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Profile for Element.Evil

Registered on: 15th Apr 2005
Total posts: 4

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Last Forum Posts

soz for the newbie question but er are fyre poi a lot heavyer than tennis ball poi??, (i assume so)

lol ive probably met some of you guys and not known it lol. anyone hear know justice lol.... **looks under rock**

Cheers people am reading this stuff and soaking up the knowlege lol... am currently in my room practicing the arm movements for the windmill and some wraps... will try moving onto flowe...

Follow your Friends

Fire in LED
Belly Dancer Butterfly Wings
dreaming with my phoenix staff
Sewer Reflection
City Hall Circles
Excitement after clean 9 ball flash
🔥Gypsy wind is blowing warm tonight🔮
hooping in Paris
Wheel of fire
you can	 beat me
Passing through the sunset
Caught in the fire
Flaming joy
Burning Desire
Taking flight - brides hyperlights
Circus waterfall sleeve
scientist flow
Fire Poi
3 Leaf Clover
Buugeng Baby!
Who needs hands anyway
LED for the win
Two Balls
The world in my hand.
Playing with my beautiful balls..

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