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Profile for Willow Cornelius

Willow Cornelius
BRONZE Member since Mar 2015
Registered on: 13th Mar 2015


The Swordsman

Follow your Friends

Merman gone Rogue
fire and water
Bright Life
pop up poi with better lights :-)
Poi Portal
Arm on fire
Pyro in life and death
Hearts of Fire
Balance in Motion
Purple haze
Cathedral orb
Hotter than fire
Fire n ice
Top of my head
Night of the Burn, Burning Man, Nevada
poi wedding spinning
Through fire and flames
ring of light
Snake fire poï Pouick²
Aurora Flairs Ending
Prop? I AM the prop!
Into the Dark
finding balance at the edge of the continent
Black Pulcinella
Two leaf clover.
burning clown

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