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Profile for Mark Jackson

Mark Jackson
SILVER Member since May 2012
Registered on: 9th May 2012
Total posts: 2

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Last Forum Posts

We can all agree that spinning poi is really fun and there are so many styles out there, but one place I don't see enough people exploring is under the legs. Almost every motion that yo...

Favourite moves are definitely all things under the legs. In particular there is a move I can do that goes from BTB to the front but under the legs and then back. Not sure what its call...

Follow your Friends

monster man pic
Throwing my poi in thailand
Poi noir
Heart of fire
Finding my light
Fire Eating at Granby Theater
Fire and ice
Green light of the night
Burning Hands
Spiny Spinny
La Flamo
Elder Dragon
Dreadful Bass
Stalls of Love
Phased out
Get level & smile
No legs
Bradenton Hoop c:
Prometheus Ascending
Ghosts in the Forrest
Infinity snake!!!!
Just a casual Sunday Afternoon
Push the staff
War knows no colours except black - not even white

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