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Profile for John Netterwald

John Netterwald
Registered on: 24th Apr 2002
Total posts: 4

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Last Forum Posts

I was in the Austin Area mostly. Check out www.Tcof.org to see our old crew There are many many more now spinning there. Amazing tribe. I'm John.N in the members area.

Greetings, I'm a transplant from Texas very eager to get back into the fire spinning and poi scene. In texas poi and fire performers were very tribal and if I'm not mistaken are tribal...

Austin is definitely a pretty neat scene, at least as far as Fire spinning goes. The land and the people that really consider themselves texans leave a little something to be desired.....

Follow your Friends

Poi is where the heart is
The Fire Around Me Creates the Fire Within Me
Rope light
Feeling the fire
Mask man
Rise & Shine
Demons around us
Fire on the water
Fire flower
Hoop Wedgies Onstage
Sacred spiral fire therapy
life is a ravers dream
The Merman
Koh rong sunset flow
flame staff
Poi By The Water
The Fire Eater
Flaming Buggeng
Lift off
Fire Palm Fairy.
Ladies of the Lake, Hail Mayhem!
GMR Silhouette
Gotta Catch Em All
Rope dart vibes
hoop trick
Lose Yourself, Find Your Self

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