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Profile for Mtnsailor7

SILVER Member since Sep 2012
Registered on: 19th Sep 2012
Total posts: 6

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Last Forum Posts

At the beach, I like to make a circle about five feet wide and just spin away in that circle (although I don't always stay in the circle). Where I am now, there is this bar with an out ...

I dont think the poi need to be different lenghths. I have the poi handles in my palm, on extending on the pinky side, the other between my thumb and forefinger. It is alot like the r...

I'd say progress, as in mastering a move/pattern, should be messured in weeks. Variety helps keep you sane Don't be afraid of going back to the basics, even if you are into the advanc...


Pair of Styled Foxy Sock Poi with Carry Bag  
16th March, 2015
Brilliant colors
"It is a nice lighter weight set with some stretch and spring to them. I like to tie some loops in for handles. What I was mostly impressed with was the rich colors! The picture did not do it justice."
Shane, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Sep 2012

Pair of Pro Flex Contact Poi  
30th October, 2014
Now I need my own set
"These were actually for my roommate. He let me try them out and now I'm thinking I need to get myself a set of contact poi! My roommate is just starting to spin and I see him practicing with this set just about every day!"
Shane, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Sep 2012

Pair of Sock Poi with Carry Bag  
30th October, 2014
Unexpected spring
"They have a good flow and I like being able to change the weights. I was not expecting them to stretch as much as they do but it's something fun to mess around with I guess. It is now my go-to set when someone wants to try out poi."
Shane, USA.   [Verified Buyer]
SILVER Member since Sep 2012

Follow your Friends

One Leg Cascade
Sexy Fire Hooping? ;P
Spark of Life
Double staff fury
Buzzsaw fountain
Spin off into the night sky
Eternal Sunshine
A world of magic...
Hawaiian Sunset Glory
Rotorua Glo Festival
desert fire
💚🔥 Crazy Amber Rain 🔥💚
Happiness in Flow
Fire Wings
Spiraling Flame
Hula Hoop Vortex
Beauty in still flame
Look Ma No Hands!!
Angel of fire
Flower Power
Backbend sunset
NLQ Beach
magic  orbital
I could just float away

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