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Profile for greyedge

SILVER Member since Mar 2005
Registered on: 27th Mar 2005
Total posts: 38

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Last Forum Posts

Yes, that is the same thing... if anyone has a location to buy Burning Man pendants, that would work too...

I was wondering if anyone had a location on the web to purchase a fire poi or flame necklace? I have one that I bought from Luxotica over a year ago, but it's looking really bad because...

I'm definitely going to Burning Man this year. I'm going to be at Camp Burning Cloud (8:45 and Fetish).Since this is going to be my first burn, I will be at all of the virgin festivitie...

Follow your Friends

Mask and flame
Relaxed spring
Double trouble
Hoop Girrl
Rings of Saturn
Oh Wow!
Dark Cabaret
Pixel flow
fan-cy smile
Sunshine Daydream
In flame
Water Fire KC
Harvest Moon Hooplah
Gotta Catch Em All
Shes so high above me
Swan Dive
Celtic Spirals
Body Burning
LED nurse
The Ring Of Fire
Rainbow Slinky!
Fire works
the dragon
4 poi
Monkeyfist flower
Lakeside Play
Primitive Flowlights

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