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Profile for FoxFire

Registered on: 13th Jan 2002
Total posts: 90

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Last Forum Posts

*is getting ready for family to come over*And here I was planning on trying to get myself back into shape and out of bad habits! Oh well, guess it'll have to wait 'till after Christmas...

until you've worked on a 220V outlet that you *thought* had no power to it...My boss did that. The power also welded a pair of pliers (that was in his hand) to a nearby stove that he h...

Makes me remember the thing on Discovery or TLC about the woman who was "out" but conscious during her operation and could hear, smell, and feel everything that went on, even reciting c...

Follow your Friends

Cyrwheel smile
fire bender
Red ridding hood
Give me your hand
Fire caving!
Glow point in the trees
dragon staff single
Elements-Fire on the Water
Hidden Spinner
Stepping into 2022
Lean Back
Es Vedra
Straight from the top of the dome
Fire Skirt
Rings of Fury
Farralis Fire Fans
It needs more...  Fire
Rave Spiral
Dancing with Joy
Here comes the Plume!!
Fire painting
Phoenix Space
Flowlights 3
Rave Ninja
Magic Hands

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