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Profile for dig_for_fire

Registered on: 7th May 2002
Total posts: 7

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Last Forum Posts

...along the lines of spinning to music: you've fantasized about twirling to 'I'm Your Venus' (the bananarama version, of course) or 'disco inferno'

the direct action sabo-kitty on my wrist. it also symbolizes my beloved black cat, wooby, who mysteriously disappeared after 12 years....she was such a badass.

hi rozthanks for the info...that definitely helps!! it's interesting to see the changes a particular art goes through among various people.let's just hope i get my paper done in time be...

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Behind the back
Fire joy
Inner space
I ♡ Fire
[M]ikien & San[d]ina - Hug !!!
The puppeteer and his puppet
Fire backbend
flame fans
World of magic
We may be princesses, but we fight our own dragons
Live Art
Into the woods
Let the wand flow
Helping the derp by derping around
Fire twirling zombie nurse
Fashion Fire
Hallgrímskirkja Cathedral - Iceland
Evanna poi
Wandering amongst the trees.
Outlaw Nights
Princess Mescaline.
The red brings out my in demons
Share the fire in your heart
Becoming One
Gypsea On Fire
Lotus flames in blue

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