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Profile for entheogen

GOLD Member since Mar 2005
Registered on: 3rd Mar 2005
Total posts: 173

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Last Forum Posts

Here's our new practice video, edited by Josh and featuring products from Gora fire toys, the inventors or the dragonstaff. Enjoy!

From my understanding of it one of the angel rolls pops up higher than the other. You can basically angel roll one where just the bottom tip passes accross the shoulders, allowing plen...

Funny Tim, most of the beginner staff jugglers I've met dont bother to start with side swaps at all. Inside cascade, french or antti style, outside cascade, half shower and logics are ...

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Staff Infection
Long exposure R2D2
Fire staff
Ninja Fountain Staff
Partners in crime :-
Sock Poi in a fashion parade!!
Spinning From the Heart
Crowd pleaser
Into the words
storms and glow
Beach zen
sacred circle on my mind
With Very Warm Aloha!
Eyes on fire
Fire Dragon
Fire Fall
Fire Fan Girl
Forest Witch
The Ballerina
Fire fans and horses
Twirlin Diva
foot fan
switch on
Dances with Fire
Plant a Demon Seed and Raise a Flower of Fire

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