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Profile for jeff(fake)

Scientist of Fortune
Registered on: 14th Apr 2005
Total posts: 1,189

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Last Forum Posts

 Written by :ben-ja-men Written by :onewheeldaveperhaps you can be more inclined to question whether it's the legal system that's dumb, or the people who've just posted it. ...

 Written by :Rouge DragonSo because I think people are stupid therefore I believed the awards I'm going to exit the gene pool? Woah. Overkill much? Plus I wouldn't call Ben dumb. H...

 Written by :faithinfireThen doesn't it stand the guns don't make the violence anyways. So what's the problem I'm sorry, but for the life of me I can't make head nor tail of your l...

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My date with the flames
Stretchy Spiral Wrap
flow love
Space Portals
Pendulum flower
Bendy Poi
Mt Everest, From Kalapatar, Nepal
Hooping Fire Flower
Just a girl and her stick
Double LED Hoop Love
My heritage, Change (Both designed by me)
Fire and Ice
Siva Afi
Eclipsing hoop
Oh That Were I Bit Too Close...
Smart hoop flow
Epic rule
Engulfed in fire
winter rain
Dance with fire
Pyros, IGNITE!
freaky styley
Killian- Age 5
Colour Hoop Fantastic Frenzy
Prized treasure dont touch!

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