be great to meet up with other spinners

I've put this post up as I am on a board for a charity that helps people with communication difficulties to get together. It is called 1Voice and I am part of the West Midlands branch. ...

Name: Gemma EardleyLocation: Worcester UKHometown: Pembrokeshire, WalesBirthday (sign?): 25th MarchAge: 27Sex: FemaleOccupation(s): Assitive Technology Engineer - (Communication aids -...

Follow your Friends

Feelin the love at Friendsgiving 2015
Lost in Sepia
Steel Wool Wonderland
The Illusionist
Feelin it
Create your own light!
bellydance on fire
Dimensional Dancing
Find you balance
Artistic Love
Fly Away
What ball
Fan of lyra
Trusting the Toss
Winter Queen
In the center of Prague, Czech Republic
Circusing Explosion!
Hooping through the Wormhole
Praise the magical Hoop!
A Tanoura dance
Fire Goddess Jessie
Black & White
Rion Fish
Yufi.Zongler.CZ - Fear of fear - Strach ze strachu
Fire Queen

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